‘Twas the Night After Christmas
It’s the end of the year, ok not quite, we have through Friday to wrap up 2021 and prepare for a new year. Are you ready? We are just leaving the Christmas season and it is so easy to quit focusing on Christ because His birthday is over.
My aunt Monica has written the poem below and I think it is a great reminder of how to leave the Christmas season and head into a new year.
Thank you, Monica, for allowing me to share this with all of the Blessed Mommas.
~ Melinda
Twas the night after Christmas, and all through the house,
All was quiet and peaceful, the kids and my spouse.

I sat by the tree, in the quiet glow of the light,
When a sound broke the silence, giving me such a fright!
I sat there amazed, as from behind the tree,
Stepped Santa, dear Santa, and he pointed to me.
Of the Christmas Spirit, the feeling of love,
As you celebrate and remember the greatest gift from above
Please keep the Christmas spirit in your heart all year through.
Then the Savior of the world will always be near you.

Share the Light with others, the sad and the lone,
The weary and heartbroken, the stranger and your own.
Try to be like Jesus, remember Him each day,
Following in His footsteps in all you do and say.

Faith, hope and charity, for Christmas and life are the key,
To peace, joy and love, gifts for now and eternity.
Trying to remember, that love is of greatest worth,
You will then be ready when He comes again to earth”
I quietly said: “Thank you, for visiting tonight.”,
As Santa slipped away, leaving me to ponder in the glowing light.
Even though Christmas is over, it’s never too late to start,
To keep the Christmas Spirit, forever in your heart.
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“Twas the Night After Christmas”

Meet Monica!
Monica Christensen is a Christ follower. Wife to Carlyle. Mom to 7 children. Grandma to 3 who call her Oma. She lives in southwest Colorado.
Monica enjoys ????? in her free time. How many moms and grandmas can relate to that? She does enjoy studying about Christ, being with family, crafts, working on discovering her family tree, outdoor activities, writing, music and honestly is trying to remember who she is and what is important in this season of her life.