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Grace for busy mommas

Grace for busy mommas

Are you busy? I am! Life is busy.

I feel like the most common answer I have when people ask me how I am is, “Oh, you know. Busy, busy.”

In my prayer journal, many prayers start out with “I am overwhelmed!”.

I have really had to take a step back and examine my priorities and choices.

Why am I feeling overwhelmed? Am I working towards accomplishing my main priorities?

It has been super helpful for me to stop and think about what my main goals in life are and re-evaluate the choices I am making.

As a Christian, my number one priority is to follow Jesus and teach my kids to do the same.

That is a really easy thing to say, a whole lot harder to do. Harder not because Jesus asks so much of us. Rather, because doing ANYTHING consistently is challenging for us. At least for me! Except eating. I seem to be really good at eating consistently. Ha!

Here are a couple of tips that have truly helped me.

Tip number one. Give yourself grace.

This may seem counterintuitive, but hear me out.

I am very good at starting routines and staying with a program, whether working out, studying the Bible, making sure my kids brush their teeth twice a day, UNTIL something happens to change up our schedule. I get frustrated because I never seem to be able to find ANY time that works ALL the time. Inevitably, I end up NOT accomplishing my goals because I couldn’t do it at the same time every day.

I’ve read the self-help books about block scheduling and setting routines. They have some very good and helpful tips. Ultimately though, you have to do what works best for you. I am pretty confident I am not the only mom on the block who struggles with consistency.

When you find yourself in the middle of the week and you haven’t pulled your Bible out once, your kids haven’t showered since last Tuesday and the dishes are molding in your sink (I might be speaking from experience here.). Instead of doing what we women are so good at, beating ourselves up, give yourself grace.

You can get back on track, the track may just look different.

Tip number two. Be flexible.

I am not talking about doing handstands and somersaults. No. Be willing to have flexibility in your schedule. If you weren’t able to get that quiet time in God’s word this morning, get it this afternoon. Don’t be afraid to stop and take the time you need to feed your soul and commune with your Lord. In fact, be afraid not to! Our enemy would have us believe it’s selfish to take time and everything here on this earth is so important we just can’t take a break. Don’t be deceived friends!!! This is the single most important thing you can do.

One mistake I have been guilty of is trying to always study and pray when my kids are sleeping. There is nothing terribly wrong with that but my eyes have been opened to the fact that my kids need to see how important a relationship with Jesus is and how much it means to me. They need study and prayer modeled for them. I am not saying you should never have any quiet time without them. Just don’t feel like that is the only way.

Susanna Wesly (mother of John and Charles Wesly) was the mother of 19 children, Sadly, 9 of them died as infants. If you think raising 10 kids was a lot you should know she was the 25th child of 25!

She lived in England during the early 18th century. Now, we think our lives are hard and busy, but this momma didn’t have a dishwasher, washing machine, or gas stove! I am sure she spent a lot more time preparing meals and just keeping her household functioning!

Anyway, every day she would sit in her rocking chair likely in the middle of chaos (I mean, she did have 10 kids!) and read her bible and pray. She would flip her apron over her head and spend time with her God. Her kids knew that was her time. They still saw it. They watched. But they knew not to disturb. Wow!

Do you think this had an impact on her children? Seeing how two of her boys became world-famous evangelists I would say, yes!

Next time you are feeling overwhelmed, run-down, outta time, and exhausted, Stop. Sit down. Take a breath. Spend time in prayer and God’s word. It is the best way to spend our most precious commodity-time.


Ephesians 5:16 “Redeeming the time because the days are evil.”

Philippians 4:7“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Let God’s perfect peace guard your heart and mind as you go forward in the life he has called you to.

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Susanna Wesley’s House Rules


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Welcome to 2022!

I know this year will be FABULOUS! My family has some very exciting events coming up this year.

One of them is a new niece due to arrive this March! I cannot wait to meet my sweet girl! Her amazing momma will be One Blessed Momma’s February guest blogger, so keep your eyes open for her post!

Another thing I am looking forward to is a girl’s trip that my sister, Ellyn, and I have planned along with my oldest daughter, Rebekah. Charleston, here we come!

This summer also marks the end of my school board term and the first county fair my kids will be participating in with 4H.

This spring, my oldest turns 10 (Welcome to the double digits, Buddy!) and my youngest turns 3 this July.

My fourth child starts Kindergarten and my husband and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary.  


What a year!

With all of these fun and exciting events on the horizon of this new year, I want to make sure I pause to reset my New Year’s Focus.

Any of you AMAZING readers that have been around OBM for awhile have probably read my post on how I do not do new year’s resolutions. Instead I do a new year’s focus. It’s the lens through which I filter most of my decisions for the year.

