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I am One Blessed Momma, are you?

I am One Blessed Momma, are you?

I am One Blessed Momma! Let’s break that down. What is a momma? It is an affectionate term for one’s mother. It implies affection, closeness, and respect. A woman caregiver of children. There are various ways we become mommas. Each way has some struggle and possibly some heartache, but is full of blessings.
What does it mean to be blessed? For me, this sentiment began with Psalm 127:3-5.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭127:3-5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

To be blessed is to be endowed with divine favor and protection. As we enter the fall months we will see thankful, grateful, blessed signs everywhere we go. You can’t avoid the gratitude attitude this time of year. I believe this is a good thing. When we talk about our blessings we are paying attention to them. Saying them out loud or writing them down connects them in our brain a little differently. If we are focused on the blessings the struggles have a way of fading in the background. They don’t go away, but our perspectives shift.

Blessed memories

If you are on Facebook, you are familiar with the memories that pop up. On this day 5 years ago… I find it fun to view these. Some things I even posted just so I could see them in a year or two or ten. On my 5th and 6th child’s 1st and 3rd birthday, #5 drew all over my bald baby girl’s head as well as himself. I was NOT a happy momma! BUT I knew I would laugh about it later, and each year when it comes back up I laugh a little harder.


#1 My 21-year-old has taken on the task of teaching K-1st graders Bible class. Knowing he is willing and seen as someone to ask is a huge blessing! #2 I spent quite a bit of time with my 18-year-old this past weekend. He’s the one who first made me momma and we spent lots of 1 on 1 time in the first 10 years of his life(before he had siblings living with us full time). As he becomes an adult with an adult job I have seen less of him. Having him tag along as I ran errands Friday and Saturday was a huge blessing.
#3 I have been blessed to have my 17-year-old share some deeper conversations with me. I am so grateful she is trusting me. I also was able to altar a dress for her to wear for homecoming. I am truly blessed. #4 My sweet 9-year-old has started getting all of us to get her each night for a bedtime story. The best part is his choice of reading material is the Bible. This has also encouraged the 7-year old to read with him.
#5 My 7-year-old has recently learned to ride his bike with no training wheels. The joy he has when he rides is contagious! It’s such a blessing to be able to watch my kids learn new things. #6 My 5-year-old says she has 2 love tanks. She certainly is a great hugger and makes so many feel special. Yesterday as we sat in worship during the prayer for communion, she starts talking. Before I can shhh her she says “mom, I just want to hug Jesus so bad.” Doesn’t that just melt your heart?

How are you One Blessed Momma?

I am One Blessed Momma! I would love if each person reading this would share in the comments below or on social media what makes you one blessed momma? Use #iamoneblessedmomma as you post the moments or happenings that remind you how blessed you are. I will send a One Blessed Momma shirt to the momma who shares the most this week by October 7, 2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern.

Why should you share?

  1. It changes your perspective for the better. If you are focused on your blessings, you find more joy in life. If you are more joyful, it is easier to build up your home.
    “The wisest of women builds her house…” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
  2. The more you call the blessings out, the more blessings you will see.
  3. Encourage others. Seeing how you feel blessed by your children may help others to SEE their own blessings. 
  4. If you share on Facebook, it will remind you next year of these sweet blessings. 
  5. If you use #iamoneblessedmomma to tag your moments and you share the most this week, I will send you a free One Blessed Momma shirt. 

I am Blessed!

I am looking forward to seeing how each of you are One Blessed Momma!

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

Let’s Connect

Let’s Connect

In a world where we are constantly “connected” to everyone all the time, we are beginning to see we aren’t really connected to very many of those people.

Where are the meaningful connections?

I love Sundays because they are full of connections. Recently I was blessed by much-needed connection with a fellow mom. Sometimes connecting with moms of older children is just the wisdom and encouragement we need to keep encouraging our own children. Sometimes this momma journey is full of joys and sometimes it is full of struggles. Most of the time it is a little of both, but connecting with other mommas helps us keep moving forward and makes it a little easier to be who our children need us to be. This particular conversation reminded me I’m not the only momma dealing with a particular situation and gave me some resources for handling it.

