Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8
What is “lovely”?
I have been pondering “lovely” since last month in preparation for this blog. When I think of lovely I typically think of flowers and beautiful women. The Bible also references these two things, but not just those two things. (Read Song of Solomon for more about lovely women.) But over the last month I have been able to see beauty even in the winter landscape, which typically I only see when there is fresh snow on the gound.

lovely: exquisitely beautiful, pretty, appealing, gorgeous, pleasing, splendid, magnificent, very pleasant or enjoyable, delightful, wonderful, marvelous, superb, heavenly, divine, amazing, glorious
As I sit down to write this today, after a month of pondering lovely things, I am reminded how important it is to think on whatever is honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise. Our thoughts are so powerful!
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
2 Corinthians 10:4-6
If we don’t take our thoughts captive they can run away with us. I sat here trying to start this blog, ecouraging you all to think on lovely things and I got irritated. We have two puppies who are crated at night. They were let out this morning, one pooped in my living room, and I got frustrated, irritated as no one else was around and I had to take care of these puppies that other people wanted in my house. So I got up and let them outside and then stared them down out the window to make sure they didn’t run off. I wasn’t going outside in the windy cold morning. I stood there and stewed.
I didn’t ask for these dogs.
I didn’t let them out of the crate.
Why didn’t things get taken care of over the weekend, now they pooped on those things.
I have “important” things to do!
I don’t have time for this.
Now, my house smells like dog poo. YUCK!
So I let the dogs back in after they pooed outside, then I stomped around cleaning up the poo in the living room and went to the bathroom to wash my hands. That’s when I got hit with how ridiculous I was being. I wasn’t focused on anything positive, nothing lovely. I made myself stop, and not only wash my hands but wash the yucky thoughts out of my mind too.

How can we focus on what is lovely?
Just as I am sure we all preach to our children, what goes in comes out. We must watch what we put into our minds! What are you watching on social media? What are you watching on TV?
Something I heard a few years ago that really resonated with me:
If someone bumps into you while you are carrying a hot cup of tea, what spills out?
If you are walking along with a cup of coffee and someone bumps into you, what spills out?
When life bumps you, what spills out? Whatever you are filling your cup with, spills out when life bumps you.

Fill your cup
A great way to fill your cup is to follow the instructions we receive in Philippians 4:8, think on these things. We can listen to these things through online sermons. Listen to or read the Bible.
I have once again pulled a verse a day for the month of January. You can view or print the calendar below.
How do you keep your mind on lovely things? What are your favorite lovely things to think on?

1. Journal and discuss
My kids and I will be journaling and discussing these verses, at least Monday-Friday. I like for them to practice their reading and writing with scriptures. Alternatively, you could pick one verse per week and help your kids memorize that one scripture.
2. Lovely through the eyes of your child
Challenge your children to find lovely things to take pictures of. Sometimes viewing the world through the lens of a child can be eye-opening. If you have older children they may have phones already. I have found inexpensive digital cameras on facebook marketplace ($5-$10 each). You may choose to turn around and sell them when you are done making them free 🙂
Then make a collage of their lovely things. Depending on their age, you could also challenge them to pair their lovely things with scripture.

Come back in February for “whatever is commendable”.

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.