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Stop the Non-Stop Reel in Your Head

Stop the Non-Stop Reel in Your Head

Do you ever have those thoughts that run through your head? On repeat? I don’t know about you, but my thoughts on repeat are never positive. “You’re an idiot.” “You’re terrible.” “Is there anything you can do right?” You get the idea. Yesterday afternoon as I was supposed to be writing this week’s blog I was having one of those days. I couldn’t find the stop button. My husband told me that’s what I should write the blog on – stopping the reel in my head of lies.

I couldn’t even begin to write about that as I couldn’t stop the reel. So as I sat down to write something else. My husband wrote the following for me. I want to share it with you, because he did good 🙂

Slaying Demons

By Chad Ashley

A seldom thought of part of being a blessed momma is slaying demons. Yes, you heard that right, slaying demons!

Talking about spiritual warfare here. As mommas are constantly looking after their family’s needs of day-to-day life, school, household, and everything that comes with it they tend to overlook their needs and well-being. Leaving the back door open. Mommas get so focused on taking care of other people’s needs that their own needs are put on the back burner and create a weakness for satan and his minions to attack. 

It’s ok to be the servant that God calls us to be but if you don’t take care of yourself you can’t be your full potential for the loved ones in your life. Just like the analogy of the air masks on an airplane, you must make sure you can breathe first before you can care for your little one. 

It’s come to my attention that one of the vilest demons we will face is ourselves. Yes, you heard that right. That voice that sometimes creeps up in your head and does nothing but question your worth or abilities. That evil voice that always beats you down and tells you you’re not good. That voice that always rubs your nose in your mistakes and makes you question who you are to help others when you always fall short yourself. Maybe it tells you you’re fat and ugly and nobody could love you? 

The Answer

The answer here is that voice is not you! That voice is a demon slithering its way into your mind and draining light from your life. It’s at these times it’s imperative that we cling to our faith and firmly rely on God’s word to focus our attention on what he calls us to. You see, Jesus himself calls us to walk in the light. (John 8:12) When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

So with that said, what exactly can we do to fight this demon? What practical remedy is there to slay this demon? What I do when I hear that garbage in my head is verbally cry out,

“Satan! You are not welcome here. Get out of my mind and go back to where you came from! I am a warrior of God and you have no place here! I am a child of the Most High God and the light of Christ Jesus himself dwells in me and in that there is no room for you or any of your minions.”

Just verbally saying this really inspires me. I have been really vamping up my prayers lately to pray for all those around me and for their physical and spiritual health.

How often do you pray for your spouse’s spiritual strength? Do you pray daily or even multiple times a day for each of your children’s spiritual growth and protection? How about our church family’s children? Do you fill your day with these activities of light or do you allow too much idle time to fill your mind with shadows and let that door open? 

Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep,
and an idle person will suffer hunger.

Proverbs 19:15

We are truly blessed to be parents. Really stewards of little ones, “God’s children”. Let me ask you this. If God himself asked you to babysit baby Jesus would you fall asleep on a public park bench while you were to look after baby Jesus? NO! NO! NO! And so I challenge you, don’t fall asleep on the job. Don’t let that voice even speak to you! God created you and blessed you with these children and in doing so instilled in you everything you need to persevere.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

God made you powerful

I will leave you with this one more thought. How powerful did God make you? He allows the Holy Spirit to work in each one of us, right? And who is the church? As one of God’s children, a true follower of God, are you not part of the body of Christ? The Church?

I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18

So tomorrow when you rise with the light do so full of the spirit and strength God gives you. Go into battle confident and armed with the full armor of God.

I am One Blessed Momma! I am so grateful for a man who will support me and interrupt the reel when I can’t. I hope I can use these tips he’s provided to interrupt my negative reel. I pray it helps you too. 

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

My Motherhood Journey

My name is Tessa. I became a wife shortly before my 19th birthday and a mother when I was 19. This past year my baby (the last of 4!) turned 18. I’m not sure how that happened; that’s a whole new prayer!

Looking back on my life as a mother, a piece of advice I would give my younger self and you is to “let go, pray, and let God.” Let go of the worry, let go of the perfect, let go and ask for help (that includes your husband because he can’t read your mind), let go and pray, let go and forgive – including yourself, let go and give and receive grace, let go and let God have all your worries, struggles, and cares. Let go and leave it there!! God can manage it ALL!

1 Peter 5:7 says “…casting all your cares upon him; for He careth for you…”

A prayer is a powerful tool, Mama!

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, we are told to “…pray without ceasing….” I know for myself that I would find that I would go to God in prayer and ask Him for help, then I would take it back. I was worried He wouldn’t be able to handle it; I was worried He was too busy for my struggles; I was worried my problems were too small. What? Crazy Right? Because nothing is too small for our Mighty God.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV.