Real Connections

We attend a very friendly church and I never seem to be able to connect to everyone I’d like. One thing I appreciated through the pandemic was a closer connection with the people we attended “home” church with. It’s something I am struggling to bring into “regular” church with me. There are so many more people to connect with.

It’s so easy to slip back into the:
“How are you?”
“Good, how are you?”
“Good. Have a good week.”
“You too.”
And move on to the next person.

However, it’s in those deeper connections that we can follow God’s instructions through Paul’s writings in

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

It’s difficult to encourage someone and build them up if you don’t know what’s going on in their life. A weekly “good” doesn’t cover it!

Don’t make assumptions, have conversations!

Sunday I was blessed to hug a few necks, and have a few meaningful conversations. I know I left feeling encouraged and built up. Next, we went to lunch with a family we shared “home” church with. We’ve been missing the fellowship we had shared and our kids were missing the playtime they became used to.

I am convinced we need to teach our children to be encouragers and build others up, especially those outside of their circles. I keep being reminded that we need to not make assumptions about others, and just how easy that is to do. Did that person really mean to ignore you? Or are they bogged down with “life” and could use a friend (maybe you) to really be present for them and listen to what is going on in their life.

Don’t make assumptions about how people feel about you or think about you. So many times it is our own insecurities or our own inflated ego that has us thinking nobody likes us or everybody likes us 🙂 Don’t make assumptions, have conversations!

Be an encourager

Here are a few ways to encourage others:

  • Look for the good deeds/actions another person does, and then let them know you noticed.
  • Listen to what someone is sharing with you. Really listen (it’ll help with the other suggestions below). Remember to follow up with them too.
  • Offer scripture references that apply. I have a friend I always reach out to when I’m struggling with something because I can count on her to not only direct me back to scripture but offer at least one verse as a starting point too.
  • Offer to pray with and for them. It may be a little awkward if you aren’t used to praying with a friend, but I can tell you it is an amazing way to build someone up!
  • Cry with them, laugh with them…
  • Be present, don’t look at your phone, don’t be thinking about your “To Do” list, or lunch, just listen so that you are able to do the things above. (I’ve just realized this is very much like #2, maybe that means I really need to hear it, I’ll leave it here in case you need to hear it twice too.)

Practice, practice, practice…

The more we do these things the easier and more second nature it will become. Encouraging does not come easily to me. I am too much of a negative nelly introvert. I thank God for his grace, mercy, and patience!

Invite people to your home, share a cup of coffee, or tea, or a meal, and really get to know them. It is in these deeper connections that we can encourage others, and help ourselves grow. And, just like everything else in life, modeling it for our kids is the best way to teach them and hold ourselves accountable.

In what ways have you beeen encouraged?
How has someone built you up?
What are some of your favorite ways to encourage someone else?
Do you have an “encourager” role model?

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

God’s timing is always perfect…

God’s timing is always perfect…

9 years ago we were going through many life transitions. We were awaiting a decision from a custody hearing. We were working on a house so that we could get moved (hoping to get moved in before the school year began). I was 41 weeks pregnant eagerly awaiting the birth of my baby. SO many changes happening!

On August 1, 2013, we found out the custody hearing outcome we were praying and hoping for didn’t happen. I was 40 weeks + 4 days pregnant. Things were not going as fast at the house as we needed them to. Moving in before school was not looking promising. I was feeling quite stressed and defeated. I turned to Proverbs 3:5-6.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6.

I posted this verse on Facebook that evening, and I am grateful because now I get a yearly reminder, trust God. My job is to trust and submit to him. The rest he’ll take care of.

The next day, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. That boy has turned into an amazing, sensitive, God-loving young man. I am so proud of him. It was perfect timing. We got school shopping done August 1. All of our kids were in the house when I went into labor and they woke up to a new baby brother to cuddle.

What about the house?

Well, the house was not finished before school started that year. We didn’t move in until Thanksgiving. Each morning I would drive over to the house with my school-age child and put him on the bus from the house so he would have consistency. It wasn’t our plan, but we kept trusting God would take care of the details and it all worked out fine. We are still working on that house. The joys of living with a contractor wink

Here’s me helping work on the house. HAHA with a newborn baby you sleep when you can, where you can!

