Happy Father’s Day!
This blog is for mommas, you say?
You’re right!
But those daddies sure are important. Statistics show that kids with involved fathers in their lives are considerably less likely to end up involved in criminal activities and considerably MORE likely to retain their childhood faith.
Don’t get me wrong, moms play a massive role in raising kids. My dad always told my brothers to be very careful who they chose to date because who you date is who you marry and who you marry is who raises your kids.
Moms generally spend more time with their kids than dads but that doesn’t diminish the lasting effects of daddy time.
I am incredibly blessed to have an outstanding dad. Growing up we called him, Papa. Now-a-days he usually goes by, Pop.
He is not the kind of dad who let his little girls paint his nails or curl his hair. He isn’t the dad that told us how pretty we were or how much he loved us. He isn’t the dad who cried when I got engaged-at least not that I saw.
When as a teenager I would say, “I am so fat!” he is the dad that would reply with, “If you think you’re fat then quit whining and do something about it!”
Tough love? Maybe.
The Dad He Is
He is the dad that taught his 7 kids how to work, and work hard. The dad who taught us how to ride a horse, change a tire, drive a car, irrigate a field, milk a cow, run a tractor and many, many other life skills. He taught us how to be kind and put others first. He taught to honor your parents, even when you don’t agree. How to respect your elders and help those in need.
He is the dad who encouraged us to get up early and go to bed on time.
He makes the best fried egg you’ll ever eat! Even though he doesn’t like making them over-hard he does it for me.
He is the dad that rescued me multiple times when my car died on the side of the road. The dad who helped build many projects at my house. The dad who always has good advice and knows how to fix EVERYTHING!
The dad who is a faithful follower of Jesus and has been an example of God’s love. The dad who showed me how to study the Bible and pray. The dad who encourages my relationship with the Lord above everything else.
I think he is the single most influential person in my life. Aside from my husband, he is the one I call when I am stressed.
He is my Papa.
The things he has done and the support he has given to my family is more than I can possibly describe or thank him for. Whenever I say, “Thank you” to him he always has the same reply, “That’s what Pops are for.”
My Husband
I have been equally blessed with a loving husband as the father to my children.
Trevor is the hardest worker I know. He works a full time job and runs our cattle ranch.
He comes home from work and works some more. 7 days a week.
He is a very busy man but there is a chunk of time he tries to ALWAYS keep for his kids.
Ever since our oldest son was a toddler Trevor has put the kids in bed.
Most of the time he still has chores and projects outside to finish but he makes a point to stop and come inside to spend time with his family. He tucks them in bed after many hugs and kisses and heads back outside to keep working.
That time with our kids means the world to them and I appreciate the break! More than a break I appreciate the huge effort he puts forth to be present and involved with our kids
The patience and love he shows to me and our children is often undeserved.
Trevor and I are coming up on our 10th wedding anniversary later this summer so be looking for more on my AMAZING man and our beautiful love story.
Our Heavenly Father
Just like many of us have great fathers and husbands we ALL have a heavenly father who loves us more and better than any human can.
2 Corinthians 6:18 “And I will be a father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”
Psalm 103:13 “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.”
Dads have a HUGE influence and responsibility in the family. Some men don’t own up to their responsibilities and some men are shut down by the one person in their lives that should always have their back, their wife.
Does that mean he is always right? That he always makes good decisions? No, but God knew what he was doing when he gave HIM the responsibility.
I like the saying, “When you’re on your knees God has a clear path to smack your husband.”
Use every moment you can to pray for, love and support your childrens’ dad. It’s not always easy but it is worth it.
This Father’s Day thank your dad. Thank your husband. Thank them for everything they do and have done for you and for your kids. To them, they may just be doing their job but their job is so big and important that to us, it is everything.
There is a country song that reminds me of the awesome dads in my life. Whenever I hear it I end up in tears. Written by a dad, the chorus goes like this:
That’s my job. That’s what I do. Everything I do is because of you. To keep you safe with me. That’s my job you see.
As my dad would say, “That’s what Pops are for.”

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.