For the last several years I have been studying the book of Ephesians with special emphasis on the armor of God. I first started looking at it in depth while teaching chapel at our school. The armor of God seemed like an easy and fun topic to look at with the kiddos in class.
Little did I know the journey that was beginning.

Realizing how completely real our battle is, is what really woke me up to the utter vitality of prayer. Being a christian doesn’t make us immune to the attacks of our enemy but it does give us the ability to tap into the power of our creator. Prayer is the divine gift that enables us to tap into that power.
Prayer is inseparable from spiritual victory.
Sometimes even writing for this blog can turn into a distraction. I cannot emphasize enough that our enemy is real. Our enemy is sneaky. Our enemy is evil. His main goal is to lull us to spiritual sleep and take us down. And in the process, take our kids with us.
I, for one, am not about to sit back and let my babies be spiritually snatched away!
Not without a fight!

We have the BEST armor in town. We have access to the biggest power there has been or ever will be! And we KNOW we can win!
So strap on your armor, Momma, and drop to your knees as we take a look at a few areas to specifically pray for our kids.
1. Pray for faith.
Whether your child is 5 or 50. Praying for their faith is a top priority. My kiddos are 10 or under right now. I find myself praying that they will retain a child-like faith. “Whosoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven..” Matthew 18:4
2. Pray for Protection.
I spend a lot of my prayer time focusing on this area. I pray that the Lord will protect their hearts and minds. Our enemy wants the hearts of our children. That is very evident by the constant flow of distractions and indulgent activities so widely accepted in our society. “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23
3. Pray for Specific areas of weakness.
As my kids have gotten older I have recognized some of their weaknesses (Usually a direct reflection of my own weakness!). Praying for them to recognize and look for healing is a powerful tool. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”
4. Pray for Joy.
I pray that the true joy of the Holy Spirit would dwell in each of my babies’ hearts. Galatians 5:27a “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy…”
5. Pray for Wisdom.
This one is more for myself. I pray for God’s wisdom to be poured out on my husband and me in our parenting. I beg God to help me be the best momma to my kids that I can be and then I trust that He will. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God: who gives to all men liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith with no doubting.” James 1:5-6a
My Five Little Loves
When I look at the five of you
My heart has never been more touched or moved.
Watching you grow has been my delight.
Even though sometimes it seems like a fight.
My love for each of you is equal and strong.
It grows by the day and goes on and on.
My prayer for you is to grow in the Lord.
My hope is that in Him you will ever move forward.
My five little loves, you will one day know
the love of a mother and how it grows and grows.
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5 Ways to pray for your kids

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.