And the custody?

The custody hearing is a little trickier. Even 9 years later, I struggle to see how the outcome was what was needed. I know that people are full of flaws and we all have free will, and I am never sure how much all of that plays into the things that happen. One thing I am sure of is that Romans 8:28 assures us

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,

Some days I have to remind myself, the ultimate good is for those kids to be saved. They have both put on Christ in baptism. The 21-yr-old is active in the congregation close to his base (he’s in the Air Force) and the 17-yr-old is growing in her walk with Christ as well. It is a pleasure to watch as their (step) parent. I love these kids and I am grateful for the part I get to play in their lives!

Now, this week, this day, I am back to reminding myself about trusting God and resting in the peace that can only come from Him. It is a lesson I find myself needing to learn over, and over, and over, and I’ll let you know when it sticks…

Timing, timing, timing

The lady who raised my husband, his momma. The lady who came to my home and cleaned and cooked and gave our first baby his first bath, passed away in March. She was a lovely, strong woman! We live in PA and she lived in NM. It has taken time to be able to get there to celebrate her graduation into the next life. We were supposed to leave Saturday (5 days ago) to head to NM so that we could celebrate Ruth Ashley. Unfortunately, we have had 2 cars that aren’t working properly and everything we’ve done has not fixed them. So we are still sitting here.

Yesterday, I received a phone call that my Pappy (grandpa) passed away in the night. We have been expecting this phone call since February. My Pappy lived in CO so we will be heading back there for his funeral. Timing…

We were still sitting trying to figure out vehicle problems. My husband got a phone call from a customer, “Can you come take a look at….” He told them no, and told them why. They said, “Come take one of my trucks. I’ll look at your vehicle while you’re gone.” They own a diesel shop, our vehicle isn’t diesel, but diesel is always cheaper and you can get derv delivery to any location so is easier. Timing… So today we will head to NM, it’s about the last day we can leave and make sure we get to NM in time for the services for his mom. (In case you’re looking at the timing, remember we’re travelling with 4 children.)

There are so many more examples in my life of when I thought things should happen a certain way, and they didn’t. I generally can look back and see how God worked it out for us. Sometimes I can’t see what he was/is doing. However, I can trust that God is taking care of us.

In the end, the only thing that matters is that we are following God. We are teaching our children to follow Him. He doesn’t tell us this life will be free of troubles. In fact, he tells us it will be full of trouble, but He doesn’t leave us alone to muddle through them. He is always there walking through it with us.

One lesson that my Pappy taught me and it has stuck with me is that prayer time is not just us talking to God. We have to take the time to be still and listen for how God is directing us. I told him I was praying about my future husband. He wanted to make sure I was taking the time to hear God’s direction. Here Pappy was giving us more advice at our wedding. (Fun fact: my pappy and grandma came out to PA to meet my husband (to-be) before I met him. We had been talking on the phone after meeting on eHarmony and I wanted to come out to PA to meet him in person. My grandparents were coming out to see pappy’s family and so it was arranged for them to meet. Pappy came back approving of the guy and told me that now it was up to Chad and I to see if there was any chemistry there 🙂 2 months later we were married.)

I am Blessed!

I am one blessed daughter-in-law, I am one blessed granddaughter and I am one blessed Momma! May you see how God is working in your life, and place all your trust in Him.

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.



As you read this part of my story I hope you can find hope in God for your own current trials. I want to warn you that unplanned pregnancy and abortion are discussed here. My experience and decisions may be different than yours. However, sin is sin and we have all fallen short of the glory of God. AND we are justified by His grace, through Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:22-24)

Our past can be something we hide in a closet hoping nobody opens that door, or we can learn from it and use it to come alongside others to help and encourage them. The following is a quick snapshot of a time in my own journey that sometimes I want to hide, but it has helped to make me who I am and I hope by sharing my story, I can help someone who reads my story.

