The Holidays are a busy time of year!
They are also a fun and exciting time of year, especially for the kiddos. It easily becomes an EXHAUSTING time of year for us parents!
I don’t know about you, but I find myself falling into the comparing trap. Is my house decorated as beautifully as their’s? Did I get my tree set up on time? Did I order matching pajamas for my kids like they did? How about family pictures? Then there are the gifts. Did I get enough for my kids? The list goes on and on and on.

The Trap
Honestly, this can, and does, happen all year round-not just during the holidays! It’s easy to think we HAVE to have the biggest and best and even easier to think we need to BE the biggest and best!
James 3:16 tells us, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.”
Comparing ourselves to others leads straight to discontentment and envy and it is as close as your next scroll through social media or chat with your neighbor.
Momma’s Wisdom
My mom has a wise saying that is worth remembering. She says, “The Baked Alaska may look fancier and prettier but it’s the chocolate chip cookies that everyone wants.”
My mom is one of those people who really listens when you talk. She is always looking for ways she can be helpful, uplifting and encouraging. She is not the mom who can afford to buy you a new car but she is the mom who will just show up with fuzzy socks and a cup of coffee. Or a gift bag with your favorite flavor of jam (Apricot! Yum!) and a note listing all the positive qualities she sees in you.
Now, some of you may be thinking that this sounds like stuff any “good” mom would do. But what if I told you she does this type of thing for almost everyone she knows?!? She does! And what do you think she calls these small acts of kindness? You guessed it! The chocolate chip cookies of life.
The Chocolate Chip Cookies of Life
They are baking actual cookies for friends or neighbors, inviting a friend over for a meal or coffee or paying for the car behind you in the drive-thru line. It could be as simple as writing a card or text message to encourage someone and let them know you are praying for them.
It doesn’t have to be big and fancy, you just have to choose to open your eyes to the many beautiful moments that God has blessed you with and share that with others.

My Beautiful Moments
Recently, this has really come to light in my life! We have a pretty jam-packed holiday/end of year schedule and right in the middle of it we caught a violent stomach virus. It took us out of commission for the better part of a week.
At the same time, my two year old ended up with a double ear infection!
As we are all laying around feeling miserable, one of life’s chocolate chip cookies revealed itself.
My eight year old (Cole) and my two year old (Elgin) have a special bond. As Cole was laying there sick, Elgin came up and sat with him. She HAD to be touching him at all times, alternating between holding his hand and combing her fingers through his hair.
The visual manifestation of this beautiful bond between siblings was heart-warming to say the least.
God is so merciful and good that even in the midst of what felt like a crisis, he showed himself through their love for each other.
Your Turn!
This holiday season I encourage you to look for and create the chocolate chip cookies of life.
Look below for a FREE printable of my mother-in-law’s scrumptious chocolate chip cookie recipe!
Download Free Printables
Melannie’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.