My focus is something I think on and pray about for a good while before the new year. For more information on how and why I do a “focus” every year, check out my blog post from last January here

Family Meals

During 2021 our family’s focus was “Family Meals”. Here is a quick recap of how that went for us. 

I did some meal planning, though not as much as I had intended to. 

I tried to spend a chunk of time on Mondays prepping and planning for the week. Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I try very hard to not go anywhere on Mondays and to make sure we have meals, laundry and a clean house (on a good week I even clean the car!) for the rest of the week. 

 Let’s just say, the success of my week weighs heavily on how productive my Monday is. 

Beyond meal planning, I also reorganized my kitchen to better accommodate lots of cooking and it really made a difference! Clearing up some counter space and getting a new stove (with a double oven!) have been absolute game-changers!

Overall, prioritizing meals together has made a substantial and positive impact on our family life. 



Read More; Watch less

Our new year’s focus for 2022 is: Read more; watch less. 

We started a bad habit of watching T.V. and movies way more than I would like us to. It has really been placed opon my heart lately to take our eyes from the screen and stick our noses in a book. 

Some of the books we look forward to reading in the next year include the folowing.

Reading List

The Bible 

This is our top priority read! We plan to include even more of God’s word into our daily routine. My 3 oldest kids enjoy taking turns reading out loud and all of my kids love listening to Ezekiel Harden read through the New Testament in a year over on the Daily Audio Bible for kids app.

The American Girl Series

If you have not heard of these books you should look them up! Each series follows a girl from a different time period in American history and tells her story while teaching American history. We started reading the “Felicity” series this past fall and my kids LOVE them! Even my boys enjoy these books.

Big Red

This book is one that has been handed down for several generations. It’s about a boy and a hunting dog. It follows  their adventures and eventual triumph of a great foe. We started this book already and, let me tell you, we are all enjoying it!

These are just a few of the books we intend to enjoy together this year.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the start of a new year brings with it so much promise and hope. It’s a fresh canvas waiting for our adventures to be beautifully sketched across its pure surface.

Unfortunately, not all of the adventures will be positive ones. But, because of our Heavenly Father, ALL things will work together for good if you love Him! Romans 8:28

I pray that you grow closer to our Heavenly Father every day of this bright new year.

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Laura Bush’s Reading List for Families


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

Finding Joy in the Small Things

Finding Joy in the Small Things

The Holidays are a busy time of year!

They are also a fun and exciting time of year, especially for the kiddos. It easily becomes an EXHAUSTING time of year for us parents!

I don’t know about you, but I find myself falling into the comparing trap. Is my house decorated as beautifully as their’s? Did I get my tree set up on time? Did I order matching pajamas for my kids like they did? How about family pictures? Then there are the gifts. Did I get enough for my kids? The list goes on and on and on.


The Trap

Honestly, this can, and does, happen all year round-not just during the holidays! It’s easy to think we HAVE to have the biggest and best and even easier to think we need to BE the biggest and best!

James 3:16 tells us, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.”

Comparing ourselves to others leads straight to discontentment and envy and it is as close as your next scroll through social media or chat with your neighbor.

Momma’s Wisdom

My mom has a wise saying that is worth remembering. She says, “The Baked Alaska may look fancier and prettier but it’s the chocolate chip cookies that everyone wants.”

My mom is one of those people who really listens when you talk. She is always looking for ways she can be helpful, uplifting and encouraging. She is not the mom who can afford to buy you a new car but she is the mom who will just show up with fuzzy socks and a cup of coffee. Or a gift bag with your favorite flavor of jam (Apricot! Yum!) and a note listing all the positive qualities she sees in you.

Now, some of you may be thinking that this sounds like stuff any “good” mom would do. But what if I told you she does this type of thing for almost everyone she knows?!? She does! And what do you think she calls these small acts of kindness? You guessed it! The chocolate chip cookies of life.

The Chocolate Chip Cookies of Life

They are  baking actual cookies for friends or neighbors, inviting a friend over for a meal or coffee or paying for the car behind you in the drive-thru line. It could be as simple as writing a card or text message to encourage someone and let them know you are praying for them.

It doesn’t have to be big and fancy, you just have to choose to open your eyes to the many beautiful moments that God has blessed you with and share that with others.


My Beautiful Moments

Recently, this has really come to light in my life! We have a pretty jam-packed holiday/end of year schedule and right in the middle of it we caught a violent stomach virus. It took us out of commission for the better part of  a week. 

At the same time, my two year old ended up with a double ear infection! 

As we are all laying around feeling miserable, one of life’s chocolate chip cookies revealed itself.

My eight year old (Cole) and my two year old (Elgin) have a special bond. As Cole was laying there sick, Elgin came up and sat with him. She HAD to be touching him at all times, alternating between holding his hand and combing her fingers through his hair.

The visual manifestation of this beautiful bond between siblings was heart-warming to say the least.