Almost 19 years ago I discovered a surprise I never wanted! It’s so hard to say I didn’t want what was coming, but it wasn’t in my plans. That wasn’t how it was supposed to happen! This was the end of everything that had been so good. Fortunately, in all things God works for the good of those who love him. (Romans 8:28)

My life was finally going right. I loved my job, well at least the people I worked with. It was fun going to work. When I wasn’t at work I got to spend my time perfecting what I’ve always been most passionate about – baking. Not only was I learning how to bake at one of the best pastry schools in the country, but I got to do it alongside my fiancé every single day. We had only met 9 months prior, but I knew he was the perfect guy for me. Life was perfect!

At least that’s what I told myself. I could ignore the little imperfections. The little disagreements and differences I had with my perfect husband-to-be. Like the fact that church wasn’t a priority to him. He had stretched the truth about his church-going background. Sure his mom’s family was Lutheran, but no, they didn’t regularly attend. As we got closer to our wedding date I realized that it was a bigger and bigger issue. I had seen the results of marriages when the couple didn’t agree on church. That’s not what I wanted! He did tell me when we had kids we could raise them where I’d always gone to church. So once again things were perfect….WAIT! No they weren’t. If my husband isn’t really driven for God and isn’t involved in church, can I really live like that? Church has always been a big part of my life, that’s how I wanted it to continue, and I wanted my husband to be a part of that as well. (Mark 10:8) However, it was so easy to gloss over this issue because I was so in love with this perfect guy.

Be aware of yourself, know when you are rationalizing your bad choices.

My entire life I had stood with morals, I had been the one who said “I can’t believe they did……” Guess what? One day I woke up and realized I had slid, very quickly, down that very slippery slope. Don’t tempt Satan! Don’t walk the fence! There is no gray area! One little slip at a time and suddenly make-out sessions had turned into so much more. I was never going to be THAT girl. Once again I was rationalizing though, we haven’t really had sex. We haven’t gone all the way. (This is known as rationalizing and I may have not had intercourse, but I was pushing the sexual/abstinence envelope and had participated in what is called outercourse. I learned that the voice in my head needs to be listened to. I wish I could say this was the last time I had to learn that lesson, but it wasn’t.) We just have another month. I can hold him off for another month and then we’ll be married and it won’t matter.

Never, ever, ever put your morals aside for anyone else.

I know it’s hard to accept, but really and truly if they can’t accept you, with all you are, and all you stand for then let them go, they aren’t worth it!

About a month before our impending wedding date, he called me, told me we needed to postpone the wedding, citing his parents as the reason- not sure if it was true or not. He was moving back home. Pastry school was not for him. So we postponed and two weeks later on June 13, he moved back home with his parents, leaving me sad; but I still believed we were to be married soon, just not as soon as we’d planned. The next two weeks were hectic and stressful as I wrapped up the second to last session at school and I was missing my fiancé. We talked on the phone every night, I knew things had changed. He was suddenly drunk frequently when we talked. Something that hadn’t happened when he had been at school. I wasn’t feeling well but figured it was all the stress and missing him. I only had two weeks, and then I would be with him again, just for a weekend, before flying home to Colorado to see my family. Then I missed my period, I kept telling myself it was just stress, but in the back of my mind I knew the possibility of it meaning more, a lot more.

Telling him

While I was at his parents’ house with him, the topic of abortion came up. I don’t remember how or why, but I definitely remember his words. He told me it would be bad if a guy’s girl ended up pregnant. She should definitely get an abortion. I asked him, “What about if I was pregnant?” We were engaged, we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, we had already talked about having kids together. He was more anxious to have children than me. At least that’s what he said. Then SHOCK! “Yeah if you got pregnant you would have to get an abortion.” I questioned him, “How is that any different than if your parents just walked up and killed you right now? They decided they didn’t want you anymore.” He told me he wasn’t serious he was just trying to get me riled up. Well it worked. I had this secret I needed to tell him, a secret that would change our lives, if it was true. I still wasn’t sure it was, and was in denial that it even could be. Later that weekend I did inform him I’d been sick to my stomach, had missed my period and there was a possibility I was pregnant. His response “Well who have you been sleeping with? I haven’t been around?” Are you kidding me? He’d been gone for two weeks! TWO WEEKS! What did he think that it’s instantaneous? Sperm fertilizes egg and BOOM you instantly know you’re expecting. I told him I hadn’t been with anyone else.

