The Power of a Momma’s Prayer

The Power of a Momma’s Prayer

Prayer. Hopefully, it is something we are all doing on a regular basis. I have always known prayer was important but recently I have gained an even deeper appreciation and desire for it.

For the last several years I have been studying the book of Ephesians with special emphasis on the armor of God. I first started looking at it in depth while teaching chapel at our school. The armor of God seemed like an easy and fun topic to look at with the kiddos in class.


Little did I know the journey that was beginning.

Ephesians talks quite a lot about heavenly places and spiritual battles. There are many abstract concepts if you are trying to make it all fit in our little world.

Realizing how completely real our battle is, is what really woke me up to the utter vitality of prayer. Being a christian doesn’t make us immune to the attacks of our enemy but it does give us the ability to tap into the power of our creator. Prayer is the divine gift that enables us to tap into that power.


Prayer is inseparable from spiritual victory.

Our enemy is cunning and uses many ways to distract us from searching for God. Lots of things that seem good, or at least not bad, turn into constant distractions.

Sometimes even writing for this blog can turn into a distraction. I cannot emphasize enough that our enemy is real. Our enemy is sneaky. Our enemy is evil. His main goal is to lull us to spiritual sleep and take us down. And in the process, take our kids with us.

I, for one, am not about to sit back and let my babies be spiritually snatched away!
Not without a fight!

The good news? We have the ULTIMATE power on our side! “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

We have the BEST armor in town. We have access to the biggest power there has been or ever will be! And we KNOW we can win!

So strap on your armor, Momma, and drop to your knees as we take a look at a few areas to specifically pray for our kids.

1. Pray for faith.

Whether your child is 5 or 50. Praying for their faith is a top priority. My kiddos are 10 or under right now. I find myself praying that they will retain a child-like faith. “Whosoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven..” Matthew 18:4

2. Pray for Protection.

I spend a lot of my prayer time focusing on this area. I pray that the Lord will protect their hearts and minds. Our enemy wants the hearts of our children. That is very evident by the constant flow of distractions and indulgent activities so widely accepted in our society. “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

3. Pray for Specific areas of weakness.

As my kids have gotten older I have recognized some of their weaknesses (Usually a direct reflection of my own weakness!). Praying for them to recognize and look for healing is a powerful tool. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

4. Pray for Joy.

I pray that the true joy of the Holy Spirit would dwell in each of my babies’ hearts. Galatians 5:27a “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy…”

5. Pray for Wisdom.

This one is more for myself. I pray for God’s wisdom to be poured out on my husband and me in our parenting. I beg God to help me be the best momma to my kids that I can be and then I trust that He will. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God: who gives to all men liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith with no doubting.” James 1:5-6a

My Five Little Loves

When I look at the five of you
My heart has never been more touched or moved.

Watching you grow has been my delight.
Even though sometimes it seems like a fight.

My love for each of you is equal and strong.
It grows by the day and goes on and on.

My prayer for you is to grow in the Lord.
My hope is that in Him you will ever move forward.

My five little loves, you will one day know
the love of a mother and how it grows and grows.

Download Free Printables

5 Ways to pray for your kids


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

God the Good Gardener

God the Good Gardener

Welcome to the National Garden Month!

How many of you LOVE being outside in the garden, flower bed, front yard, park, or whatever outdoor space you have available?


A huge majority of people claim that they would rather have the opportunity to be outside for a portion of their day than be inside all day. 


Being outside is scientifically proven to help regulate blood pressure, reduce stress, and increase motivation.


Why is that, you may ask? Well, my opinion is that we were created to live in nature, and more specifically, a garden. 


After all, the first humans, Adam and Eve, were created and placed in a perfect, weed-free garden. What a beautiful place Eden must have been!

There are many references to gardening in the scriptures. For one, Jesus went to the garden at Gethsemene to pray shortly before his crucifixion. 

Additionally, the scriptures use many growing and gardening references to help teach us about spiritual concepts. 

In fact, Matthew chapter 13 has multiple parables spoken by Jesus himself that are spiritual lessons taught through gardening.  

Paul also uses similar references in his epistle to the church at Galatia when he expounds on what characteristics should be present in a thriving christian’s heart through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. These characteristics are referred to as “The Fruit of the Spirit” and follow directly after the contrasting list of the works of the flesh.