God is so merciful and good that even in the midst of what felt like a crisis, he showed himself through their love for each other.

Your Turn!

This holiday season I encourage you to look for and create the chocolate chip cookies of life. 


Look below for a FREE printable of my mother-in-law’s scrumptious chocolate chip cookie recipe! 


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Melannie’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

How to Live in Abundance

How to Live in Abundance

When I say living in abundance many people probably think about mansions, sports cars and house maids.

Others will think of an abundance of dirty clothes, messy rooms and sticky fingers.

If you’re a farm girl like me, you may think of bushel baskets filled to the brim with produce or shelves lined with Mason jars filled with home-canned delights.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4 that he knows how to live with little and how to live in abundance. He has learned to be content.

“I know how to be humbled, and I know how to have an abundance;”
Philippians 4:12

What is abundance?

Now, I have never thought of myself as a rich person so I have always looked at this verse and thought, “I need to be content with what little I have.” It wasn’t until recently that my attention shifted to the latter portion of that verse and the incredibly impactful statement Paul is making. He knows how to abound.

I am reminded of the ancient proverbian’s prayer “Lord, I ask you for two things. Don’t refuse me before I die. Keep lies far away from me. Don’t make me either poor or rich, but give me only the bread I need each day. If you don’t, I might have too much. Then I might say I don’t know you. I might say, “Who is the Lord?” Or I might become poor and steal. Then I would bring shame to the name of God.” Proverbs 30:7-9

He is saying let me have enough so I won’t steal but not so much that I think I don’t need God. It can be a real struggle to live in abundance!

The gospel of Mark shares the story of the rich, young ruler and his conversation with Jesus. He had lived a “perfect” life but wasn’t willing to give up his wealth for the Lord. This powerful story really becomes a toe stomper when Jesus says it is easier for a camel to enter into the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. This begs the question; does God hate rich people?

Absolutely not! But, as humans, we struggle to not become dependent and deceptively comfortable
in our own abilities, accomplishments and circumstances. When we think we can do it all, why do we need Jesus???

God has blessed us all abundantly by sending his son to be the redemptive sacrifice for us and by giving us his written word for guidance as well as the avenue of prayer to connect with him.

He has also promised us he will provide our basic necessities; food, clothing and shelter. (Matthew 6)

Anything and everything we have is from God

Sometimes we become prideful thinking we have done all this or that, but all good and perfect gifts come from Him (James 1). We should thank and glorify God for EACH and EVERY thing!

So, how do we live in abundance?


First, we have to recognize that the vast majority of us are, in fact, living a very abundant life. We may not have everything we could possibly want but (most of us) have everything that we need, plus some!


After that, I believe the key is being thankful for the full and blessed lives we are living. The Lord is always good and deserves to be praised, honored and thanked regardless of our personal situations in life. However, I know I take for granted SO many of the amazing blessings he gives me and my family every day!

I am reminded of the Children of Israel. As they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, God miraculously provided water, food and an easy to follow GPS system. Yet they constantly complained about everything! God had brought them out of brutal slavery and they continued to complain and cry saying they wanted to go back to Egypt because the food was better.

Numbers 11:4-6 “Some people among them began to wish for other food. Again the Israelites began to cry out. They said, “We wish we had meat to eat. We remember the fish we ate in Egypt. It didn’t cost us anything. We also remember the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we’ve lost all interest in eating. We never see anything but this manna!”

I mean, I like cucumbers as much as anyone, but really?? They wanted to give up their freedom for some veggies? As ridiculous as that sounds, I have done the same thing many times. I have bitterly complained about a situation I was in and begged for an outcome that I thought was best. Lord, forgive my short-sightedness!! My heart overflows with gratitude that HE is in control and I am not!

Use your talents

Lastly, I think it is very important how we USE our abundance. Are we hoarding? Are we unwilling to serve others whether it be with our time, money or friendship? Are we selflessly sharing our talents, great or small? Or do we bury them, fearing for our own selves? Matthew 25:14-30 teaches about this through a powerful parable. I recommend reading it if you haven’t!

As Christians, we are called to be courageous in our faith. Showing and sharing Christ’s love everywhere we go and to everyone we encounter.


To wrap it up, I believe in this country we are so incredibly blessed! Blessed with freedom, opportunity and relative wealth. God has been so merciful and gracious and has given to us abundantly. He calls us to be aware, be thankful and use that abundance for HIS glory. My eyes have been opened and my heart has been touched by his greatness. I encourage each of you to look for, and fearlessly use, the abundant blessings he has given you to further HIS kingdom.

