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A Mother’s Reflections

A Mother’s Reflections

I’ve thought and prayed so much for parents in this world who are facing many new challenges that I as a parent never had to face.  There’s no one to ask “How did you handle it”

We do know; however, that God is constant, never changing and always present.  It’s such a comfort knowing that whatever happens, big or small, God can help us get through.

Creating a Home

I think it’s very important as parents, that we try to create a safe, loving home environment for our children to come home to.  This world can be hard and we all need to have a place to know we are loved unconditionally.  God is the perfect father and loves us so much that he gave us his son to die on a cross for our sins.

John 3:16. That’s the love I want our children to see.

Each night, we had a family devotional before bedtime.  We started when our
children were very young  and then we studied the book of Proverbs when they
got older.  Every time I think back to those family devotional memories, I smile and thank God for that special time together.

Getting Involved

We also as a family spent a lot of time working with the church youth group and
church camp and our children were very much involved with those events and special times.  I never remember any of our children saying, “Do we have to go to church” because we all loved going and especially loved  being together.

Walk the Walk

I think it’s important that your children know you’re not perfect.  Grant and I were
quick to tell our children we were sorry or were wrong if we had overreacted or
misjudged a situation.  Our children need to be able to know how to react when they sin or make a mistake.  Romans 3:23. Please let them see you love God with All your heart, soul and mind.  Kids are very smart and can see when you are not living what you teach.

We were extremely blessed to have teenagers that we loved and LIKED :).
We enjoyed those years Very much and Grant and I missed them so much when they went to college but now we are abundantly Blessed with children, their spouses and grandchildren that we love and like SO Much!!

None of us know what tomorrow may bring. Enjoy each stage your children are in and don’t wish time away.  Thank God for each precious moment that he gives you to be the best parent you can be to your children and their sweet souls.

Meet Lori!

What a blessing for our OneBlessedMomma Blog to have our Guest Blogger, Lori.  The wonderful mother of our blogger, Julia.   She is an excellent example of a wife, mother, mother in law, and grandmother.   Thank you, Lori for sharing your wisdom with us on what works and your encouragement for us to continue to bring our families closer to Christ.


Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

My Motherhood Journey

My name is Tessa. I became a wife shortly before my 19th birthday and a mother when I was 19. This past year my baby (the last of 4!) turned 18. I’m not sure how that happened; that’s a whole new prayer!

Looking back on my life as a mother, a piece of advice I would give my younger self and you is to “let go, pray, and let God.” Let go of the worry, let go of the perfect, let go and ask for help (that includes your husband because he can’t read your mind), let go and pray, let go and forgive – including yourself, let go and give and receive grace, let go and let God have all your worries, struggles, and cares. Let go and leave it there!! God can manage it ALL!

1 Peter 5:7 says “…casting all your cares upon him; for He careth for you…”

A prayer is a powerful tool, Mama!

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are told to “…pray without ceasing….” I know for myself that I would find that I would go to God in prayer and ask Him for help, then I would take it back. I was worried He wouldn’t be able to handle it; I was worried He was too busy for my struggles; I was worried my problems were too small. What? Crazy Right? Because nothing is too small for our Mighty God.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV.

It’s Okay To Struggle

Even still, some days, I struggle, and I must remind myself to “let go, pray, and let God!” To choose joy! I must make a conscious effort daily to choose and ask God to take away my worry; to ask for forgiveness and to give it; to give me joy, happiness, and peace; and to ask and receive God’s grace. And that’s okay because you can pray anytime and anyplace. God wants you to come to Him with everything. Remember, worry takes away joy. Take a deep breath, “let go, pray, and let God!”

Enjoy The Here And Now

I was once told to enjoy the here and now. Easier said than done, right? But Mama, those babies grow up. Cherish each hug, each “I Love You, Mama,” each and every little thing, each and every step of the way! Please don’t rush the time, Mama, as it goes by so fast already. They won’t always make a mess, they won’t always talk back, and they won’t always need help. I know it can be overwhelming at times, but Mama, it’s okay, and it’s okay to ask for help. I don’t know how many times I called my Mama. Give your kids, your husband, and yourself grace. Ask God to change how you are feeling in the crazy, frantic, hectic, hurting, frustrating, want-to-scream moments, to help you find joy in the journey of motherhood, and to guide you as you are teaching your children about God’s love and grace. LET GO, PRAY, and LET GOD!

Pray And Pray Some More

Pray on it, pray over it, and pray through it. Mama, we need to pray, wait, and trust. Have faith, even as tiny as a mustard seed, to allow God to work in you, through you, and for you. So when you feel overwhelmed with worry…….


May God bless you, Mama, even more than He already has!

(left to right)

Les, Wes, Libby, Tessa, Brandon, Allen

Meet Tessa!

Tessa is a wife, mother of four, and crafting queen!

Above all, she is a disciple of Christ and strives to share His love with every human she meets.

She resides in SW Colorado with her husband, Wes, four adult kids, and her dream craft room.

You can catch Tessa and Wes on their YouTube channel Piedra Designs, on Facebook, and check out their Etsy shop here!

