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Enjoy the little things

Enjoy the little things

Maybe it’s a first world problem, it almost definitely is. We have so many distractions. So many things that don’t matter in the long run. However, we spend our days and nights worrying about those things. How can we simplify and get back to the basics of little things?

1. Be Intentional

It is so easy to go through life thinking about the next thing.

We’ve gotta get here…
We gotta do this…
How are we gonna pay for…
What opportunities can we give our children?

I spent the first four years of my oldest son’s life working in a bakery. I call these years my zombie years. There is not much I remember about those years other than being tired. In 2008, just days before my son’s 4th birthday, the bakery I was working in burned down. My boss decided not to rebuild, so this meant my life was changing. The question I had to answer was how?

I found ways to work from home so I could spend more time with my son. I was living in a house, and had been for the previous 2.5 years, with 4 apple trees, a plum tree, and a lilac bush in the yard. The fragrances and beauty of the blooms were so obvious to me now. I hadn’t noticed them before. I had to walk directly under the plum tree every time I walked into the yard, yet I had never noticed them in the previous two springs/summers.

This was confirmation in my head that I had done the right thing. I had made being more present in the little things (which add up to the big things) a priority.

Be intentional, look for the little things God puts in your life. Is it the spontaneous grin from your child? Maybe it’s catching a rabbit hopping across the yard? Witnessing a hug between two children that are usually fighting? Look for these little things.

A silly grin from this kid always brightens my day. 

A beautiful sunset painted by God in a picture captured by my firstborn.

They were pretending to be musk ox huddled together to stay warm, all agreeing on something is a win!

A silly selfie with my littles.

She brought her “daughter” to church with her and sat with her arm wrapped around her and sang like a momma. 

The moon rising, another beautiful painting by God.

2. Acknowledge the little things

I find myself glossing over these little things. Don’t be like me. Tell your kids wen you find joy in them. Praise them for the kind things they do. Snap a picture with that phone in your pocket (or in your hands). I have started snapping pictures so in those moments when I’m “done” I can bring the pictures up and be reminded of the hope and joy I have. 

This is a picture from “one of those days”. I had to capture this moment of them getting along, after a day of arguing and fighting over everything.

3. Thank God in the moment

We are told to pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 takes it a step further and tells us to rejoice and be thankful in those prayers.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

When you see the little things, take time right then to thank God for blessing you with that little bit of joy. If you find it difficult to see the little things, or joy, ask God to help you. I know through prayer and intentionality you will notice more and you will find more enjoyment. (I’m talking to myself here too!)

It is far too easy to allow the distractions of this world to get in the way of our joy. Be intentional, look for those little things. Acknowledge the little things, pause and make sure you really pay attention. Snap a picture. say it out loud. Give praise to God for the little things and if you can’t see the joy in the little things, go to our loving Heavenly Father in prayer I know he will meet you where you are. 

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

Welcome to the momma club

Welcome to the momma club

I was recently asked for advice about having a kid. Now, whether this was an earnest ask for advice, or just their way of telling me they were going to have a kid, I’m not sure. Either way, I pulled this letter I wrote to a sweet new momma about 3 years ago when I was a little closer to the new mom feelings.

NOTE: I was a single mom for my first child’s birth, and married for the other 3. I wrote this letter to a married momma, so there may be a few things that won’t apply if you are a single momma. However, if you are a single momma, thank you for choosing life for your little one despite our current culture in this country. Thank you for doing the hard things. If you need a friend, I’m here. 

My letter to a new or expecting momma

Hello momma,

You always have questions, there are always things that it would have been nice to know before you needed to know. As you come into this new chapter in life, you will have many new experiences. I have had 4 babies and each pregnancy, delivery, recovery and baby is a little or a lot different. I have pulled together some things I hope you will find encouraging, informational, and glad you know.

This is going to be an amazing year full of roller coaster emotions. You will probably hit some all-time highs, like that first time your baby is laid on your chest. I laughed hysterically with my first, with the others I don’t really remember. I never cried like so many moms say they do. It kinda made me feel bad. You know what though? It doesn’t matter. We all have different love and emotions and God has given us this child because we need them, and they need us. You may also experience some lows. Share with someone. Call a close friend. Talk to your husband. Shoot me an email if you need someone to talk to with no judgement. I have had major lows, particularly after one of my children’s birth. The only thing that got me through was talking about it and being brutally blunt with my husband.

