It got me thinking about the “why” behind the blog. When this idea first started mulling around in my head, it was because I was a new mom for the 4th time and barely hanging on. I wanted something that reminded me of the blessings in motherhood and I wanted to encourage other mothers as well.
“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, The fruit of the womb a reward.”
Psalms 127:3 AMP
So much of life is driven by our subjective perspectives. Whatever you focus on is what seems biggest. So if you’re focused on the dirty diapers, the fits, the back-talking, the arguing, the never-ending messes, it’s going to feel more like you have energy sucking leeches than precious gifts.

See the blessings
One of my most basic ideas of seeing my children as the gifts they are is to make myself stop and watch them, soak in the blessing. Sometimes it’s the smile they give you. Or the sloppy wet kiss. Maybe it’s the way they treat their sibling. Or watching your spouse with them. Write it down if you need to. Say it out loud. Thank God for the gifts (children) he’s given you. Take the time to spend with your children. The dishes, dust, and dirt will always be there. But the years with our children at home won’t be. As a momma of children from 20-4 I can tell you, the days are long but the years are short.

4-year-old picking flowers for her wedding.
She can’t grow up fast enough and I can’t slow her down.
Embrace the crazies
No, I don’t mean your kids (but yes, embrace them 🙂). When you have this picture-perfect moment in mind, the perfect day at the park, the way your kids will sit down and play well together, a nice quiet meal, etc it generally doesn’t work that way. Embrace the season you’re in right now. Check your expectations.

He felt like he needed to work. I needed to pick some things up at a store. One of my kids wanted to go shopping with money that’s burning a hole in his pocket, so I asked him if he wanted to go on a date with me. I just wanted a quiet evening! But 3 other kids caught wind of this outing and decided they needed to go too. Dad decided the work could wait and went with us.
So we called it family date night. It wasn’t at all what I was wanting, but once I let go of that and embraced this time with 4 of my kids and my husband it was a fun evening!

Our Anniversary date with 5 kids.
Love on the gifts
A couple of months ago I had someone text me a list of things about me that were lovely. I have to admit I have pulled it back up more than a few times. There is also an idea floating around internet land about putting a sticky note on your kids’ door every day in February with something new you love about them.
You are probably better than me at loving those you love. I find the idea of telling people what I love and appreciate about them daunting. It’s a skill I need to develop. Maybe the person you love doesn’t need words of affirmation.
According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are 5 love languages. He has a quiz you can take to find out what yours is, a quiz for teens, and a quiz you can take for your child. Use this quiz to guide you in loving your kiddos so they understand what you’re saying.
How do you keep hanging on when you’re only hanging on by fingernails? Have you gone from surviving to thriving? What helped you?
I am one blessed momma!

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.