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The end of a life always makes me reflect on my life and the legacy I may be leaving with my children. I was recently blessed to be in town for my great uncle’s funeral. The things my cousins shared about their dad/grandpa were such an inspiration to me that I want to share them with you.

As parents I think we all question if we’re good enough, if we’ve messed up too big, if our children will ever overcome their childhood. I know I do. I know moms I look up to question what they’re doing or what they did.

My weakness, His strength

No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, I feel as though I’m falling short of what God has for me to do. I fall short of what my children need from me. So what are we to do as mommas? My answer for this is to rely on the all-knowing creator (and I may be feeling the need for this reminder pretty strong this morning). 

Lord God in Heaven, thank you for the blessing of my children. Thank you for the examples you have surrounded me with of Christian mothers, those who have led the way, and those who are in the trenches with me. Please help me to see the ways I can better parent each of my children. When I fall short, as I’m sure my stubborn self will, please fill in the gaps for my children. Please forgive me for my shortcomings and continue to refine me until you can see your reflection in me. In Jesus’ name I pray.”

The legacy I hope to leave

The legacy I hope to leave with my children is to make sure that God is the most important part of my life and that everything we do is, at the very least, not taking us away from Him. At best, everything we do is drawing us closer to Him.

We can not live our children’s lives for them. No matter how much we want to save them from mistakes and hurts, they must live their own lives. They have to make their own choices and decisions. As momma’s we are called to guide and direct them from the time they are born in both word and deed. There is no end to this, as long as we are both living, we should be ready to guide them to their Heavenly Father.

Sidenote: This is a “mom” blog and primarily focused on that aspect of life. However, I feel a nudge to call each of us out. If you have a childhood scar that dictates how you parent, the type of boss you are, the spouse, sister, friend you are, please take the time to work on that scar. Take responsibility for who you are and any changes you need to make. 

Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for the love, grace, and mercy you offer to each of us. For anyone allowing their childhood to dictate who they are today in a negative way, please heal their pain and show them how to soothe and correct the pain they’ve caused others. Lord, please help us each to make amends for the ways we hurt those around us, and see the changes we need to make to bring glory to you. Thank you for your forgiveness. Please help each of us to see the forgiveness we need to offer to others and then have the strength to do so. In Jesus’ name I pray.

At the funeral, a sign the family had in their home was shared. (I’ve probably butchered the wording, but I hope the sentiment encourages you all the same.) We are family and that may get messy, but the only failure is if we fail to keep working it out. I’m sure each of us has at least a little mess in our family. At the core, we need to keep loving God first, family second, and praying God fills in the gaps.

Hebrews 12:14  Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

I can only control me

I’m constantly telling my children (and myself), “You can only control you, you can only change you. I can only control me, I can only change me.” Make sure the choices you are making are right. Do the right thing, the kind thing no matter what those around you are doing. We each are responsible for ourselves. 

Dear Lord, please help us each take responsibility for our own actions and have the wisdom and courage to do what we need to do to live in peace with those around us. In Jesus’ name.

Don’t separate yourself from your savior

This next thought I’d like to share may have come from church service and not the funeral service, my memory gets a bit jumbled. Wherever it came from, it is definitely something on my heart and something I want to make sure my children know deep in their souls, a part of my legacy if you will. 

Don’t ever do anything that separates you from your savior. I’ve already shared that my big goal in life is to live so that God is in the center and nothing I do pulls me away from Him. The Bible tells us, all (yes even you and me) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.

Unfortunately, we all are part of a fallen world. Sin is a part of this mortal life, and what made us mortal. How do you handle it? Are you living in denial? Are you trying to hide it? I hate to burst your bubble, but you need to know, you can’t hide it. Don’t ever allow your sin, or your feelings (which can be big fat liars) to cause you to feel distant from God. I’ve been there, living in sin, not wanting to give it up, not wanting to make the necessary changes and, as a result, feeling like God is so far away. But it was just feelings. It was my trying to hide away. I am thankful to God that he tells us in His word that NOTHING can separate us from Him. 

Romans 8:38-39 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

I want my kids to know that although I am a faulty human, I love them. Even more, God the creator, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords loves them and wants the absolute best for them. 

Momma, I want you to know. God loves you, despite your faults, and will never, NEVER leave you. If you aren’t living this life in Him, you can. If you’ve never committed your life to Him, he’s waiting for you. If you have made the commitment and then broken it, he’s still lovingly waiting for your return. Go to Him!

I am one blessed momma of 6 children. I love each and every one of them and want nothing more than for them to each live for God and have a personal relationship with Him, that is the legacy I hope to leave behind.  

What do you want your legacy to be? Please tell us in the comments.

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family and has spent much time trying to learn how to "mom". She's still not perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.