Matthew 6:25-33 “I tell you, do not worry. Don’t worry about your life and what you will eat or drink. And don’t worry about your body and what you will wear. Isn’t there more to life than eating? Aren’t there more important things for the body than clothes? Look at the birds of the air. They don’t plant or gather crops. They don’t put away crops in storerooms. But your Father who is in heaven feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are? Can you add even one hour to your life by worrying? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the wildflowers grow. They don’t work or make clothing. But here is what I tell you. Not even Solomon in all his royal robes was dressed like one of these flowers. If that is how God dresses the wild grass, won’t he dress you even better? Your faith is so small! After all, the grass is here only today. Tomorrow it is thrown into the fire. So don’t worry. Don’t say, ‘What will we eat?’ Or, ‘What will we drink?’ Or, ‘What will we wear?’ People who are ungodly run after all those things. Your Father who is in heaven knows that you need them. But put God’s kingdom first. Do what he wants you to do. Then all those things will also be given unto you. So don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

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Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage

A good marriage isn’t something you find, it’s something you make and have to keep on making it.

Marriage takes work and it can be very hard sometimes But the reward of a happy marriage is so worth it! Whether you have been married for 5 years or 50 years, actively protecting your marriage is so important!

Sadly, healthy, thriving marriages are on the decline. We have an enemy that attacks marriages every day. He knows that matrimony is not only the foundation of the family, but of a healthy society.

Trevor and I are blessed to come from a long legacy of lasting marriages. My Mom’s parents celebrated their 69th anniversary this summer and are an amazing inspiration of love and commitment. My Grandma (we call her Mika!) is one of our guest bloggers here at OBM so keep yours eyes open for her words of wisdom and inspiration later this month.

Trevor’s grandparents are equally as inspiring. His Mom’s parents have been married for 64 years now and his dad’s parents for 63.
My dad’s parents also have a beautiful love story! They married when my Granny was 17 years old and have been together for almost 57 years now.
Both sets of our parents have also blessed us with beautiful examples of marriage.

Trevor’s parents will celebrate their 41st anniversary later this month (Happy anniversary Monty and Melannie!) While mine celebrated their 34th in April of this year.

Combined, that is a total of 328 years of marriage experience! We have had the incredible opportunity to see, or hear, first-hand how these couples have handled difficult situations and beautiful moments alike.

Whether, your marriage is struggling or superb
I know you will enjoy these nuggets of wedlock wisdom we have gleaned over the past 10 years.

Spend Time Together

This sounds like a simple thing but it is very easily put on the back-burner. Carve out time for each other every single day. Even if it’s only 5 uninterrupted minutes of conversation-do it! Having a date night once a week is a great goal to shoot for. We don’t always get to “go out” but we try to spend a good chunk of quality time together every week. Sometimes that looks like building fence or weeding the garden together, but working as a team is important, too.

Basically, do whatever it takes to make time for each other.

Have each Other’s Back

I cannot tell you how many times I have been in a group of wives who start talking about their husbands’ “flaws”. Before too long, it turns into a competition of who has the worst husband. “George never helps with the laundry.”, “Oh, you think that is bad??? Well, my Joshua doesn’t even put his clothes in the hamper!”, “Oh please! That’s nothing compared to the slob I live with! And to top it off, he never remembers to put the toilet seat down!”

I have fallen into this trap on more than one occasion myself. However, a few years ago I tried something new. When the talk turned to missed laundry hampers and lidless toothpaste I said something positive about my man. It is amazing how fast the dialogue would switch from negative to positive speech. I believe it is so important for your husband to know that you have his back and equally as important for you to know that he has your’s.

Don’t Neglect Intimacy

I am a firm believer that a married couple’s sex life is just that- THEIR’S! Not my business and mine is not your’s. However, intimacy in marriage is hugely important and should not be neglected. There are many resources out there to help couples in this sensitive area. One that I would recommend is Dr. Kevin Leman’s “Sheet Music”. This short read is available at most book stores and can be found on Audible.

Celebrate Each Other

Trevor and I recently took a weekend trip to celebrate our tenth anniversary This trip was to be the first time we have been able to “get-away” since we were married. There were several things that came up and/or happened right before we were supposed to leave that put me on the verge of canceling our trip! Everything from not being able to fly into the city where we needed to fly into, to our oldest son breaking his arm. My mom, sister and friend (Emily) graciously stepped in and helped get us on our way. The trip was a wonderful refreshment for both Trevor and I! (Stay tuned for more on that mini-vacay!)

Make sure your spouse knows you value them and their accomplishments. Celebrate milestones. Make a big deal out of each and every success they have. Be their biggest fan and their loudest cheerleader.

Pray Together

There is not much that is as intimate as inviting someone into your prayer life. Praying together on the regular is vastly impactful and absolutely irreplaceable! Prayer has a massive impact on marriage! Use it as an every day tool.

To sum it all up, your marriage is worth investing in! A happy marriage is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children and, ultimately, one of the best gifts you can give to yourself as well.

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Prayer Starters for Couples


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.