We still spent the remainder of the weekend together, having fun, hanging out with his friends. In my mind, everything was fine between us. I went home to Colorado for a week, before heading back to school for the last two months before I was done. I remember being sad that we didn’t have a date set for our wedding, but I somehow still thought everything was – perfect. I returned to school and work the first part of July. Taking my final classes before it was time for externships. I planned to move to Maryland, so I could be with my fiancé. I had set up interviews, accepted a job, and was looking for an apartment, I was getting excited, just two more months and we’d be together again. He came back to town on July 12 to get the rest of his things from his apartment. He was only in town for the day. I had lunch with him and his dad and then they left. I was feeling more nauseous all the time, I’d been late for school a few times. I couldn’t ride the bus into town for class without my bag of gingersnap cookies.

Can it really be over?

My best friend was getting married in August, back in Colorado, and I needed to book the flight. Finally, after putting it off for quite some time I decided I’d better get the flight booked, so I got online one Sunday morning, July 27. After booking the flight I decided to check my email, something I rarely did back then. I had an email from my wonderful fiancé, and I was thrilled. He told me he loved me. Aaaaaawe how sweet. Then he told me he didn’t think this long-distance thing was going to work out. We should see other people. All I could think of is I was moving there to be with him in a month! One measly little month! We’d already made it through 6 weeks, we could make it one more month.

I called him. No answer. Called him again. No answer. Called his parents’ home number. His dad answered, he was still asleep, but he’d make sure he called me when he woke up. I called his phone again. Still no answer.

I made myself walk down to the drugstore…I’m sure I was a sight. I’d been crying, I hadn’t done my hair, I had just gotten out of the shower and let my hair air dry- that’s not a good look for me. I didn’t just want to buy the horrible pregnancy test, so I also bought shampoo, as if that mattered. I headed home and took the test. I already knew the answer. I knew what it had to be. I waited for what seemed like an eternity. I looked – pregnant.

I called him again. This time he answered. I confronted him. His email was a week old. That meant for a week he’d been telling me he loved me. He’d been telling me he wanted to see me again. The entire week he was probably just waiting for me to check my email so he wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore. A whole week he lied to me. I asked him about the baby, his answer was abortion. He wanted nothing to do with me or our baby. I spent the next 2 weeks begging him to try to make things work.

I went home for my friend’s wedding. I made a doctor’s appointment and found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. I got to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. That’s when it became real to me. There was no denying there was something growing inside of me. Not just something – someone. That weekend was really tough! I hate to admit it, but I hated being at my friend’s wedding. I was supposed to have already been married, I felt sick too. My whole world was falling at my feet and I had no control over any of it.

Taking responsibility, facing the music

All my plans had changed. Never once did I blame him for getting me pregnant. It took both of us to make that happen. I regret the actions I took and the choices I made. I wished I could go back and make better choices, but it was too late for that. I had to do the right thing now. I had to make the right choices moving forward. I shared with my family that weekend that I would not be getting married and that I was pregnant. I had already told my mom, who told my dad, even before I’d come home. Then I told my sister as she was driving me home from a job interview. We invited my older brother and his family over for breakfast Sunday morning. That was probably one of the hardest things I ever had to do! “Can you pass the bacon? Oh by the way I’m pregnant.” I’m sure it wasn’t easy to hear either. I am so grateful my family still loved me and didn’t condemn me! Sometimes, looking back though, I wish they would have chastised me in some way. (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)

I returned to school, barely able to finish, between morning sickness and feeling depressed about my falling apart life. It wasn’t long before school was over and it was time to move on. I had gotten an externship in New Mexico, close to my family in Colorado. My mom and dad came to pick me up and move me out. I so badly wanted to go to Maryland. Have one more face to face with my once perfect guy. I just knew that if I could just have some time with him in person I could remind him that he loved me, that I loved him, that we belonged together forever and ever. We didn’t make that detour though. Instead we headed for Colorado. I moved in with my parents temporarily until I could find an apartment where my externship was. Once I found a place and a car I moved to Farmington. I started a job in the industry I’d gone to school for.