I am a recovering perfectionist

I am a recovering perfectionist

Hello, my name is Melannie, and I am a recovering perfectionist – actually I fall off the wagon a lot but – I am making progress.

Looking back on when I first got married at 18 and then a year later became a mom for the first time, I now see I was striving to be that perfect wife and mother found in Proverbs 31. I totally sabotaged myself. I was a perfectionist that was worried I could do nothing perfectly. I was also the biggest procrastinator—I figured if I didn’t do it then I couldn’t mess it up.

We are called to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48) but are also told in Ephesians 5:1 to be imitators of God – I think He knows we will not obtain perfection. He forgives and forgets our sins and mistakes when we bring them to Him – 1 John 1:9 says if we confess He forgives. We need to follow Paul’s example in Philippians 3:12-13 – he tells us to forget what is behind and strain forward to what lies ahead.

If I could give my younger self advice…

        • Grace
        • Get grounded
        • Choose your battles
        • Build a support system
        • Don’t hide
        • Rest


I can’t go back in time and give myself advice but I would like to give you first-time moms advice—remember to give yourself grace AND accept God’s grace for you. If you can get yourself into this habit it will make things easier as your babies grow and as you have more of them.

Get Grounded

Another thing that I have learned too late to help me raising my kids is that when I make sure I make time to get grounded in God’s word daily it helps me to put anything that happens that day in better perspective and not let the little things stress me out.  Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first God and all these things will be given to you. Then in verse 34, He tells us to not be anxious about tomorrow. If we will be in His word and seek Godly wisdom He will give it to us (James 1:5).  He will give you wisdom to handle anything you give to Him in prayer.  Only through this renewal in Christ can we walk in wisdom.

Choose Your Battles

I look back at some of the truly silly things that I butted heads with my kids about as they got older and had their own opinions and own will for things and see that those did not matter!—why did I fight them about it?—If it is going to harm them or if it violates your beliefs, standards or morals then, by all means, go to battle—but don’t let the daily things that are not going to matter tomorrow or next week or next month cause you to have great stress or anger or to damage them emotionally. Let them make mistakes and decisions and then learn from the consequences and outcomes. It will make them stronger and more confident.

Build a Support System

To get through the tough times, have a support system through relationships with other women of ALL ages. This is what helped me so much from my first newborn to even now with four grown, married kids and sixteen grandkids. Thanks to older women that were true Titus 2:3-5 women in my life—ranging from my own mom to women in my church families, I knew I had them to go to when I was ready to throw my hands up-quit and run away!

Don’t Hide

Don’t hide your true self—with ALL your flaws—share your struggles—Galatians 6:2 tells us to “bear one another’s burdens”, do this authentically. Having women my age and in pretty much the same stage of momma-hood as me has always helped me and also them. It is so good to know that I am not the only one struggling or having problems—we are in good company. By sharing with each other we can be sounding boards for each other and maybe hear of new/different ways to look at things and discover new and/or better ways to handle them.


To sum it all up I’d like to close with a quote I found from Max Lucado in his book Let the Journey Begin 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.

May we all, wherever we are on this journey of momma-hood, rest in His grace and peace.

Melannie and her husband Monty

Meet Melannie!

Melannie is a wife, mother of 4, and grammy to 16 grandkids. She is momma to Melinda and momma-in-law to Mollie here at One Blessed Momma.

Thank you, momma, for stopping by and sharing your wisdom with us! –Melinda

Entering Motherhood

Entering Motherhood

Emotional beginning

I recently became a mother in July of this year. When our sweet Hadley entered this world, I was filled with every emotion possible. First and foremost, happiness and so much joy. But, just like any first time mom, I was also terrified and fearful. Worried that I wouldn’t be a good mom, that I wouldn’t have the resources to raise this sweet girl, and the list goes on and on. The first few weeks were a major adjustment. Adjusting to having a new baby at home, breastfeeding, and learning my husband and I’s new roles as parents. However, they by far have been the sweetest and most precious moments of my life this far.

Our baby girl

Hadley is now 4 months old (almost 5) and we have begun to adjust to this new life with our little girl. God truly blessed us when he gave us Hadley. She is calm, sweet, smiley, and happy as can be most days. I have always wanted to be a mom and Hadley has made becoming a mom so easy.

I went back to work 2 days a week back in October. Leaving Hadley was by far one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Luckily, I get to leave her with my mother in law or my mom for those two days a week. It really does take a village to raise a child! I am so grateful that on the days I have to leave her, she gets to spend time with family. Both my family and in-laws are AMAZING. They are willing to help with Hadley any day of the week, which has been such a blessing! I hope that Hadley grows up understanding how loved she is!

I can do all things…

My favorite verse in the Bible is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” I have heavily relied on God to give me strength and guidance since becoming a mother. I don’t think anyone fully understands what motherhood is like until they have a child. There are so many good days, but those bad days can be hard to battle and can often make you feel alone. God has definitely made it possible for me to be the mother I want to be and has helped me along with raising Hadley through him. I have been so thankful for this opportunity to raise her and that God chose me to be her mother. Her birth has opened my eyes to God and forced me to follow him faithfully.

