“The first of the first fruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God.”
Exodus 23:19a
Similarly, today He asks for our hearts and one way we show that is by how we spend our time.
I have to put on my steel toe boots to even write this!
I am SO guilty of putting my worship of God on the very back burner. You know what generally happens after a little while of doing this? I become sad. Down in the dumps. Completely overwhelmed with the 47 million things I am trying to juggle and still not accomplishing anything meaningful.
One thing I have learned through my christian walk is that, most everything God asks of us is for our own good. He created us and knows us intimately.
“For you formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb.”
Psalm 139:13
He knows EXACTLY how and why we function and think the way we do. He knows what we need and loves and cares for us more than we can comprehend!
It may seem a little selfish for God to ask for our best but He knows when we give Him our best our hearts are surrendered to Him and we can then fully embrace His perfect peace that passes all understanding.
As moms, it is SO easy to give all of our time away. Kids need fed, clothed, washed, taught, loved, fed again and on and on and on. You add in ANY extra curricular activity (as my kids have gotten older its much harder to avoid these!) and we are over the top!
Many moms, (myself included) have jobs outside the home as well. That takes time away from keeping your house from looking like the 7 dwarfs haven’t had Snow White over for a couple years.
Oh! And there is your husband. That guy likes some attention every now and then too. Once you add all these together (plus, most everyone has other commitments they are fulfilling as well) you just plain DON’T have time for God!
If this could be a description of you, you are not alone! I am driving this crazy bus of over committed, over caffeinated, overwhelmed mommas.
I want to share a few ways I am choosing to honor God with my time.
1. Say, NO!
This is an incredibly difficult but very impactful ability to have. You DO NOT have to volunteer for every committee, sign up for every elective, be at every function or every extended family meal. I’m not saying, be a moocher or cut all family ties, just set boundaries and don’t be afraid to say, “No” or “Not this time”. Use discernment.
2. Ask For Help.
Some people are going to judge me for this and that is fine. It’s OK (more than OK!) to have your kids help you!
Ranch life is a very, all-hands-on-deck type of lifestyle. Our kids work and work hard. They have chores to do outside and zones to keep clean inside. AND, (it gets worse!) I ask my older kids to help me with my younger kids.
You know what?
They LOVE it!
Kids thrive with responsibility! We do try to balance work and play for them. They have certain chores that they do just because they are part of this family and other chores (like their zones) that are “paying” jobs.
Being able to delegate some responsibility not only trains them to be contributing members of society, it also frees up some time for you!
3. Be Intentional.
Now that we are saying, no, and freeing up time. The next step is being intentional about using our time. Maybe you have 30 minutes after school that the kids are snacking or playing and you don’t have a lot of distractions. DO NOT pull your phone out and spend that time comparing yourself to all the “picture perfect” moms on social media. Be diligent about spending that time in prayer, study and worship.
If you are a morning person, (or even if you’re not!) try getting up 30 minutes earlier to get some God time in. Use some time before bed to connect with God. Wherever and whenever you can carve that time out, DO IT!
4. Have A Plan.
Having a study I am working on (like this one) or a reading plan in place (such as this one) makes my study time so much more fulfilling! It also gives me more motivation to stay on a track.
Even if you simply pick a book of the bible and read through it, taking notes and looking up things you don’t understand. Just knowing you are reading “Ephesians 2” today, can be very helpful.
Ultimately, it’s not the method we use but the motive we have.
The Lord deeply craves our heart. Our WHOLE heart and He is the only one who can make our hearts whole.
Trust your heart to Him, honor Him with your time. You will never regret the makeover He gives.
“Casting all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
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Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.
This is such a great reminder. It steps on my toes as well. I want to thank you for sharing this and giving ways to be more with God that have worked for you. Such a inspiration to me!
Thank you for this timely reminder! I know everytime my time is running short.. My quiet time with God is the first thing to go. I have to remember to give Him off of the top and not whatever leftovers i can scrounge up. Great post Mollie!
Thank you for this timely reminder! I know everytime my time is running short.. My quiet time with God is the first thing to go. I have to remember to give Him off of the top and not whatever leftovers i can scrounge up. Great post Mollie!
You’re such an inspiration Mollie! I totally fall into this as well. Life is busy, but God makes this life possible. We always need to remember this! Thanks for putting some great points in remembering how to make more time to worship God!
Thank you all for your kind words!