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Nothing can ever prepare you for the overwhelming emotions you feel when becoming a new mother. I know I wasn’t prepared for it. Add being a military spouse on top of that, my emotions seem to have amplified.
Oftentimes, those emotions can turn negative. Almost as if the enemy knows when to attack. I know I’m not the only one, but sometimes, my emotions can get the best of me. I’ve found myself turning to God more than ever in this new motherhood season that I’m in.

Back to our emotions.

Consider the word itself: e-motion. Emotions move you to action. Your emotions originate from your thoughts. If your emotions are based upon lying thoughts (those that do not agree with God’s word) then they can lead you to take ungodly actions.

Here’s an example: I suffered from anxiety for many years. It came in many forms from being obsessive with things having to be a particular way to doubting my God-given abilities to walk in the purpose He’s destined me to walk in. While the feeling was true, you would have never thought that with as much as I’ve accomplished in my life, that I would have suffered from that. But, the enemy doesn’t care who you are. Satan, the enemy, will try to capture whomever he can to keep us from the Truth (God’s word). Nonetheless, these anxious thoughts are based on a lying thought. If I had not questioned it (and persistent thoughts like them), they would have led me down a horrible path.

The enemy often sows lying thoughts into Christians’ minds, specifically, mother’s minds to keep us from the very thing that made us that. A mother. We can live in His peace when we develop His mind according to 2 Corinthians 10:5: “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…

Because Jesus is the living Word, your goal is to assess your thoughts to ensure they agree with His word. Not only that, but as mother’s we are the cornerstone of what our children consume and that goes for how we deal with stress and a plethora of other things that they may adopt into their own behavior. Here’s one question you can ask yourself when feeling anxious or down:

Acknowledge your feelings, but then ask yourself,

“What must I believe to feel this way?”

That always helps me to uncover the thought behind the feeling and see if that thought agrees with God’s word.

For example, I believed that nobody cared for ME after I had a baby. I thought that all people cared about was this precious baby boy that my husband and I created. To take the thought captive to the obedience of Christ, the next question is important: “Is this thought true?”

Looking at God’s word in 1 Peter 5:7 revealed to me why my thought was a lie: “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” So that scripture told me that God cares!
Remember: Just because you “feel” an emotion doesn’t mean the thought behind it is true. As mothers, whether new or veteran, we have to keep our thoughts AND actions pointed to Christ. Because our little blessings are most certainly watching! And I don’t know what’s more of a blessing — the little ones we get to shape into the body of Christ, or the fact that we are IN Christ’s body because of the ultimate sacrifice. We’ve got it pretty good if you ask me!

Meet Kiara!

Kiara is a sister in Christ and is a new mom to a sweet baby boy named Carter Emmanuel. She’s also a military spouse and will be moving to New Mexico in spring 2021. Kiara is a stay-at-home-mom and lifestyle influencer and uses her platform to share the word of God along with her passions of motherhood, homemaking, and fashion/beauty. You can check out her YouTube channel here and follow her on Instagram to get the most up-to-date information on her day-to-day life. Lastly, she will be launching her own website,, soon and would love to have you as a part of her growing email list so that you can be the first to hear about announcements, giveaways, and more!