Praise God!
Worthy of praise is Christ my redeemer. Worthy of glory honor and power.
This month as so many people are thinking of our Redeemer and his resurrection, we will focus on “if anything is worthy of praise.” and what/who is more deserving of praise than our God. I have been thinking this over a lot over the last couple of months.
Back in February, I was blessed to attend Challenge Youth Conference with my 18-year-old son. This is a great conference for the youth, my sons have enjoyed it and left inspired each year they’ve attended. Pigeon Forge, TN hosts thousands of Christian teens each February. The first night of the conference, the topic was intricacies of God’s creation. This helped kick-off my “anything worthy of praise” thinking.

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8
What is worthy of praise?
I also spent time with a couple of lovely ladies who were also along on the youth trip and asked them what came to their minds with the phrase “anything worthy of praise”. Both ladies referred to God’s creation. From the beauty of the mountains our cabin was situated in, to the intricacy of our eyeballs.

One of these friends introduced me to John Clayton and his Dandy Designs. For those who are unfamiliar with John Clayton, he is a scientist who was an atheist. However, his study of science and the intricacies of the things he was studying, lead him to God.
His Dandy designs are shared on the website as well as five volumes of books which compile the short articles on the website. He also has a quarterly publication called “Does God Exist?“
These resources are fun to look into and I have got lost in the rabbit hole of reading the short articles.
Dive into scripture with me
If you search “praise” in the Bible, there is no shortage of the word. The Bible is full of praise for our God. It has been uplifting to create the scripture list for this month! Praise God! I pray you will take the time to read the scriptures and find encouragement as well. You can download the scriptures below.
And they were to stand every morning, thanking and praising the Lord, and likewise at evening,
2 Chronicles 23:30
If anything is worthy of praise, our God is. 1 Chronicles 23 tells us that is was the duty of the sons of Levi to stand and thank and praise God. EVERY morning and evening. How much time do I spend thanking and praising God? I can tell you I don’t stand to do this each morning and evening.
I have found that the mornings we start our day listening to praise music there is less fighting and bickering among my children, all day long. I love listening to acapella music. I have found a couple of things I like to pull up on youtube either on my phone or our smart TV. We can listen while we eat breakfast and get ready for the day. The Acapella company and A Capella Hymns.
I found the video below as I sat down to write this blog and have listened to it a few times as I focus on praising our God. Take a few minutes and listen or listen to all 17 minutes and praise your God.
Teach the Children
1. Journal & Discuss
2. Sing Praises
3. Make a praise/gratitude list, Praise God!
4. Read Dandy designs
practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9
Thank you for joining me on this journey as we worked through the “things” in Philippians 4:8. I know I have been encouraged through the scriptures and my hope and prayer are that you have too. If you missed any months, go back and do them or just jump in. Time in scripture is NEVER wasted! May God’s blessings be evident to you as you praise HIM this month.

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.