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Happy fall to all of you wonderful Mommas!

I’m so honored to be able to come back again and write a little about how I’m preparing and feeling about adding another baby to our little family!

As you read this I am about 5 weeks away from my October due date with our baby GIRL! Whoo hoo! I am so excited to dress this sweet little girl up in all of the cozy fall and winter clothes and spend so much time snuggling with her and my 2 year old through the colder months! I know, I know, it won’t all be fun times, snuggles, and hot chocolate. That is what everyone is very quick to remind me; it’s going to be so hard, you won’t get any sleep, etc
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect this to be a cake walk. I’ve had a newborn in the middle of a pandemic, with a $0 balance in my account, and the list goes on. I know it’s not easy, and 2 babies are going to be a challenge that I haven’t faced yet. But, I am so excited to have this little girl and get to have a little redemption from the last time I had a newborn and really had to miss out on so many of the things I was looking forward to; due to the crazy world climate around us at that time.

Not what I expected..

In February 2020 I had a beautiful home birth with my son, it couldn’t have gone much more perfectly, and I felt like everything else would end up falling into line that same way with my postpartum. My pregnancy had been full of depression and anxiety (that I didn’t realize at the time was a prenatal mood disorder, I just thought I was being an awful Mom to be struggling with these feelings when I was expecting my first baby). Things didn’t just fall into place, as you know from my last post, I had a huge breast milk supply issue. My son kept losing weight in the first couple of weeks and having to feed him primarily formula made me feel like a failure. All of that anxiety and depression came flooding right back, then the pandemic hit and made my postpartum period anything but what I had dreamed it would be.

This time God has blessed me with a pregnancy that has been full of joy and clarity of mind. I am looking forward to getting to do this all over again with a much healthier state of mind!

As I’ve been thinking about giving birth to this new little addition to our family, “Baby Peach” as we like to call her, I have had such a mix of feelings. I am so excited to have another baby, to get the chance at postpartum redemption, to have a baby girl, see my son be a big brother, see my Husband as a girl Dad for the first time (that one makes me a little emotional!) and the list goes on! I have also been feeling a small sense of loss thinking that this one little boy that I’m snuggling and carrying around will not be my only little one in just a short time. In about 5 weeks I’ll have 2 babies, which is amazing.  It’s what we wanted and I am still counting down the weeks until we meet our little Peach. Simultaneously, I hope these next few weeks slow down a bit. Just a little

Being 35 weeks pregnant my body is starting to ache and get quite uncomfortable, but I know that once she is here our family will be 100% different forever. I am so happy to become a Mommy to 2 little ones. I am happy to wait for her! She is such a blessing to our family but I still feel a little sad about sharing my lap with 2 babies. Did any of you ever feel this way? Were you excited, grateful, and happy to have another baby but at the same time a little sad to see your family change so much?

Enjoying every moment

I have determined to savor these last few weeks of being a family of 3, to give my husband and son as much time and attention as I can give them, and to make as many amazing memories having as many fun experiences as possible! About a month ago we took a trip to the Texas coast; Corpus Christi and South Padre Island. This was Benaiah’s (my son) first time to see the ocean, an aquarium, ocean animals, or the beach! He had more fun than I could have imagined! I had so much fun just watching him discover all of these new things like seeing sharks and big fish at the aquarium, running through the waves of the ocean, building a sandcastle and all of new scenery we drove through on our 2,500 mile road trip! He hardly quit smiling the whole week! This is my new favorite part of being a parent, just watching him get so excited about all the new things in this world that he has never seen before!
I am so looking forward to making those same types of memories with Peach too and watching her big brother show her the ropes will be such a fun thing to witness. I have many dreams about how these next few weeks, months and years will go with our 2 little ones! For tonight, I will rock my not so little guy to sleep and hold him just a little bit tighter. I am excited for the future, but savoring the present.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path known.”
Psalms 119:105 “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

Meet Mikayla!

I am Mikayla. Mommy to my adorable 2 year old baby boy and soon to be born daughter, wife to my incredible firefighter hubby, birth worker and aspiring doula. I love my saviour and my family and am very passionate about helping women to feel empowered during their pregnancy, birth and postpartum. My goal is to be an encouragement to the mommas in my life through sharing my experiences and offering a loving and supportive place for them to share their stories and be heard. God bless you in this season of life and may His perfect peace rule your hearts.

Colossians 3:14-15 “And above all these things put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.”