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On December 22nd, 2023 our newest addition, only being 1 month old, was diagnosed with RSV.

When Easton was first diagnosed with RSV, I felt so helpless and sad. I wanted so badly to take the sickness away from him. He was placed on portable oxygen and we were sent home. However, later that night he was having trouble breathing even on the oxygen so we made our way to the ER. They upped his oxygen and again we were on our way home. The following day, 12/23/2023,  we were back at our pediatrician’s office to check his oxygen levels and see how much longer he would need to be on oxygen. To our surprise, the pediatrician recommended that we check Easton into the NICU at the hospital. There we spent 12 LONG days and nights trying to get our little boy better. He was finally released to go home on 01/03/2024 but he still had to go home wearing oxygen. We were so thankful that our little boy made it through just fine.


Let me tell you, that was definitely not the way we expected to spend Christmas or New Year’s. I had never experienced anything like that in my entire life. The hospital stay and seeing my little boy so sick was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Not to mention, we had to leave Hadley (our little girl) with her grandparents for those 12 days (thank God for a good family and having family so close). Seeing her for only a little while each day. The whole thing was both mentally and emotionally exhausting for both my husband and I. Especially because we did not know when we were going to get to leave the hospital, this was the biggest trial I have ever had to face. 


In James 1:2-3 it states “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” This experience taught me so many things. Patience, thankfulness, compassion, etc. However, the biggest thing it taught me was to fully rely on God and his enduring love. While we were in the hospital, we were unable to do anything for our little guy besides love and comfort him and we were forced to put all of our trust in God. As a human, that can be hard because we constantly believe that we can face trials by ourselves. I am thankful that we had God on our side to help us through this trial. It also taught me the power of prayer. There were multiple nights that I found myself sobbing to God and asking him to help my little boy. I found so much comfort in these conversations with Him. 


Another thing that my eyes were opened to was how blessed I am to be my kids’ mother. I think often as mothers we get into a routine and forget how truly blessed we are with our kiddos. At least I know I do. There are so many blessings in motherhood that are often overlooked or taken for granted. Psalms 127:3 says “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” What an amazing reminder. Our children are a gift from the Lord, ones that should not be taken for granted. God has blessed me with two beautiful children that are happy and healthy.

 Ever since this experience, I try to remind myself each and every day what a blessing my kids, and children in general, are. I challenge each mother to do this every day. Especially on those days that are tiring and hard, think of a couple of things that make you thankful to be a mother. It will surprise you how many amazing things God has blessed you with in your children. It is also amazing how much you grow as a mother through these trials with your children. Thank the Lord for these beautiful babies and motherhood!

Meet Courtney!


Courtney is mother to two beautiful babies, Hadley and Easton, wife to Josh, and a sweet inspiration to all she meets through her quiet strength and unwavering determination.

Courtney is a lover of the Lord and strives to grow her faith as she walks through life and motherhood.