It’s Okay To Struggle

Even still, some days, I struggle, and I must remind myself to “let go, pray, and let God!” To choose joy! I must make a conscious effort daily to choose and ask God to take away my worry; to ask for forgiveness and to give it; to give me joy, happiness, and peace; and to ask and receive God’s grace. And that’s okay because you can pray anytime and anyplace. God wants you to come to Him with everything. Remember, worry takes away joy. Take a deep breath, “let go, pray, and let God!”

Enjoy The Here And Now

I was once told to enjoy the here and now. Easier said than done, right? But Mama, those babies grow up. Cherish each hug, each “I Love You, Mama,” each and every little thing, each and every step of the way! Please don’t rush the time, Mama, as it goes by so fast already. They won’t always make a mess, they won’t always talk back, and they won’t always need help. I know it can be overwhelming at times, but Mama, it’s okay, and it’s okay to ask for help. I don’t know how many times I called my Mama. Give your kids, your husband, and yourself grace. Ask God to change how you are feeling in the crazy, frantic, hectic, hurting, frustrating, want-to-scream moments, to help you find joy in the journey of motherhood, and to guide you as you are teaching your children about God’s love and grace. LET GO, PRAY, and LET GOD!

Pray And Pray Some More

Pray on it, pray over it, and pray through it. Mama, we need to pray, wait, and trust. Have faith, even as tiny as a mustard seed, to allow God to work in you, through you, and for you. So when you feel overwhelmed with worry…….


May God bless you, Mama, even more than He already has!

(left to right)

Les, Wes, Libby, Tessa, Brandon, Allen

Meet Tessa!

Tessa is a wife, mother of four, and crafting queen!

Above all, she is a disciple of Christ and strives to share His love with every human she meets.

She resides in SW Colorado with her husband, Wes, four adult kids, and her dream craft room.

You can catch Tessa and Wes on their YouTube channel Piedra Designs, on Facebook, and check out their Etsy shop here!

5 Ideas to Find a Mom Community

5 Ideas to Find a Mom Community

Where’s my Mom Community?

As a new mom, that was all I wanted. A mom group that got together, encouraged one another and our kids just played while we drank warm drinks.


But, where was my group? Where do I find them? Where do I make these friends who understand the life changes I am going through? Who understand the long nights and sleepy days? Who understand that somedays, I just need company?

When my daughters were young, I didn’t feel like I had a big community. So, I prayed about it and year after year I was blessed with more mom’s to connect to. But it took work. I didn’t just sit at home. It took effort and here I will share some ideas I have found to work.

  1. Get involved in church activities.
  2. Find a MOPS
  3. Go to parks
  4. Video Chat
  5. Sports


Make it priority. I knew when we moved to our house it would be further away from where our church family meets. I knew it would take more gas and more initiative to go weekly and to make it to events; But I continued to get involved and make those connections with the other moms that went. When there were ladies devotionals I could take my babies with me, I went. The ladies were not my age or had children the same age as me, but they had children. They were great encouragers, they carried wisdom and loved on my baby.


Unfortunately when I was about to join MOPS covid happened, but I know a lot of mom’s who benefited from attending. They met women there who they created and maintained life-long friendships with. If you are not familiar with MOPS, it stands for “Mother’s of Preschoolers”.  To read their mission statement, click here.


I have to thank Melinda for starting this! She was the first one to invite me to go walking with her and her kids. Walking with other mom’s for friends, doesn’t even have to be at a park. It can simply be the road by your house.

1 Thes 5:11- Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

I love when I would meet up with a friend and go for a walk.  They got me out of the house, adult conversation, and gets me moving in ways I otherwise wouldn’t at home by myself.  There may have been days when it was a challenge to walk.  When at times your hands are so full and the baby gets heavy from wearing, but those are the memories that last. There also, may be times you aren’t even be able to get a good conversation in due to the children running away or jumping in to creeks, but just remember you at least got some good endorphins, vitamin D, and a better connection with a friend.

Video Chat

Face-Time, Marco Polo, Google Chat, Zoom. These have been amazing avenues to use, especially when my family was cooped up during our preemie baby’s birth, home arrival and then covid. It allowed me to connected with my sister in laws, cousins and friends that live far and near. One conversation that I will never forget is when I was talking with my cousin about all the ways I still blamed myself for my child’s early birth and she gave me wisdom that I still carry with me. She reminded me to remember God’s truth. So when you’re struggling to find those friends and connections you desperately want remember to keep God’s truths in your mind. Don’t let Satan’s lies become your truth.   There may be times we hear ourselves say, “no one wants to be my friend”, “I’m too awkward”, “my house is too messy”, etc.  Yet, God tells us, he is always there for us, he provides for our needs, he made us in his image.  We allow our minds to think a clean house and perfect conversation is what people are looking for, but I know for me it was to feel connected and not alone.  All the other stuff disappeared and didn’t matter when together with a friend.

