Hello There!
This is Grandma Mika here. I am Mollie Cundiff’s grandmother. What a blessing we have in Mollie.
Have you ever read the book The Power of Positive Thinking? I read it probably 60 years ago. It was really good then and it is just as good today. It teaches something that never goes out of style. Something that will serve you well all of your life if you willl learn to do it.

The Bible has several scriptures which encourage “positive thinking” or a positive attitude.
Proverbs 23:7 “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
How is your heart? Does it get exercised with good thinking? You may think about something all day that you dread or is unpleasant. Then your husband comes home and asks “How was your day, Dear?” And you say, “It was awful…The kids were terrible all day…”
We all have, at times, problems at home, work, or school. What makes the difference in the way we look at them is our attitude. It’s a choice.

You may know someone, let’s call her June, who is always grumpy, never smiles, and talks short to people. June drags herself around all day, complaining about “how my toe hurts,” maybe, “I’ve got to mop the floor and I know my back is really going to hurt.” And she wants everyone to know about it. Oh yes, June is only 40 years old.
Then you know someone named Doris. She helps the neighbors with their children; prepares food and takes it to the elderly; and works at the hospital three days a week. Doris had a heart attack five years ago. She is a pleasant person and smiles a lot. People love her. Doris is 78 years old.
Have you ever heard a doctor or a nurse say “she would have a better chance if she had a more positive attitude”? We have a scripture that speaks of this kind of thing.
Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
Specialist on aging now recognize these age categories:
1. Actual age on earth.
2. Physical and biological age. This may not be the same as actual age.
3. Another age has to do with our attitude.
- How open are we to new ideas, new ways of thinking about things.
- How flexible are we, not in joints and muscles, but in mind and emotions.
- How enthusiastic are we about:
- Our family
- Our home
- Our church
- The life we lead
- The world around us
Maybe we need thought conditioning.
- Picture success
- Never think of yourself as a failure
- When a negative thought comes into our mind, cancel it with a positive thought.
Proverbs 15:13 “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.”
Romans 8:31 “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”
One definition of power is “the ability to act or produce an effect”. We have the power to produce and sustain a negative or positive attitude.
It is a CHOICE
In our families: One of the best things you can do for your family is to teach them to think positively: “You’re a smart girl. You can pass the test.” or “You can go out there and kick that ball and make your team a success!”
But you can’t walk on water if you don’t get out of the boat.
Think Success!
Grandma Mika
88 years old

Meet Mika
Mika (otherwise known as, Sylvia Holland) is a picture perfect 1950’s housewife. Even at 88 years old she takes immaculate care of her home and family. Her and her husband of 69 years spent most of their life in the great state of Texas where they served in ministry for 60+ years. Recently, they moved to northern New Mexico to be closer to family. Her soft southern drawl and savory southern cooking along with her talents as an artist are some of the attributes that draw people to her. But her wise insight, that comes only by years of living a christian life, are the true treasures she brings. Her joy and zest for life are contagious to all she encounters and she blesses every soul she touches through her kind smile and warm hugs.