You may not feel like a mom immediately, it’s a new transition. I remember feeling like it was this weird extended babysitting job. Maybe you will feel like a mom immediately and will feel so bonded with this little child that you have been carrying for 9 months. Either way, it’s okay.

I’m just going to bullet point some things I wish I’d known or was so glad I knew before giving birth.


You will leave the hospital looking 5-6 months pregnant.

Make sure to bring some comfy stretchy pants and plan to live in them for a while.


Wear a diaper

There is blood, lots of gross blood with clots exiting your body. Best advice I was given, wear a diaper, that’s right, throw out the vanity and just be comfortable without having to worry about leakage. If you have a vaginal birth you may not feel what’s going on down there until it’s too late.


Witch Hazel

And with those diapers use witch hazel, there’s liquid, there are pads you can put inside your diaper. (Pads if you’ve forgone the previous advice 😊) Even better, put it in the diaper and then the diaper into the freezer first and you have an icepack for your tender areas.


You may walk funny, it's ok keep moving.

Depending on how things go, you may walk funny for a day or two or you may walk funny for a week or two, here’s hoping for the day or two. (I never experienced a c-section so I can’t speak to that recovery.)


So many fluids

The pee pads for puppy training also make great protection for your sheets for the first night or two, did I mention there are lots of fluids leaving your body? I know it’s gross, but it’s good info, I promise.



When you’re done with the pee pads, move on to towels. They are more comfortable than the pee pads when you don’t need quite as much absorption. If you’re breastfeeding, sleep with a towel under you each night. It will protect your sheets from leaking milk. I also co-sleep so it protects from spit up, and leaking diapers. and I’m telling you, as a new mom, you don’t want to be washing your bedding daily.

Did I mention fluids?

Sweat, you have never sweat so much in your life as you will at night as your hormones are changing, and your body is trying to get rid of all that excess fluid. But don’t worry, you already have pee pads and towels under you.

Speak up!

Do you need a few moments to yourself? Ask for it. Is no one around? Put the baby down and leave the room. Give yourself the grace to walk away for a few moments, and calm down so you can go back and be mom. (This comes in handy for the rest of momhood too 😉)


It's a challenge

New motherhood is a challenge, accept the help people offer, and ask for what you need from those around you. You don’t have to go through it alone (but people can’t read your mind, you have to share what you need).


This is a new journey for you and dad, communicate! He won’t know what you need, he can’t read your mind. Tell him. The biggest cause of disappointment in marriage is unmet expectations. Half the time those unmet expectations are unknown expectations.


Clean yourself

Dad, it’s a lot easier to love a clean woman. And it’s a lot easier to love as a clean woman. Help your wife out, take the baby for long enough for her to shower. By herself. It’s amazing what a shower and 10 minutes alone can do for a person. Brush your teeth. 


Dad's world is changing too

I know dads sometimes struggle because they are suddenly not first on their wives lists. (This may depend on how long you have been married 🙂 ) Dad will also have new needs, check in with him. Dad, communicate your needs as they arise. Work together to find your new balance. (Maybe don’t take my husband’s advice and make sure she knows your back hurts a little during labor, but you’re okay. In other words, be mindful of all everyone is going through and know that not every need can be met.)


Amazing - exhausting - challenging - rewarding

Being a parent is the most amazing, rewarding, exhausting, challenging journey you will go on. It can tear you apart or bring you together. You have to be intentional!

I hope this hasn’t scared the tar out of you and you aren’t like what have I done to myself. I promise you, all this gross stuff is only a fraction of what you experience. Because when you hold that sweet baby in your arms and smell its sweet head, you know it is all so worth it.

