Helpful Homeschool Hints
For some, the very word brings forth tempestuous feelings of anxiety and fear. Thanks to Covid, homeschooling has been thrust upon many-prepared or otherwise.
I partially homeschool my 3 school-aged children (for more on that, check out this post). I am always looking for ways to incorporate school with everyday activities.
Cooking is one of the easiest, most fun, messiest ways to do this. I have always encouraged my children to help me cook and my oldest son (Orren-8) has taken this and run with it. He absolutely LOVES to cook! Now, to get that whole clean while you cook thing down would be great!
Orren has gone so far as to start his own cookie baking business. He has even developed his own “secret recipe”.

A baking business
He has made cookies for weddings, birthday parties, holiday events and talked to our local grocery store about selling his cookies. The boy amazes me and makes me so proud while at the same time overwhelming me with trying to help him keep up with his grocery lists and trips and profit and loss statements. (He keeps a little notebook in his pocket to keep track-just like dad. So cute!)
But I digress… Back to homeschool! Using a simple recipe, like this Flourless Peanut Butter Cookie recipe, is an excellent way to help teach math (especially fractions) and life skills all rolled into one! Plus, you get a yummy treat at the end!
This recipe has 5 ingredients that all are 2 of something. 2 cups, 2 teaspoons, 2 whole eggs. Some ways I use this to teach math is by looking at how many teaspoons it takes to make a tablespoon, then a cup. The sugar is a great ingredient to let them measure. First, with teaspoons. Then, tablespoons. Finally, cups. You can measure back and forth between 2 bowls until you feel they are catching on OR you just can’t handle any more sugar on the floor, whichever comes first (I did say messiest!).
After the dough is made, I use a medium cookie scoop and scoop the dough into little balls. A lot of times we like to add chocolate chips to our cookies, because who can resist a soft, gooey, peanut butter chocolate chip cookie?

Cookie Math!
I usually put 3 chocolate chips in the center of each cookie dough ball. As you (or your kiddo) place these, you can use the chips for practicing addition, multiplication, or just plain counting. Whatever level your child(ren) is at. I always try to ask my kids what kind of equations they can come up with. This is a great multi-sensory learning activity AND my kids LOVE doing cookie math!

A very wise woman told me many times, “My job as a mother is not to teach you what to think, but rather, how to think.”
And I think she did a great job! 😉

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Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.