Car Conversations
I love driving in the car with my littles. You never know what you are going to hear in the back seats. Recently, while we were driving my one daughter spotted a “rainbow cloud” as she called it. It was a beautiful cloud with a bit of rainbow shining through.

We started talking about the types of clouds they were, how rainbows are created, and who created them. Then we thanked God for his beautiful and intricate creations. The details he puts in to the creation and how thankful we are he put special details in to us personally.
These conversations help remind us to look up and see the bigger picture. To remind us how little we are and how purposeful we are in his creation. May your next car ride encourage you to look up and see a bigger picture.
Below, I have listed the names of clouds and how rainbows are created to help you keep the car conversations going and give a way you can consistently turn the conversation back to God and his creation.

Four Main Clouds to know are:
Cumulus– puffy, flat bottoms, low in the sky
Cumulonimbus– thunderstorm clouds, look like mountains of very tall cumulus clouds
Stratus– wide blankets of gray, low lying clouds
Cirrus – white feathery, whispy, highest

How a rainbow forms:
Rainbows are an arc of colors that you see in the sky when it is raining or just rained.
You see the rainbow when the sun shines through the millions of water droplets.
Colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet.
After sharing knowledge of the world around them, continue sharing with them how much detail God placed in to his creations.
Not only the world but specifically in them. Take this moment to remind them who they are in Christ.
The words we choose to use for them matter and we can affirm God’s truths for our kids.
Take this time to remind them what rainbows truly mean. God always keeps his promises. He tells the truth. We can count on God.
Enjoy the car conversations, whether you are waiting in line for drop off or pick up, driving them to the next sport activity or heading to the park. Make the most of every opportunity.

Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.