Grace for busy mommas
I feel like the most common answer I have when people ask me how I am is, “Oh, you know. Busy, busy.”
In my prayer journal, many prayers start out with “I am overwhelmed!”.
I have really had to take a step back and examine my priorities and choices.
Why am I feeling overwhelmed? Am I working towards accomplishing my main priorities?
It has been super helpful for me to stop and think about what my main goals in life are and re-evaluate the choices I am making.
As a Christian, my number one priority is to follow Jesus and teach my kids to do the same.
That is a really easy thing to say, a whole lot harder to do. Harder not because Jesus asks so much of us. Rather, because doing ANYTHING consistently is challenging for us. At least for me! Except eating. I seem to be really good at eating consistently. Ha!
Here are a couple of tips that have truly helped me.
Tip number one. Give yourself grace.
This may seem counterintuitive, but hear me out.
I am very good at starting routines and staying with a program, whether working out, studying the Bible, making sure my kids brush their teeth twice a day, UNTIL something happens to change up our schedule. I get frustrated because I never seem to be able to find ANY time that works ALL the time. Inevitably, I end up NOT accomplishing my goals because I couldn’t do it at the same time every day.
I’ve read the self-help books about block scheduling and setting routines. They have some very good and helpful tips. Ultimately though, you have to do what works best for you. I am pretty confident I am not the only mom on the block who struggles with consistency.
When you find yourself in the middle of the week and you haven’t pulled your Bible out once, your kids haven’t showered since last Tuesday and the dishes are molding in your sink (I might be speaking from experience here.). Instead of doing what we women are so good at, beating ourselves up, give yourself grace.
You can get back on track, the track may just look different.
Tip number two. Be flexible.
I am not talking about doing handstands and somersaults. No. Be willing to have flexibility in your schedule. If you weren’t able to get that quiet time in God’s word this morning, get it this afternoon. Don’t be afraid to stop and take the time you need to feed your soul and commune with your Lord. In fact, be afraid not to! Our enemy would have us believe it’s selfish to take time and everything here on this earth is so important we just can’t take a break. Don’t be deceived friends!!! This is the single most important thing you can do.
One mistake I have been guilty of is trying to always study and pray when my kids are sleeping. There is nothing terribly wrong with that but my eyes have been opened to the fact that my kids need to see how important a relationship with Jesus is and how much it means to me. They need study and prayer modeled for them. I am not saying you should never have any quiet time without them. Just don’t feel like that is the only way.

Susanna Wesly (mother of John and Charles Wesly) was the mother of 19 children, Sadly, 9 of them died as infants. If you think raising 10 kids was a lot you should know she was the 25th child of 25!
She lived in England during the early 18th century. Now, we think our lives are hard and busy, but this momma didn’t have a dishwasher, washing machine, or gas stove! I am sure she spent a lot more time preparing meals and just keeping her household functioning!
Anyway, every day she would sit in her rocking chair likely in the middle of chaos (I mean, she did have 10 kids!) and read her bible and pray. She would flip her apron over her head and spend time with her God. Her kids knew that was her time. They still saw it. They watched. But they knew not to disturb. Wow!
Do you think this had an impact on her children? Seeing how two of her boys became world-famous evangelists I would say, yes!
Next time you are feeling overwhelmed, run-down, outta time, and exhausted, Stop. Sit down. Take a breath. Spend time in prayer and God’s word. It is the best way to spend our most precious commodity-time.
Philippians 4:7“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Let God’s perfect peace guard your heart and mind as you go forward in the life he has called you to.
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Susanna Wesley’s House Rules

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.