Sleep when your baby sleeps. Seriously, go sleep. Sleep deprived momma’s make for harder days, harder relationships, harder emotions. You will receive so much conflicting advice about the best way to care for your child, my best advice, take it in, and then LISTEN to your GUT. Pray about it. God has given you this child and he didn’t desert either of you upon delivery. He will guide you, trust Him and the instincts He’s given you. Then discard the advice that doesn’t work for you and move on 😊

Whether you sleep with your child, put them in a crib, let them cry it out, comfort them immediately, breast feed, bottle feed, vaccinate, don’t vaccinate make sure it is all done in love. You are the only momma that baby gets, take care of you so you can take care of baby. Research, learn, and then pray, and pray some more, and pray some more.

When people give you advice about parenting, remember it comes from a loving place. They want to help. But as any person with exposure to more than one child can tell you, no child is the same. No parent is the same. Your parenting is not going to look like mine. It won’t look like your best friends. It won’t even look like your mom’s (ok maybe a little because she was your first teacher, but hey you turned out alright 😉).

There are milestones your child will reach this year. This year is so full of growth and change and milestones to reach. As I just said, every child is different, your baby may reach those milestones early, or maybe a little slower, don’t panic. It’s ok if it’s slower. It’s ok if it’s faster, but don’t go bragging to other mom’s and send them into a panic, ok? 😊 Remember to listen to that gut. If you really feel like there is an issue, bring it up to the doctor, advocate for your baby. But sometimes us moms are just worriers and there is NOTHING wrong, so be able to accept that too, and keep watching as this little bundle amazes you with their daily changes.

Welcome to the momma club!



What’s your advice?

What is the best advice you received as a new momma? What advice do you wish you had before that baby came into the world? Please share in the comments below.

I am one blessed momma!

Having a community of mommas surrounding me, offering advice or just a listening ear makes me blessed! Thank you for being a part of this community!

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Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

How to Encourage One Another

How to Encourage One Another

We recently started doing Secret Sisters at our congregation.  This is where we fill out a questionnaire paper with information about ourselves: eg. our favorite verse, hymn, color, etc.

We place it in an envelope and randomly pick a new envelope. The sister in the envelope is now the one we will be investing our hearts, prayers, minds, and little gifts of encouragement to for the next few months. After the holidays we will reveal who has who.
It made me start to think about what it actually means to encourage and how to be an encourager.
Below, we will go over the definition, what the bible says, and actions we can take to become an encourager.

The Definition

The google definition for Encourage: give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

When thinking about the definition, I want you to also ask yourself:

  • “What does the word encourage mean to me?”
  • “Have I seen this take action in front of me before?”
  • “Have I had someone encourage me?”
  • “How did that make me feel?”.

What does the bible say about encouraging?

The verses below I find to be the ultimate definition and example of encouragement. It gives purpose, examples, and specifics. Although these are definitely not all of the encouragement verses you can find in the bible, they are the ones you may think of first when talking about encouragement. I would love for you to share in the comment section, which verses in the bible spurs on your heart to encourage.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11

“And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.”
1 Thessalonians 5:14

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Hebrews 10:23-25

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Galatians 6:2

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:29

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”
1 Peter 4:8

“Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.”
Proverbs 12:25

What actions can I take to be an encourager?

Just Do.

Many times we are scared. Scared we are going to do or say the wrong thing.

But when we allow our encouragement to be from the Lord through us, it can reach deeper and build up stronger than anything we could do by ourselves.

So, I encourage you with the following suggestions on how to be an encourager, pray for God to guide you in your actions.


The best way we can encourage is through prayer.

The best time to pray is right then and there.

Pray for them, with them, and about them.  Pray that your words and actions will be lead to provide encouragement and strength to building them up.

When my youngest was born 3 months early and got VERY sick while in the NICU, we had someone who we didn’t even know, hear our story and want to come to visit our daughter and pray for us and her.

This moment is one that meant so much to our hearts and encouraging our spirit and strength.

When someone prays for me I can feel it. I may not be aware at the time who it is, but I feel encouraged. I thank God for the boost and whoever is praying for me.

Be There

Just your presence can give comfort. You don’t even have to say anything. Being able to provide a listening ear is in many ways a huge encouragement.   Many of us may think of Job and his friends who were with him in silence for 7 days.

Drop Off

Drop something off at their door.   It can be flowers, groceries, a card, handmade gift, coffee, soup, snack, a written prayer, truly anything that lets the person know you are thinking and praying for them.  This can speak volumes.


