Hey, Mommas,
How are you holding up? Your life may be filled with so many emotions on a daily basis right now. Every day is a question mark. Will the kids be going to school today? Do they have everything they need for school? Do they have everything they need at home? Did they remember a mask? Will the computer ruin their eyes? Give them headaches? Will they be safe if I send them to the store? SO many questions. So many deeper questions.
So many we don’t have the answers to. Our lives have become fluid. We have to be flexible to be able to go through the waves of life. And sure, we can all do this for SOME time but after a while we want stability. We want something we can rely on, something constant.
This was me, two years ago when my second daughter was born 3 months early.
As a NICU mom, I was scared for my child’s life on the daily. I never know when I would get the call that contained horrible news. I’ve seen her stop breathing too many times to count.
The life you knew and what we expected was now filled with eating out, driving to and from the hospital, learning new hospital lingo and machines, scrubbing your hands and then using hand sanitizer, visiting your baby whom you may or may not be able to hold at the time, using hand sanitizer every time you go to touch your child, asking to hold your baby, having to pump every 3 hours, spending as much quality time with your older child, sleep, etc. Your brain doesn’t have any room to think of anything else, just the information that is important.
Is your brain at that stage? Are you exhausted? Do you need a break?
When I read Matthew 6:34- “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I hear God telling me, “Take a break. Don’t worry about the stress of the future. I have it in control. All you need to do is worry about today.”
Earlier in chapter 6 verse 26, he says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”. Sometimes we focus on the big picture that we have no control over and it weighs us down. We take the stress, place it on our shoulders and forget to see all of the blessings we have right in front of us: A house, food, clothes, children, family, health, life, fingernails, and socks. The last two may sound silly but if you didn’t have them, you probably would wish you did.When stressed, I read those verses. It reminds me to take a step back and realize, this is how we are supposed to live. Not knowing or thinking about the worries of tomorrow. Yet, focusing on today and how we can live our life for God.
One day at a time.
Before our NICU experience, I would imagine what kind of Mom I wanted to be. How I wanted to give my children bible lessons on a daily basis and raise them to memorize verses. Yet, as I would keep thinking about those goals, I wouldn’t take steps to reach them. They were always in the future. The NICU event taught me to stop, slow down, and take action for today.
Now, don’t get me wrong- I definitely think it is wonderful to have goals, but not to let them ONLY be goals. Try to focus on what we can do today to better the world, better our families, better ourselves. Put it into action. As the sayings go, “It starts at home” and “be the change you want to see”. So hopefully, through all this chaos we can slow down and allow ourselves to be fluid, to take each event as it comes at us. See the unexpected as expected right now (don’t worry, all things do eventually settle down).
When we grieve the “normal”/safety net we once knew, we can make the mind shift to slow down and focus on today, to give God the glory. We can see, that all we need, is God as our constant. He is the only one who can give us peace that surpasses ALL understanding.
He is in control of our unknown.
I hope you found those verses as a stress reliever and it somehow makes being fluid a little easier because we KNOW our Rock NEVER changes. I pray you can take a moment with God today, refocus and gain some strength to get through another day. See the big picture and allow God to hold on to it for you.
Please share in the comments what steps you have started to take advantage of today. Then, check out the FREE Daily Schedule PRINTABLE and VERSE card (this is the same one I memorized while in the midst of feeling overwhelmed) to help you refocus on what’s important, below!
Download your free printable
Here are two FREE printables for you to help refocus on today. Hope you enjoy it and let me know in the comments if it helped!

Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.