This week is National Park Week.
To search National Parks near you go to:
Click to search for National Park near me
This week entry fees to certain national parks are waived.
I want to encourage you to visit a National Park near you this week or simply go on a walk outside, on a trail path or to a park with your children.
For some this may be an easy request. For others it may seem a little estranged. So, I want to give some ideas on what you can do while out and about in nature and why it is important.

Quality Time
Being outside together you will be spending quality time. The more quiet time allotted allows children to open up. When we are constantly filling our quiet time with music, podcasts, TV, video games it can make the child feel like there is no time to talk about deep and serious things that may be bothering them in their heart and on their mind.
When we make room for quiet times we open up the conversation for deeper connection.
Maybe there isn’t anything they want to talk about, but still sharing quiet moments staring into God’s amazing creation can also create a deeper connection between you and your children.

Vitamin D
We get vitamin D from the sun which is a vital vitamin for our mental health, bone growth and energy. Click to learn about about Vitamin D benefits

If you have concerns about bugs and ticks you can go prepared. Here are some Tips and Tricks and links to items we use to give us confidence when heading outdoors.
Clothes: Pull hair back, wear a hat, wear light colored pants/shorts, high socks, and closed toe shoes. If wearing pants, tuck them into your socks.
Bug spray: Natural Bug Repellent
Sunscreen: Badger Sunscreen
Tick Remover:Tick Removal Card

Topics to talk about when outdoors
Need ideas on what to talk about when outdoors? Hear are a few below:
Creation: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Gen 1:1
Talk about creation and how God created all of things; beautiful things that work so beautifully together. It is so complicated but yet so simplistic.
Continue to talk about the days of creation:
- Heaven and earth
- Sky and sea
- Grass, plants, flowers and trees
- Sun, moon and stars
- Fish and birds
- Animals and man
- God rested
See if you can spot all of the things that God created.
- What do you smell?
- What do you see?
- What can you touch?
- What can you hear?
- What can you taste? (Safely if you know what is edible in the wild- otherwise bring snacks and water or skip)
- Jesus Loves Me
- Father Abraham had many sons Click to listen to song
- Kum Ba Ya Click to listen to song
- If You’re Happy and You Know It Click to listen to song
- This Little Light of Mine Click to listen to song
- Noah’s Ark: Rise and Shine Click to listen to song
Ask everyone what they want to pray for and if they want to say their own prayer?
Thank God for being the same yesterday, today and tomorrow a strong constant.
Pray for their school, their friends, their choices, that they feel the love that surrounds them, etc.

Will you do it?
I hope you are able to get out and enjoy a day in nature this week, even if it’s not a day at a national park. Enjoy the time in God’s creation with your children and marvel at his beautiful creation.
Don’t forget to allow time for pausing in your walk to permit close exploration of their surroundings. Take your time, enjoy the process and praise the Lord of all creation.
Let us know in the comments where you will be going this week! We’d also love to see pictures of your adventures. If you follow us on Instagram don’t forget to tag us!

Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.