Do you ever feel just blah about yourself?
Feel a little fat or like your hair is too flat? Or frizzy? Your teeth too yellow? Your eyes tired? Skin dull?
I have never met a woman who hasn’t experienced this type of slump. I seem to go through this a few times per year myself, usually in the winter months when the days are shorter, colder, and I spend more time indoors.
Now I am no beauty expert, but I have experienced the slump of blahness enough to have a few simple solutions to help escape those negative feelings.
Get Moving
This is my absolute number one, top-of-the-list, go-to strategy. If you can get outside that is even better, but at least spend ten minutes doing some form of physical activity. Bonus points if it makes you smile.
Some of my favorite activities include going for a walk, dancing with my husband or kiddos, pilates, weight lifting, riding my horse, riding my bicycle, and cleaning!
Even if I don’t feel like moving when I make myself get going with the knowledge that it is only for ten minutes I usually end up continuing on long after my ten minutes are up. The best part is how much better it makes me feel!

Get Dressed Every Day
I can’t stress this point enough! When you look sloppy you feel sloppy. Even a T-shirt and jeans will make me feel a million times better.
Put On a Little Make-up and/or Jewelry
Some people have strong views against make-up. If that is you-no problem! Skip this tip or put on your favorite earrings (if you do jewelry).
For my fellow make-up wearers, a little mascara and eyeliner go a long way!
If you have always steered clear of make-up but would like to try it but don’t know where to begin. I recommend YouTube searching for beginner make-up tips and find one that has a look you like. I was going to recommend some specific channels, but there are so many good ones and it is truly subjective and dependant upon your facial features and personal taste.
Better still, meet with a make-up consultant and have them show you what would work best for you.
I spend two to five minutes on my full make-up routine and under one minute on just eyeliner and mascara. I say that is sixty seconds well spent!

Style Your Hair
I have extremely thick hair so styling it can be an ordeal. Occasionally I will spend the time to curl it (forty-five minutes minimum), but usually, I put it up in a bun. I really like the particular bun I do. I think it looks nice and it keeps it out of my way on a normal day. This style also creates beautiful waves when I take it out and decide to wear my hair down.
I suggest you find an easy hairstyle that you feel good in. Remember, you look more attractive when you feel more attractive.
Smile Every Time You Look in the Mirror
My final tip is one I have had to practice, but it has paid off! When I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I make myself smile no matter what type of thought flew through my head upon initial sight of myself.
Smiling not only improves our mood we also look more beautiful when we show those pearly whites! Whether you love your smile or not, I promise you look better wearing it than a frown.
Most importantly, remember the value our savior placed on you when he gave his life for you and me. Now THAT is something to smile about!
I hope these ideas will help you through your next slump in self-esteem.
Be blessed mommas!

If you’re reading this and you don’t know our God. If you haven’t been covered by the blood of Jesus and been given his Holy Spirit as a comforter, please reach out! He is waiting for you and wanting for you to accept his FREE gift of salvation. Don’t wait. It is THE most important decision you will ever make. Make it today.
With love,

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.