Sports/Play Dates

We have been so blessed to meet other mom’s with children the same age from gymnastics or their preschool programs.   It’s helpful to get involved in your community.  Make those connections and invite people over in to your home.  Take the leap!

After using these ideas to make the initial connection, it didn’t just stop there. It took work of reaching out and texting them, checking in, asking how they are doing, listening, encouraging, sending cards, food, etc.

I hope this encourages you to keep fighting to find/make your Mom Group, you can place around you and support you when you need it.

Below are some bible verses I have found to be good reminders and motivators. Enjoy.

Hebrews 10:24-25 — And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Ephesians 4:29 — Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Hebrews 3:13 — But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

Philippians 2:3-4 — Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Meet Julia!

Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ.   She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Asking for Help (and why that’s a good thing)

Asking for Help (and why that’s a good thing)

Can you ask for help?

Is asking for help something you often do? Is it easy for you? If so, good job! You are among the few.


For many of us, asking for help is difficult and only turned to as a last resort once all other options are exhausted. I can think of many times I have just pushed through and ended up with a less-than-satisfactory outcome, all because I didn’t want to admit I needed assistance.


The scripture DOES speak highly of perseverance. However, we are told to be dependent on God and our fellow believers at the same time. In other words, don’t plow blindly through a situation; ask for guidance, help, and wisdom.


I have thought of a few ways we can and should, be reaching out for help.


If you’re like me, you don’t mind or feel too guilty to ask your husband for help. My most significant hang-up is that I expect him to just know what I need or want help with without asking. It’s obvious, right?? Well, not always. Honestly, not even usually. I would even go so far as to say seldom is it obvious. Men and women just think differently.

Let me create a scenario that may or may not come from my own experience. 🤪

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon-the witching hour for many young children. You have cooked, cleaned, folded, re-cleaned, washed faces, wiped butts and counters, and probably many, many other things that day. You are currently trying to nurse a screaming baby while changing a toddler’s diaper at the same time as refereeing an argument between two of your older kids, all while attempting to answer a question from your amazingly inquisitive daughter about why spiders are not insects (because your original answer of, “insects have three-part bodies and only six legs while spiders have eight legs. They are called arachnids.” only provokes a “duh” look and the statement, “Mom, I already knew that, but why???)

You started dinner early, thinking yourself accomplished- only to realize the half-baked biscuits in the oven don’t have any shortening in them. While pondering if dumping melted butter on cooked biscuits will make it all even out somehow (it doesn’t), the soup you have simmering in your new, gorgeous Pioneer Woman dutch oven starts boiling over because someone turned the burner up to high-although “no one” did it.

At the exact moment you are feeling like you are going to follow the soup’s example and boil over, your husband walks through the front door. You’re thinking, “Yes! Help has arrived!” In your mind, it should be obvious what you need, what the kids need, what everyone needs. He jumps in and turns the burner off under the soup. Then, seeing that dinner is almost ready, he says, “Why don’t we call your brothers and have them over for supper?” In his mind, you would LOVE to visit with your family. In your mind, you can’t imagine having ANYONE over for the next 15 years!

Sound familiar? If you answered yes, give him some grace, we just think differently from our husbands.


Kids are competent helpers. I have written many times about not hesitating to enlist the help of your children. Oftentimes they jump at the opportunity to be momma’s helper. At least till they reach a certain age… At that point, a little motivation may be needed. In my experience, though, most human beings enjoy being helpful.

Extended Family and Friends

Family and friends are a tremendous blessing! Many of us are ultra blessed with a willingly helpful community of extended family and friends. Others, maybe not so much. If you have been bestowed with such a blessing- reach out! I have often thought I would look weak if I asked for help with things, but I have discovered that most of my community is only too happy to help out or give advice and suggestions.

I often use my parents, siblings, and friends as a sounding board to bounce ideas off of.


My final and most crucial suggestion of a place to turn to for help is our Heavenly Father.

Being self-reliant is one thing when trying to put together that new computer desk or trying to fix a leaky faucet; it’s another thing entirely when tasked with shaping souls. It’s so important to ask for help in our parenting, and prayer, in its essence, is seeking help.

Luke 11:1 “Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’”

I have always read this as a request to learn HOW to pray, which is undoubtedly part of it. However, I have come to believe we must first learn to pray. Just pray. How you pray matters far less than your need to. Pray and pray often.

As moms, we will come into many situations where we are physically helpless. Our children will walk through numerous encounters that are entirely out of our control. Our wisdom and abilities are limited. We won’t always make the right decisions, no matter how hard we try. And so we will pray- because we need to. Because we have access to unlimited wisdom, boundless strength, and ceaseless love.