Paul tells us that our fleshly side will not ever want to be spiritual, nor want to pursue spiritual things. The Spirit and the flesh are contrary one to the other. (Galatians 5:16-18)

So, what’s a person to do? How can we overcome those fleshly desires? Read on, friend!

Paul goes on to tell us that through the POWER of Christ’s blood we, as believers, have crucified the flesh along with the affections and lusts, we do not have to fight this battle on our own because we have the most powerful force in, or out, of the universe on our side helping us!

I think of it this way, if I am out in the garden weeding all the “bad” plants out, I need to consistently and daily be plucking and pulling the bad as well as nurturing and watering the good. Just planting a garden doesn’t guarantee fruit. As a human, I get busy and tired, I may skip a day or even a week at a time of working in my garden. Man, it does not take long for those weeds to take off!

In verse 25 of Galatians 5, Paul says, “If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit.”

One can live physically without much activity, but “walk” is an action word that denotes effort. Paul says to not only live in the Spirit but to walk in the Spirit. Don’t be a stagnant christian!

The author continues his use of gardening references in the next chapter starting in verse 7 through 10.

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatsoever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those of the household of faith.”

The law of the harvest is you generally reap more than you sow. For example, you may plant one corn kernel from which you will likely receive hundreds of kernels as a harvest. Likewise, when we feed and nurture the Spirit OR the flesh we will receive manifold blessings or destruction. 

My dad quotes this poem often and has since I was a kid. 

“Two natures lie within my breast

One is vile, the other blest.

One I love and one I hate

But the one I feed will dominate.”

Author Unknown

Which one are you feeding? What are you sowing in your life? Many of us live life so distracted by our culture and the plethora of distractions presented by such. We have the mentality that we can live life like the world around us and just sprinkle a little Jesus in our lives when it is convenient. Sisters, it shouldn’t be this way! Satan knows how to subtly deceive us by distracting us with both good and bad things. 

Take heart though, God is a good gardener. He is patient, kind, and full of tenderness. The psalmist so eloquently says this about our God, “Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”  Psalm 103:4,8

He is faithful and just to forgive us when we admit we messed up (1 John 1:9). He is ready to help us get back on track and make course corrections. He simply asks for humble obedience. He wants our hearts. Where is your heart? Is it with your favorite TV show? Facebook? Instagram? Your job? Your pride? Where are you spending your time, effort, and money? That will tell you where your heart is. 

In closing, I urge you to give the Good Gardener the fertile soil of your heart and watch as he grows the best garden you’ve ever seen.

In all things may God have the glory!


If you’re reading this and you don’t know our God. If you haven’t been covered by the blood of Jesus and been given his Holy Spirit as a comforter, please reach out! He is waiting for you and wanting for you to accept his FREE gift of salvation. Don’t wait. It is THE most important decision you will ever make. Make it today.

With love,



Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

Walking Through the Fire

Walking Through the Fire

March has arrived!

As spring prepares to make her full debut, here in SW Colorado we are starting to see little signs that she is almost ready.

Spring is an exciting time on the farm. New life in the form of baby animals of all sorts start to make an appearance. The Red Wing blackbirds are back, busily building their nests in last year’s cattails. Their happy song is always the first sign that spring is on its way.

Exciting and Busy

Along with being exciting, spring is also an extremely busy time here on our little farm. There are animals that still need to be fed hay, calves to tag, ditches to prepare for irrigation water, and the never ending fences to repair.

Another spring time task is burning the dead grass and weeds in the ditches and along the fence lines. Recently, my family and I were repairing fence and we came to a place where the ditch runs under the fence. Because of the high concentration of water there the grass and cattails grow tall and strong in the summer. The plants die in the fall and as autumn turns to winter they bend under the weight of snow and ice. This creates a huge burden on the fence, pushing the wire down and making an easy place for mischievous cows to escape the pasture.

We decided we would have to burn the dead plants off the fence before we could even attempt to fix the mess it was in.  As I watched the flames hungrily gobble up their prey, I watched in wonder as the wires from our fence started to reappear and stand up higher as their heavy burden was removed.


The Gospel Picture

Through this picture, I was reminded of the beauty of the gospel. Much like that fence, we are weighted down with heavy burdens of sin and worry, guilt and dread.

“Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   Hebrews 12:1b-2

Thankfully, we have a saviour who has already made a way for us to be free from that weight!  Many times we choose to pick that weight back up and try to carry it ourselves.

Like the barbed wire on the fence, we bend and will eventually break under that extreme weight.

