Summer School
Look no further!
Below are 10 simple activities that will encourage your child to continue learning throughout the summer without them even realizing they are learning.

1. Puzzles: Start with hiding 4 letters in a sensory bin or around the room then have your child search for the letters missing and place them in the correct order. Have fun with it and don’t be afraid to be silly.
2. Get Outside: Go to a park and lay the letters on the ground and have them hop, skip, or jump to each letter
3. Nature: Line sticks or leaves in the shape of letters or sight words.

4. Whack a Letter/Sight Word: This is one of my favorite games. Lay about 6 or 8 letters or sight words on the floor or on a coffee table. Have one person read letter/sight word and the other person has to whack (either with their hand or a fly swatter- the dollar tree has fun ones with flowers glued on).
5. Matching: Upper to Lowercase letters. The other day I wrote all the uppercase and lowercase letters with a highlighter and had the kindergartner trace them. We then cut the letters out so she could match the upper and lowercase letters and put them in ABC order.

6. Make your own book: Allow for this to be an encouraging process. Have your child draw pictures first, remind them to add details to their pictures. Then when writing the story make sure to add details to their story. Don’t worry about punctuation or spelling in their first DIY book. We want to encourage imagination and completion. If they continue to write more books you can encourage the next steps of grammar.
7. Pen-Pals: Have a relative or friend send cards in the mail to your children and have your children respond. It can be as simple as a drawing with a parent writing the note or a whole page written by your child. What a great way to stay connected too!

8. Nature: Count seashells or make them into Patterns.
9. Gross Motor: Kick or bounce a ball back in forth while counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, etc.
10. DIY: Make you’re own board game.

EPIC: Reads books to them or allows them to read a wide variety of books.
ABC MOUSE: Helps kids learn ABC’s, sight words, sounds, etc.
Khan Academy Kids: Songs, ABC’s, 123’s
I hope you enjoyed the ideas above and maybe sparked a new idea or reminded you of an old one. Do you have a favorite school activity that makes learning fun? Share them with us in the comment section below!
Also, do not forget to download the freebies too, a total of 9 pages! They are a packet of sight words to make it easy to use wherever needed. To use while waiting in the car, for whack a word, chalk work, hop scotch sight words, etc. Be as creative as your mind will let you. Let us know how you plan to use them and let us share ideas with other Momma’s!
Thanks for stopping by.
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Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.