Learning to be a mom

I still have so much to learn as a mother and I don’t think I’ll ever know half of the stuff there is to know. There are new learning curves everyday and having a baby can be very unpredictable. This past week Hadley has started teething and we went from sleeping all night to hardly sleeping at all. This has been so mentally challenging for me. I love to sleep and not getting enough sleep can make me irritable and inpatient. I have relied on God a lot this past week to help get me through the nights. I’ve prayed numerous times for wisdom, strength, and patience. It’s comforting to know as a first time mom, I constantly have someone to turn to for guidance and strength. Even in the middle of the night.

My husband and I have recently been discussing our role as parents and raising Hadley to love and follow God. In today’s world, it can be challenging to keep your children on the right path. Josh and I have looked at ourselves and our relationship with God. Although we try our best to read the Bible and pray, we often fail. I know that personally I often make excuses to do other things rather than be in God’s word. I have to take care of Hadley, the dishes need done, the house is a mess, etc. However, now that we have Hadley we both have been working to make it a priority in our lives so that we are the best example to her.

Reflect daily


At any stage in motherhood, whether you’re a first time mom or a mom of 5 kids, I think it’s important to reflect on your spiritual life daily. Before Hadley was born, I only had to worry about myself and my spiritual decisions only affected me. However, now I have a little human that relies on me to lead her down the correct path. As a mother, it is part of my responsibility to bring Hadley close to God and have a knowledge of him. Although it can seem like a very daunting task, I have to remind myself that God will lead me through this stage in my life if I lean on him. And As I said before “I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength.” Motherhood is a full time job, but it has been my favorite job so far.

Meet Courtney!

Hi! My name is Courtney! I live in the beautiful area of SW Colorado. I am a momma to my sweet baby girl, Hadley and wife to my amazing husband, Josh.

We have one cat and two dogs to complete our family. I love spending time with my family and being outdoors. 

I am a medical assistant at a podiatry office. I know, ew feet but I absolutely love it!
I have a deep love for our savior and hope that my life can be a reflection of his love.

Look Up, Not Around

Look Up, Not Around

Look up…

Are you one of those people who can’t help but smile whenever Facebook or Google sends you a memory from your past? I do. It’s usually a post with pictures, but occasionally it’s a detailed experience from my life. This week, a memory popped up of a scenario that I had with my two daughters in 2014. The memory from my past reminded me to-look up, not around.

Memory Lane

It popped up on my phone as I was listening to my 12 year old have an emotional meltdown. This was a pre-teen meltdown in which I have been warned about from other parents. My 12 year old was feeling EVERY. SINGLE. emotion possible. I couldn’t even distinguish the correct way to respond to her. It was (according to her) “the worst day of her life!”  I just kept looking at the time on my phone thinking- oh my goodness, is this roller coaster of feelings ever going to end? Should I be contemplating boarding school? Have I failed her as a mother? Fortunately, out of the blue, a memory popped up. 

Why Me?

The memory took place in November, eight years ago. My girls and I were driving home from the E.N.T (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist). I was feeling sorry for myself and angry with God. My husband and I already went through a long and difficult journey to even be able to become parents- but now our girls who were then 4yrs old and 2yrs old were keeping me up all night with horrible ear infections- BOTH of them. I was looking around thinking ‘why me’, ‘why my girls’? I was feeling EVERY. SINGLE. emotion. Right then, my 4yr old who was looking up outside the car window, interrupted my thoughts and asked me- “Mom, are we still on erff (Earth)?”…….”Are we ever going to leave erff?”

The Lord’s Provision

 This was the moment my 4 year old daughter reminded me to stop looking around, but to look up. I prayed that night and I felt at peace. I knew my girls were in God’s hands and I wasn’t alone. Within the next few weeks, the Holy Father blessed our family with doctors who could end our daughter’s pain, relieve my stress, and take away my sleepless nights.


It Will Be Ok


After reading this memory. I looked over at my 12yr old daughter who was still consumed by her emotions. I sighed and thought about her being 4 yrs old and saying ‘errf’ instead of Earth. I reflected how it felt when I was drowning with fear, stress, sadness, self doubt, and anger. I then placed my phone on top of her dresser and sat down beside her while tears continued to stream down her face. I then disrupted her thoughts of ‘why me?’ and I said, “you need to look up- not around you’’. 

 Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.

Meet Melissa!

Hi! I was born and raised in Southwest Colorado. I married my high school sweetheart in 2007. My husband and I are blessed with two amazing daughters who are now 10 and 12.
We love to go camping, 4-wheeling, and boating together. I have always loved being around animals and children. They seem to always bring out the best in me-so it was no surprise that my path led me into teaching.
I am currently a 2nd grade teacher at Hope Community Christian Academy. I love working with the staff and families to provide a loving, Godly, and positive learning experience for kiddos. I especially love that I get to see my girls in the hallway and take part in their education.
Recently, I keep referring back to the verse Mathew 6:25-27

“….Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Maybe it’s my age, the stress of the holidays, being a mom, or having the responsibilities as a teacher-but the pressure to have it “all together” can be overwhelming. Thank goodness our Heavenly Father provides us the insight to his everlasting and abundant love for each of us.