Smile, engage in eye contact, asking questions to sincerely get to know someone, and caring what their answers are.

I know for me, I struggle to make eye contact and staying engage because my eyes lean towards observing my children see if they need my guidance.

But when someone takes the time to have a conversation with us it makes us feel seen, interesting and can spur us to keep making strides.


God tells us to make music in our hearts. It can reach us in deep ways and connect us to Him in worship. Singing or listening to a hymn or prayer has the ability to encourage us again and again.

You could sing on a video for someone or send them their favorite song from YouTube through Facebook or E-mail. I thoroughly enjoy modern calligraphy and have written a couple phrases from someone’s favorite song and placed in a frame. If you aren’t in to writing you can simply type it on the computer and use a fun font. Place some pretty scrapbook paper behind it and you have an encouraging gift that they can look at over and over again.

We would love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments ideas you have on how to encourage one another.

Maybe you are thinking of something that was done for you that meant a lot or maybe something you choose to do to uplift others.

Thank you, for taking the time to stop by OneBlessedMomma and being a part of our community. You being here encourages us and we hope you find encouragement amongst one another.

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Meet Julia!

Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ.   She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Do Hard Things

Do Hard Things

Have you ever read the old testament accounts of the many times the children of Israel turned away from the One True God and started worshiping idols and false gods instead?

If you’re like me, this is so hard to understand after just reading the multitude of miraculous ways God has shown his provision for them. It’s pretty easy to think, “Wow, so glad I am not as short sighted as they were…” Until we remember that their story is a physical version of our spiritual lives.

I don’t know any christians who worship idols made of stone, wood or precious metals, and I have never met anyone who worshiped by sacrificing their childrens’ physical lives (Thankfully!). However, I have found myself guilty of worshiping idols that I create in my own life by prioritizing my time to those things. I also believe people figuratively sacrifice their children by the environments they put them in and the things they allow them to watch and listen to, but that’s a discussion for another day.

My Idols

The things in my life that I struggle with idolizing by giving a large part of my time to include, but are not limited to, perfection, production and comfort.

Comfort is something we all want, right? We like comfy clothes, comfy shoes, comfy chairs, comfy blankets. We even have our comfort foods! Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there is anything wrong with enjoying a bowl of mac-n-cheese while sitting braless in your favorite sweatshirt and yoga pants in your treasured corner of your worn but oh-so-comfortable sofa. BUT, when we make being comfortable a priority that we are willing to sacrifice our spiritual growth for, we have made it an idol.

Another way I idolize comfort is by not wanting to get out of my “comfort zone”. Recently I have been inspired by several great examples of people doing hard things that were certainly not in their comfort zones.


My first example is my mother-in-law. She recently went through a very hard and stressful move all while helping to care for her dad who’s health was failing. Watching her prioritize her parents over her own “comfort” by giving them all the time they needed and sacrificing her time to organize her move the way she wanted to. She truly showed how to honor your parents as an adult. Her dad passed away not long after she got moved into her new place and she handled all the emotions and hardships that losing a parent brings with so much grace! I know it wasn’t easy for her, but she leaned on the Lord and family to get through a really tough time. I’m so thankful for her example! 


My sons, Orren and Cole, both participated in 4-H this past year and showed animals in the county fair. My youngest son, Cole, is a little shy and really struggles with getting up in front of people. He also struggles with doing anything that he doesn’t think he will be perfect at (Yup! He’s definitely my son!). He has cried over one wrong letter in one word on a spelling test before. If he doesn’t think he will do well, he won’t even try. However, this year at the fair, he decided he would try showmanship with his goat. He had never done it. He had never even seen anyone do it, but he still got out there in the ring, in front of many, many people and he tried! He didn’t win any ribbons in showmanship but my heart couldn’t contain one more ounce of pride in my boy! He did something VERY hard for himself. He did a hard thing.