The Good News?

We do not have to stay that way! I John 1:9 tells us he is faithful to forgive us when we admit that we are wrong. He will take that weight of worry and guilt. He will lead you through the fire and thoroughly purge the dross from your life. He is waiting for you! His yoke is easy and his burden is light. Come and rest in him.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   Matthew 11:28-30

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened unto you.”   Matthew 7:7

After the flames had finished their work, small specks of vibrant green poked through the blackened ground and ashy rubble.  Once the flames had removed the dead, new life that had already been growing was revealed!  What an exciting picture of how God’s word starts as a tiny seed planted in our hearts and grows from the ashes.  

Our Heavenly Father loves us as his children and, therefore, allows us to go through fiery trials to take the bad away and to open our eyes to the new life he has made possible for us.

“Help us, oh God of our salvation, for the glory of your name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for your name’s sake.”         Psalm 79:9

Life Lessons

These types of beautiful life lessons are wonderful opportunities to share the gospel with children in a very tangible way.  They can see with their own eyes the mess that we started with.  They can hear the crackling of the fire as it grows.  They can feel with their bodies the intensity of the flames.  They can smell and taste the smoke and ashes as the mess is burned up, and then they see how the fire, though challenging for the fence and plants, removed the weight and revealed the life underneath.

I hope my experience encourages you to take the time to look for the many opportunities God puts in your life to share his love and truths with your children.

Stay strong in the faith, and be blessed, mommas!

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”  Psalm 27:1

Download Free Printables

In honor of spring, here are some of my favorite things! Enjoy these cute baby farm animal FREE printables (be sure to look through all five pages) and an MC original poem.


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

Five Simple Ways to Help You Feel Beautiful Every Day

Five Simple Ways to Help You Feel Beautiful Every Day

Do you ever feel just blah about yourself?

Feel a little fat or like your hair is too flat? Or frizzy? Your teeth too yellow? Your eyes tired? Skin dull? 


I have never met a woman who hasn’t experienced this type of slump. I seem to go through this a few times per year myself, usually in the winter months when the days are shorter, colder, and I spend more time indoors. 


Now I am no beauty expert, but I have experienced the slump of blahness enough to have a few simple solutions to help escape those negative feelings. 


Get Moving


This is my absolute number one, top-of-the-list, go-to strategy. If you can get outside that is even better, but at least spend ten minutes doing some form of physical activity. Bonus points if it makes you smile. 


Some of my favorite activities include going for a walk, dancing with my husband or kiddos, pilates, weight lifting, riding my horse, riding my bicycle, and cleaning!

Even if I don’t feel like moving when I make myself get going with the knowledge that it is only for ten minutes I usually end up continuing on long after my ten minutes are up. The best part is how much better it makes me feel!

Get Dressed Every Day


I can’t stress this point enough! When you look sloppy you feel sloppy. Even a T-shirt and jeans will make me feel a million times better. 


Put On a Little Make-up and/or Jewelry


Some people have strong views against make-up. If that is you-no problem! Skip this tip or put on your favorite earrings (if you do jewelry). 


For my fellow make-up wearers, a little mascara and eyeliner go a long way! 


If you have always steered clear of make-up but would like to try it but don’t know where to begin. I recommend YouTube searching for beginner make-up tips and find one that has a look you like. I was going to recommend some specific channels, but there are so many good ones and it is truly subjective and dependant upon your facial features and personal taste. 


Better still, meet with a make-up consultant and have them show you what would work best for you. 

I spend two to five minutes on my full make-up routine and under one minute on just eyeliner and mascara. I say that is sixty seconds well spent! 

Style Your Hair


I have extremely thick hair so styling it can be an ordeal. Occasionally I will spend the time to curl it (forty-five minutes minimum), but usually, I put it up in a bun. I really like the particular bun I do. I think it looks nice and it keeps it out of my way on a normal day. This style also creates beautiful waves when I take it out and decide to wear my hair down.


I suggest you find an easy hairstyle that you feel good in. Remember, you look more attractive when you feel more attractive. 


Smile Every Time You Look in the Mirror


My final tip is one I have had to practice, but it has paid off! When I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I make myself smile no matter what type of thought flew through my head upon initial sight of myself. 


Smiling not only improves our mood we also look more beautiful when we show those pearly whites! Whether you love your smile or not, I promise you look better wearing it than a frown. 