Once they found out I was pregnant, things were different. I wasn’t sure if it was just in my head or if it was real, at first. I wasn’t getting the hours I needed to be able to finish school and get my diploma, so being proactive I was on the phone with the career counselor at school trying to figure out a plan B. Then I got a call from the school about my review from my employer. They said I was late, which I wasn’t, and that I wasn’t getting the hours, not because they were slow, but because I had morning sickness. I did not have morning sickness to the extent that it affected my work at that time. I had wanted a job at this place because I had heard them advertised on the Christian radio station that was only listener supported. I thought it would be a good thing to work for Christians. I didn’t anticipate the judgments that would come along with it. (1 Corinthians 5:12-13 tells us to judge those who are in the body. However, make sure our judgements are based on Bilical instructions and truths.) I was told I was irresponsible for not giving my child up for adoption. I have to admit there have been times when I wondered if that would have been better. Could someone else have done better for him? Would he be better off if someone else was raising him? Perhaps someone who could have given him more opportunities in life?

All in the same couple of months, I was still talking to my once perfect guy, trying to convince him to be involved as a dad, if not a hubby and a dad.  I finally quit, after two different conversations ended with him telling me if I didn’t get an abortion he would kill me and the baby.  I finally decided the stress of talking to him, and the effects that had on me as well as the baby I was carrying were not worth it.  I needed to focus on doing what I could to have a healthy baby.

Since my employment paid nowhere near enough to pay my rent much less anything else, and they had taken to lying to the school, I turned in my two-week notice.  I moved back in with my parents at the end of October.  I was disappointed in me.  I was out of school, out of a job, pregnant, no husband, and no place to live.  I didn’t have a way to pay for a place to live even if I’d had one.

Celebrate the baby

When I moved back home, I had to face my church family. It wasn’t easy telling them I was pregnant. Fortunately, though, they all warmly embraced me. I’m sure there were some with their judgments, but fortunately for me, I didn’t hear about them. Without their love and support, I don’t know how I would have made it through the pregnancy. They even came together and threw a baby shower for me. My mom had to convince me I could accept the gifts. I felt unworthy. No matter what I had done, this baby deserved celebration. Children are a gift from our Lord.

I officially accepted Christ as my savior and was baptized on September 1 at 3 months pregnant. I am so grateful for the college ministry at 5th and Beechwood Church of Christ in Squirrel Hill, PA. Without their studies with me, I’m not sure where I would have been on my spiritual journey. Since I was 14 I had been bouncing around back and forth with my commitment to Christ. Not that I didn’t believe in Him, just that I wasn’t sure I was ready to make the commitment. How could I be sure I would do this Christian thing right? 1 Timothy 1:15 Jesus came into the world and died for the sinners. NOT the perfect. You don’t need to get it all perfect before you accept His gift and put new life on through baptism. I so wish I had made that commitment earlier. Possibly I could have saved myself from the sins I had committed that would so severely impact my life as well as my family’s and this unborn child.

This year that baby turned 18. It doesn’t seem possible. Not getting an abortion has never been a regret for me.

Because I have been there. I have felt those feelings. Fear of responsibility. Fear of judgment. Fear of inadequacy. Fear of failure. I can understand why some have made a different decision. Remember we have all fallen short of the glory of God. And we are all qualified to receive the grace of God too.

If you need prayers and a friend, please reach out to me. If you are faced with this decision, reach out to a local crisis pregnancy center or a local church. If you need help finding a resource, reach out to me and I will help you find resources.

Psalm 139:13-16, God has known each and every one of us since we were in the womb. That means he also knows each and every new life created, whether planned or not.

I am incredibly proud of the young man he has become. He is hard-working. He is kind. He is thoughtful. He is responsible. I can count on him. He is great with children. He takes care of his momma. He puts others’ wants and needs ahead of his. He is strong. He is a leader. I am so grateful I get to be his blessed momma!

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.