We have hit the middle of summer. Things are either starting to slow down or feel like you’re trying to squeeze everything in before the school year starts.
I know for myself I want to create some memories of all of us together before my oldest starts Kindergarten and my youngest starts preschool. So I gathered together some activities we have planned to do as a family to create those connections and memories that will last.
Sometimes doing crafts with children can be frustrating. I hope that is not the case for you. Therefore, I have a few suggestions to help things run smoother so you can focus on the your children and not the things you have to do or the things going wrong.

Gather your materials ahead of time. If you have to go to the store make sure to bring your list, create a Drive Up/Curbside list from the store app or have them shipped directly to your house.
Make sure you have the instructions easily accessible and read through them ahead of time.
Prepare your materials ahead of time and that includes any part of the directions that it is not safe for the children can’t be a part of.

Have fun:
Remember that your goal is not to have it turn out perfectly. Your goal is to have fun with your children and create those long lasting memories of togetherness. So, enjoy the ride.
Hope you enjoy the following Fun Summer Craft ideas below:

Popsicle Stick Bracelets:
These are so cute. I am very excited for my girls to wear their bracelet to school and remember the fun memories we made creating them together. I want to also write a little note or bible verse on the inside of the bracelet that they can peak at if they feel lonely or miss our family. STICK BRACELET LINK
Paper Airplanes:
The next two we plan on making it pizza and competition night: who can fly their airplane the farthest or shoot their pom pom the farthest. We may even take it to the grandparents’ balcony and fly them out into the field! PAPER AIRPLANE BOOST LINK
Toilet Paper Pom Pom Shooter:
This one is fun. One tip we suggest is tying the skinny part of the balloon first and then just cutting the tip of the balloon off first to make sure it would fit tightly. Regular toilet paper or paper towel rolls work just fine but if you have a sturdier one that would work even better. POM POM SHOOTER LINK
**Just remember to make sure you don’t leave the balloon or any small pieces around a mouthy baby/toddler. This could be a choking hazard.
Bird Kites:
These we save for a slightly windy day, but how cute and easy this looks! I am excited to make these bird kites with just paper and string. SIMPLE BIRD KITE LINK
Penny Spinners:
What a perfect way to work on fine motor skills and art while spending time together. This allows creativity to shine and then the games to begin. Who’s can spin the longest? PENNY SPINNER LINK
Fizzy Ice Cubes:
This is always a winner! Baking soda mix with food color dye and water, then frozen. Pour vinegar on them and watch the ice melt and the colors fizz! FIZZY ICE CUBE LINK
Rock Painting:
Go for a walk at the park and everyone gets to pick a rock they like. Write a fun encouraging word or phrase and place it around your community for others to find. ROCK PAINTING IDEAS LINK
Download your free printable
Weekly Schedule to help you plan out your crafts you want to create together.

Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.