Whether you have one kid or twenty kids. Babies or adult children or anywhere in between, pray. Ask for help with your most important job from the greatest resource there is- our Savior and Creator.

Praise His holy name forever!


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

I am a recovering perfectionist

I am a recovering perfectionist

Hello, my name is Melannie, and I am a recovering perfectionist – actually I fall off the wagon a lot but – I am making progress.

Looking back on when I first got married at 18 and then a year later became a mom for the first time, I now see I was striving to be that perfect wife and mother found in Proverbs 31. I totally sabotaged myself. I was a perfectionist that was worried I could do nothing perfectly. I was also the biggest procrastinator—I figured if I didn’t do it then I couldn’t mess it up.

We are called to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48) but are also told in Ephesians 5:1 to be imitators of God – I think He knows we will not obtain perfection. He forgives and forgets our sins and mistakes when we bring them to Him – 1 John 1:9 says if we confess He forgives. We need to follow Paul’s example in Philippians 3:12-13 – he tells us to forget what is behind and strain forward to what lies ahead.

If I could give my younger self advice…

        • Grace
        • Get grounded
        • Choose your battles
        • Build a support system
        • Don’t hide
        • Rest


I can’t go back in time and give myself advice but I would like to give you first-time moms advice—remember to give yourself grace AND accept God’s grace for you. If you can get yourself into this habit it will make things easier as your babies grow and as you have more of them.

Get Grounded

Another thing that I have learned too late to help me raising my kids is that when I make sure I make time to get grounded in God’s word daily it helps me to put anything that happens that day in better perspective and not let the little things stress me out.  Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first God and all these things will be given to you. Then in verse 34, He tells us to not be anxious about tomorrow. If we will be in His word and seek Godly wisdom He will give it to us (James 1:5).  He will give you wisdom to handle anything you give to Him in prayer.  Only through this renewal in Christ can we walk in wisdom.

Choose Your Battles

I look back at some of the truly silly things that I butted heads with my kids about as they got older and had their own opinions and own will for things and see that those did not matter!—why did I fight them about it?—If it is going to harm them or if it violates your beliefs, standards or morals then, by all means, go to battle—but don’t let the daily things that are not going to matter tomorrow or next week or next month cause you to have great stress or anger or to damage them emotionally. Let them make mistakes and decisions and then learn from the consequences and outcomes. It will make them stronger and more confident.

Build a Support System

To get through the tough times, have a support system through relationships with other women of ALL ages. This is what helped me so much from my first newborn to even now with four grown, married kids and sixteen grandkids. Thanks to older women that were true Titus 2:3-5 women in my life—ranging from my own mom to women in my church families, I knew I had them to go to when I was ready to throw my hands up-quit and run away!

Don’t Hide

Don’t hide your true self—with ALL your flaws—share your struggles—Galatians 6:2 tells us to “bear one another’s burdens”, do this authentically. Having women my age and in pretty much the same stage of momma-hood as me has always helped me and also them. It is so good to know that I am not the only one struggling or having problems—we are in good company. By sharing with each other we can be sounding boards for each other and maybe hear of new/different ways to look at things and discover new and/or better ways to handle them.


To sum it all up I’d like to close with a quote I found from Max Lucado in his book Let the Journey Begin 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest.

May we all, wherever we are on this journey of momma-hood, rest in His grace and peace.

Melannie and her husband Monty

Meet Melannie!

Melannie is a wife, mother of 4, and grammy to 16 grandkids. She is momma to Melinda and momma-in-law to Mollie here at One Blessed Momma.

Thank you, momma, for stopping by and sharing your wisdom with us! –Melinda

Gathering Around the Table of Wisdom

Gathering Around the Table of Wisdom

Mollie Cundiff, Julia Trayer and Melinda Ashley are the resident bloggers here at One Blessed Momma. Our intention, since we began in October 2020, is to help women build up their households as is seen in Proverbs 14:1. We want to inspire and empower moms to build up their homes and enjoy the blessings of motherhood.

Each month we invite a guest to join us and encourage the mommas we are blessed to reach through Facebook, Instagram, and our blog.

We have been blessed by many guest moms joining us in encouraging others. For 2023 we want to focus on the knowledge and wisdom that comes from conversations with veteran mommas. The mommas who have sent their own children and maybe even some grandchildren out into the world. We know that this new season offers a different perspective than those who are still in the trenches with littles, or teenagers, or any in between.

We are excited to share advice from some of the amazing women in our lives who we are blessed to know and be encouraged by. 

Titus 2:4-5 [The older women] can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Sitting down with a mom who has been in our shoes is often encouraging. The wisdom of hindsight and the insight that comes from time and space can be enlightening. 

I am a Recovering Perfectionist

by Melannie Cundiff