Most importantly, remember the value our savior placed on you when he gave his life for you and me. Now THAT is something to smile about!


I hope these ideas will help you through your next slump in self-esteem.


Be blessed mommas!


If you’re reading this and you don’t know our God. If you haven’t been covered by the blood of Jesus and been given his Holy Spirit as a comforter, please reach out! He is waiting for you and wanting for you to accept his FREE gift of salvation. Don’t wait. It is THE most important decision you will ever make. Make it today.

With love,



Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

11 Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

11 Ways to Show Love to Your Spouse Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Welcome to February- the traditional month of love.

Do you ever struggle to show appreciation and love to your husband? Do you feel like you’re in a rut of complaining and nagging? Or do you simply want to show a little extra love this month? Whatever category you fall into, I know you’ll benefit from these ideas!


There are times it is easy to show love and appreciation to our spouses, then there is the rest of the time. Life’s many stressors can cause me to not only underappreciate my husband, but to start blaming him for difficult times and situations. 


As we roll into this new month, my mind quickly goes to planning a special Valentine’s Day dinner, but I am challenging myself to focus this entire second month of 2024 on making my man feel loved and appreciated. 


Whether you’re reading this in February or not, you can use these ideas any time of year to remind your special someone that you care.


Choose Him


When you’re at a social event (or for those of us with larger families- just sitting down to dinner)
Choose to sit by him. Save a seat beside yourself so he knows you prioritize him and enjoy his presence.

Write Notes


Sending a sweet text is good, but there is just something extra special about giving a handwritten card or note. Leave it in his vehicle or lunch box, stick it to the bathroom mirror, put it in a book he is reading or his Bible, or even mail it to him. He is sure to appreciate the effort.

Make Him a Special Dinner

  They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. I think most men have a lot deeper character than that, but I don’t know a man who doesn’t appreciate good food. In fact, when I asked my husband what was one thing I do, or could do, that would make him feel loved, he replied that making dinner or some special meal for him is close to the top of his list!

Hug For 15-30 Seconds


When you hug for a longer than “normal” time, it really helps strengthen your bond. And that is always a good thing in marriage.

Kiss Everyday


Adding a longer kiss to a longer hug is sure to make your husband feel loved. Sometimes we get away from kissing the longer we have been married. I know that has been true for me. 


Building intimacy in marriage is so important! And intimacy is not just sex. So kiss him good morning, and goodbye, and welcome home, and goodnight.

Don’t Complain About His Messes

  There are some men who clean up after themselves and work hard to help with household chores, and then there are the other 99%. Haha! Just kidding. However, my guy’s strength is not tidiness. I often fall into the harmful trap of complaining and making a big deal out of cleaning up after him. Muddy footprints again?!?!? I can tell it makes him feel terrible because he honestly just doesn’t think about it. I am determined to be better about this- at least for a month!

Hold Hands


The physical connection created by holding hands symbolizes the emotional connection this act creates. Be proud to hold the hand of your man!

Bake or Buy Him a Sweet Treat

  What guy doesn’t love dessert? If you’re not a baker, try picking up his favorite treat at the store or bakery. He might even share!

Tell Him What You Love About Him

  Remind your spouse, and yourself, of all the things you love about him. From talents and character traits to your favorite physical features of his.

Pray For Him

  I never realized how much it meant to my husband that I pray for him until it came up in conversation one day. He was so grateful and appreciative that it shocked me! Our guys face so much temptation, stress, and decision-making, on top of shouldering a great responsibility every single moment in this life. They need every ounce of divine help! Praying for them is a very valuable tool we have in our tool belt as wives. Utilize it!

Thank Him


“Thank you!” Those two words are extremely powerful. Thank him for all the big and little things he does for you and the family. He may not always do things the way you would, or want him to, and that’s okay.

Show him some appreciation for everything from pouring your morning coffee to letting you sleep in an extra twenty minutes. Thank him for providing for your family, or staying home with the kids. Thank him for being the spiritual leader in your home- even if you don’t always agree with his leadership. Thank him for loving you!

I hope you enjoy implementing some, or all, of these ideas to help show your man how much you love him!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


If you’re reading this and you don’t know our God. If you haven’t been covered by the blood of Jesus and been given his Holy Spirit as a comforter, please reach out! He is waiting for you and wanting for you to accept his FREE gift of salvation. Don’t wait. It is THE most important decision you will ever make. Make it today.

With love,



Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.