9 years ago we were going through many life transitions. We were awaiting a decision from a custody hearing. We were working on a house so that we could get moved (hoping to get moved in before the school year began). I was 41 weeks pregnant eagerly awaiting the birth of my baby. SO many changes happening!
On August 1, 2013, we found out the custody hearing outcome we were praying and hoping for didn’t happen. I was 40 weeks + 4 days pregnant. Things were not going as fast at the house as we needed them to. Moving in before school was not looking promising. I was feeling quite stressed and defeated. I turned to Proverbs 3:5-6.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6.
I posted this verse on Facebook that evening, and I am grateful because now I get a yearly reminder, trust God. My job is to trust and submit to him. The rest he’ll take care of.
The next day, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. That boy has turned into an amazing, sensitive, God-loving young man. I am so proud of him. It was perfect timing. We got school shopping done August 1. All of our kids were in the house when I went into labor and they woke up to a new baby brother to cuddle.

What about the house?
Well, the house was not finished before school started that year. We didn’t move in until Thanksgiving. Each morning I would drive over to the house with my school-age child and put him on the bus from the house so he would have consistency. It wasn’t our plan, but we kept trusting God would take care of the details and it all worked out fine. We are still working on that house. The joys of living with a contractor
Here’s me helping work on the house. HAHA with a newborn baby you sleep when you can, where you can!

And the custody?
The custody hearing is a little trickier. Even 9 years later, I struggle to see how the outcome was what was needed. I know that people are full of flaws and we all have free will, and I am never sure how much all of that plays into the things that happen. One thing I am sure of is that Romans 8:28 assures us
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
Some days I have to remind myself, the ultimate good is for those kids to be saved. They have both put on Christ in baptism. The 21-yr-old is active in the congregation close to his base (he’s in the Air Force) and the 17-yr-old is growing in her walk with Christ as well. It is a pleasure to watch as their (step) parent. I love these kids and I am grateful for the part I get to play in their lives!
Now, this week, this day, I am back to reminding myself about trusting God and resting in the peace that can only come from Him. It is a lesson I find myself needing to learn over, and over, and over, and I’ll let you know when it sticks…

Timing, timing, timing
The lady who raised my husband, his momma. The lady who came to my home and cleaned and cooked and gave our first baby his first bath, passed away in March. She was a lovely, strong woman! We live in PA and she lived in NM. It has taken time to be able to get there to celebrate her graduation into the next life. We were supposed to leave Saturday (5 days ago) to head to NM so that we could celebrate Ruth Ashley. Unfortunately, we have had 2 cars that aren’t working properly and everything we’ve done has not fixed them. So we are still sitting here.
Yesterday, I received a phone call that my Pappy (grandpa) passed away in the night. We have been expecting this phone call since February. My Pappy lived in CO so we will be heading back there for his funeral. Timing…
We were still sitting trying to figure out vehicle problems. My husband got a phone call from a customer, “Can you come take a look at….” He told them no, and told them why. They said, “Come take one of my trucks. I’ll look at your vehicle while you’re gone.” They own a diesel shop, our vehicle isn’t diesel, but diesel is always cheaper and you can get derv delivery to any location so is easier. Timing… So today we will head to NM, it’s about the last day we can leave and make sure we get to NM in time for the services for his mom. (In case you’re looking at the timing, remember we’re travelling with 4 children.)

There are so many more examples in my life of when I thought things should happen a certain way, and they didn’t. I generally can look back and see how God worked it out for us. Sometimes I can’t see what he was/is doing. However, I can trust that God is taking care of us.
In the end, the only thing that matters is that we are following God. We are teaching our children to follow Him. He doesn’t tell us this life will be free of troubles. In fact, he tells us it will be full of trouble, but He doesn’t leave us alone to muddle through them. He is always there walking through it with us.
One lesson that my Pappy taught me and it has stuck with me is that prayer time is not just us talking to God. We have to take the time to be still and listen for how God is directing us. I told him I was praying about my future husband. He wanted to make sure I was taking the time to hear God’s direction. Here Pappy was giving us more advice at our wedding. (Fun fact: my pappy and grandma came out to PA to meet my husband (to-be) before I met him. We had been talking on the phone after meeting on eHarmony and I wanted to come out to PA to meet him in person. My grandparents were coming out to see pappy’s family and so it was arranged for them to meet. Pappy came back approving of the guy and told me that now it was up to Chad and I to see if there was any chemistry there 🙂 2 months later we were married.)

I am Blessed!
I am one blessed daughter-in-law, I am one blessed granddaughter and I am one blessed Momma! May you see how God is working in your life, and place all your trust in Him.

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.