In contrast, my son Orren is extremely outgoing and willing to try just about anything. He puts his whole heart into his projects. Orren wanted to show a steer for his first year in 4-H. For any of you 4-Hers out there, you know that showing steers is hard. Especially with no experience in any animal showmanship. To top it off, the time he was supposed to be working with his steer, his daddy was dealing with serious health issues and I had a handful of surgeries that made it hard for either of us to help him. He watched YouTube videos and asked a lot of questions of people he knew had shown steers. He was out there almost every day working with Chester (his steer). Orren basically did everything on his own. After working super hard, Chester did not make weight at the fair which disqualified him from being sold at the big sale. Orren was very bummed but I watched my ten year old son take that disappointment and put it away. He still had to be at the fair all week and he still needed to show his steer in his weight class as well as showmanship.

Orren had never done showmanship at all but he had worked hard with his 900lb steer and went on to win fourth place overall in showmanship! That is a very impressive feat! He also won second place in his weight class. Another job well done.

As happy as I was that he had won a couple ribbons, I was more impressed that he had not let that disappointment overwhelm him. He had kept his head up and walked through the ring with confidence. Orren went on to secure a buyer for Chester and made a handsome profit. God is so good!

The lessons my boys learned while walking through their own individualized hard things are absolutely priceless!

My Journey

While watching all this family do hard things, I have been encouraged during a hard undertaking of my own. Through God’s grace and provision (Lots of provision!) I have been teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math at the private school my children attend. I have never taught math before and I never really considered myself a “math person”. This has absolutely been the most challenging thing I’ve ever taken on, but I’m doing it! I am so far outside my comfort zone I can’t even see it on the horizon anymore, but I have learned so many life lessons through walking out in faith.

God’s Call

God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow him. Where is he asking you to go? What is he asking you to do? Seek his will in all things. You will find your greatest fulfillment in serving his purpose for you.

Know what’s really cool? By denying ourselves comfort and seeking wholeheartedly after Jesus, we will find our greatest comfort of all. Peace.

“And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

Be ready, and willing, to say, “Anything. Anywhere, Anytime.” to the one who made you and knows what’s best.


Meet Mollie


Mollie is a lover of Jesus above all. She loves her husband and family and enjoys gardening, teaching, piano, riding, and farming. She lives in SW Colorado with her husband and five kids.

I am One Blessed Momma, are you?

I am One Blessed Momma, are you?

I am One Blessed Momma! Let’s break that down. What is a momma? It is an affectionate term for one’s mother. It implies affection, closeness, and respect. A woman caregiver of children. There are various ways we become mommas. Each way has some struggle and possibly some heartache, but is full of blessings.
What does it mean to be blessed? For me, this sentiment began with Psalm 127:3-5.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭127:3-5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

To be blessed is to be endowed with divine favor and protection. As we enter the fall months we will see thankful, grateful, blessed signs everywhere we go. You can’t avoid the gratitude attitude this time of year. I believe this is a good thing. When we talk about our blessings we are paying attention to them. Saying them out loud or writing them down connects them in our brain a little differently. If we are focused on the blessings the struggles have a way of fading in the background. They don’t go away, but our perspectives shift.

Blessed memories

If you are on Facebook, you are familiar with the memories that pop up. On this day 5 years ago… I find it fun to view these. Some things I even posted just so I could see them in a year or two or ten. On my 5th and 6th child’s 1st and 3rd birthday, #5 drew all over my bald baby girl’s head as well as himself. I was NOT a happy momma! BUT I knew I would laugh about it later, and each year when it comes back up I laugh a little harder.


#1 My 21-year-old has taken on the task of teaching K-1st graders Bible class. Knowing he is willing and seen as someone to ask is a huge blessing! #2 I spent quite a bit of time with my 18-year-old this past weekend. He’s the one who first made me momma and we spent lots of 1 on 1 time in the first 10 years of his life(before he had siblings living with us full time). As he becomes an adult with an adult job I have seen less of him. Having him tag along as I ran errands Friday and Saturday was a huge blessing.
#3 I have been blessed to have my 17-year-old share some deeper conversations with me. I am so grateful she is trusting me. I also was able to altar a dress for her to wear for homecoming. I am truly blessed. #4 My sweet 9-year-old has started getting all of us to get her each night for a bedtime story. The best part is his choice of reading material is the Bible. This has also encouraged the 7-year old to read with him.
#5 My 7-year-old has recently learned to ride his bike with no training wheels. The joy he has when he rides is contagious! It’s such a blessing to be able to watch my kids learn new things. #6 My 5-year-old says she has 2 love tanks. She certainly is a great hugger and makes so many feel special. Yesterday as we sat in worship during the prayer for communion, she starts talking. Before I can shhh her she says “mom, I just want to hug Jesus so bad.” Doesn’t that just melt your heart?

