Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.Philippians 4:8
My intention over the next 8 months, Lord willing, is to focus on one aspect for a whole month. My blog post will be about “whatever is true”. You can find a reading/writing schedule below.
What is “true”?
What should we be thinking about? The entirety of God’s inspired word (aka the Bible) is what first comes to my mind. I looked “true” up. This is what I found:
TRUE: fact; faithful; loyal; free from falsehood; keeping promises; honest; exact; straight; real, not pretend
I have made a list of 30 verses that speak to the truth of God, 1 verse per day in September. I hope it will serve to encourage and comfort you and bring you and your children closer to God. Download it below.

1. Journal and discuss
My kids and I will be journaling and discussing these verses, at least Monday-Friday. I like for them to practice their reading and writing with scriptures. Alternatively, you could pick one verse per week and help your kids memorize that one scripture.
2. Counting
ParentingLikeHannah.com has a few great ideas on how to teach your children about truth. Thereasa encourages us to use math and money to show our children there are absolute right and wrong answers. View more instructions (and see some other ideas) on ParentingLikeHannah.com.

3. Play “Telephone”
Playing a game of telephone with your kids can make you feel nostalgic. It can also give you an opportunity to discuss what is true and how easy it is for the truth to be distorted. It can also be a good opportunity to discuss what to do when we find out we have somehow become a part of sharing a distorted truth. For those who don’t know, telephone is when you whisper a word or phrase in one person’s ear and then they share with their neighbor until the phrase makes it all the way around the group. The last person says what they heard. I have never been a part of a group that got it right. Nobody intentionally says the wrong thing, but it doesn’t take a very big group for words to get skewed.
4. Play “True” or “False”
MomentsADay.com suggests playing a game of “True or False” They have great instructions over there on how to play this game with your kids.

Come back in October for “whatever is honorable”.

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.