Hello beautiful blessed mommas!
Self care is something I hear a lot about but it is still somewhat of an abstract concept to me.
So, what is it anyway?.
Many people (myself included) think of expensive days at the spa, retail therapy shopping trips or over indulging in your favorite sweet treat. I mean, there is nothing a carton of Ben and Jerry’s can’t fix, right?
All those feel good in the moment, and if that is what helps you, then, by all means, do that!
To me, though, all the aforementioned activities bring fleeting relief, but then the guilt sets in. Guilt over the time, money and calories.
I wanted to take a look at the meaning of self care.
Self care is every action we do to keep our mind, body and soul healthy.
God created us to be nurturing and to want to take care of people. Our husband, our kids, the neighbors kids, the stray cat. You get the picture.
Often times we forget to take care of ourselves.
My proclivity is to feel selfish for even thinking about it!
However, as the old cliche’ goes, you have to first put on your oxygen mask to be able to help others with their’s.
Selfish? NO! Necessary.
The least selfish person that ever walked the earth, Jesus himself, practiced self care. Don’t believe me?
Check out Luke 5:15 (there are many other instances as well).
Jesus walked away from the crowd and went off to pray by himself. He knew he needed to check out from the crowd for a minute and commune with God.
He unplugged from the group but didn’t go off and mindlessly scroll through social media or binge watch Netflix. NO! He unplugged from the crowd but plugged into something bigger.
He saw the big picture and chose not to simply escape the pressures of life but to nourish his soul.
When we try to use our “self care” to numb our pain we ignore our needs and end up completely depleting ourselves.
How do we take care of ourselves in a lasting and meaningful way?
First, we need to realize that this life is not our focus.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7
“Casting all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
He wants you to bring all your worries to Him. Believe me, His shoulders are plenty big enough to carry the load.
He wants to meet our needs so we can meet the needs of others.
I hope some of these ideas will encourage you to look for ways to, not only take care of yourself, but to nourish your soul.
1. Pray
2. Read scripture
3. Plug into a strong Christian community
4. Wake up 10 minutes early to be still and listen to God.
5. Take a walk
6. Make a meal for your neighbor
7. Invite a friend over for coffee
8. Send a card to a friend
9. Journal your thoughts (brain dump!)
10. Write a poem
11. Hug your kids (my favorite!)
Why do we worry about things of this world?
The work and the stress making us prematurely old.
School, work and social media all have us caught.
Keep your focus on yourself is what we are taught.
Do what feels right! Live for today!
Oh, the folly in those words. Oh, the price they will pay.
Do not sow to the flesh, for corruption that will bring.
Sow your time to the Spirit and with angels you will sing.
Do not grow weary in doing what is right.
For the reward of the savior is truly out of sight.

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.