I woke up this morning and realized I was supposed to have scheduled a guest blogger for this week. I really dropped the ball! Thankfully, my sweet boys offered to be guest “bloggers” for this month. I couldn’t be more proud of or thankful for them!
Cole is my second born and second son. He has the sweetest heart of any human I know. He is generous, kind and tender-hearted. This boy is very self motivated and an extreme perfectionist when it comes to himself. One of his many talents is the gift of perception. He can tell when others are having a rough day and innately knows whether he should speak some sweet truth or simply sit quietly and hold your hand. I have seen him, on more than one occasion, go up to a complete stranger who looked down and say, “It’s a good day, isn’t it!”
He takes such good care of his 3 little sisters and always has a kind word for everyone he encounters. Cole melts my heart with his sugar coated hugs and syrupy conversation. This eight year old is really something special!

That brings me to my oldest son. My first born child. I had Orren at the age of 20 and I always say we grew up together.
Since he was born he has always been an “old soul”. I joke that he is an old man trapped in a young child’s body. Orren has a great capacity for conversation, in other words-he is a yacker! But in a very enjoyable and interesting way.
He is the most responsible 9 year old I have ever met! For example, recently, our bull put a hole in the fence and all of our cows were walking through it and out to the county road. My 2 youngest were sick and I really needed to be inside with them. Trevor was at work and I was feeling very overwhelmed! My boy could tell I was at the end of my rope and, like a little man, stands up and says, “Mom, don’t worry. I will take care of the cows.” Without blinking an eye he goes outside, catches and saddles a horse and proceeds to round up 60 head of cows and move them across 3 pastures completely alone! Now tell me, how many 9 year olds can do that?
Without further ado, here are Orren Maverick and Cole Sawyer’s blog posts.

Hi, my name is Cole. I am 8 years old. I want to tell you a little about my life. Me and my mom are the first ones up in the mornings. When I get up I get my baby sister, Elgin, and take her to Mom and then I snuggle with Mom.
When it is time, we get up and make lunches for everyone. After that, we wake everyone else up and take off for school!
First, we have to drop Rosie and Elgin off at Grandma’s house and then we go to school.
When school is over we go home and unpack and eat a snack. We do chores, eat supper and go to bed. The next day we do homeschool.
One thing I have learned from Mom and Dad is to be kind always.
I live on a ranch. It’s fun but it’s work, too. Hi, my name is Orren and I am nine years old.
I have four siblings and I am the oldest-that’s also work but is really fun.
I really love to ride horses fast. My horse’s name is, King. He’s really fast!
But with all the fun and work this life is I have also learned a lesson. That lesson is to never give up. It’s really important whether you live on a ranch or not.
In the Bible, Luke 1:37, it says nothing shall be impossible with God. That is true . Nothing is impossible with HIM. The ranch life will teach you that quicker than a lot of things.
My great parents make it a lot easier to live this awesome life. So does my horse. I love my life-work and all!
In the summer we take our cows to graze on a mountain permit. You never know if it’s gonna be real nasty weather but it’s fun even when the weather is bad.
Watching my mom and dad work as hard as they do is inspirational to me. They have both taught me so much!
In conclusion, ranch life is a lot of work but a ton of fun! And remember to never give up!

Meet Mollie
Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.