How are you One Blessed Momma?

I am One Blessed Momma! I would love if each person reading this would share in the comments below or on social media what makes you one blessed momma? Use #iamoneblessedmomma as you post the moments or happenings that remind you how blessed you are. I will send a One Blessed Momma shirt to the momma who shares the most this week by October 7, 2022 at 11:59 pm Eastern.

Why should you share?

  1. It changes your perspective for the better. If you are focused on your blessings, you find more joy in life. If you are more joyful, it is easier to build up your home.
    “The wisest of women builds her house…” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
  2. The more you call the blessings out, the more blessings you will see.
  3. Encourage others. Seeing how you feel blessed by your children may help others to SEE their own blessings. 
  4. If you share on Facebook, it will remind you next year of these sweet blessings. 
  5. If you use #iamoneblessedmomma to tag your moments and you share the most this week, I will send you a free One Blessed Momma shirt. 

I am Blessed!

I am looking forward to seeing how each of you are One Blessed Momma!

Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.

Blessings in the Unexpected

Blessings in the Unexpected

From the very beginning, motherhood has not been what I expected it to be. I wanted to have kids and be a mom and I thought I had this idea of what it would be like. Reality is nothing like that, but God has been good!

A quick overview of my motherhood journey

I unexpectedly got pregnant in the middle of the pandemic. A first time young mom, going to appointments all alone without my husband…but God provided a fabulous doctor that took great care of me and really listened to everything along the way.

My son’s birth didn’t go as I planned. Nothing happened the way I wanted it to…but God provided a safe and fast delivery, a healthy baby, and wonderful nurses to make that happen. I couldn’t breastfeed, even though I wanted to…but God provided me with friends and a mom who understood and supported my decision to stop. And then He continued His blessing with making the transition to formula easy for my baby, who began to grow and thrive right away.

I have PPD/A and need medication…but God provided a doctor who helped me figure out what to do and sat with me as I cried in her office. He provided modern medicine to help me handle daily life.

I didn’t realize what being a stay at home mom would truly be like…but God provided a supportive group of mom friends at church, a job that allows my husband to come home early on the really hard days, and a happy little boy who makes it all worth it.

I say all that to say…

Motherhood probably won’t go how we plan it, but we usually end up blessed by it.

Being a mom is such a beautiful thing. It grows you and challenges you every day. And now that my son is a toddler, I feel like I’m being challenged in new ways. I believe that’s how motherhood was intended to be – I think as moms, we will never stop learning and growing and being challenged, but that all makes up the mom that we are. It all makes us who we are as a person.

Without my motherhood journey, I wouldn’t be the mom, or Rheanna, that I am now. I learned to surrender my plans and go with the ones that were even better (even if it’s not what I wanted – which was so hard!). By letting go of what I thought I wanted and taking the chance on what was in front of me, I was given everything I needed.

I still have a hard time of not worrying and I try to control things a lot. When I do that, I end up stressed and burnt out. My son is really stretching me in that area…God knew I needed him. He’s such a spunky, independent little guy. I have learned that he will march to the beat of his own drum, no matter what I plan.

Every day is something new with him. I am continually learning and seeing things in a new way through his eyes. I love that! It’s also another way I learn to let go of my own plans and find blessing in the unexpected.

I have tried planning activities or outings for him, and most of the time they go well. But then there are the few where he doesn’t react how I think and the plan I had goes away. I try to not hold on so hard to my own “picture perfect plan” and focus on my son’s joy in whatever he’s doing and however he’s doing it.

These days are precious, and if I try to make my plans happen, I lose out on valuable time. Not every day, every activity, every trip, will go as I expect it…but there is so much joy to be found in the way that it does go.

It’s a perfect day to them.

I’m by far no expert in this. I still want control and predictability, but I’m learning that motherhood cannot be described in that way. And that’s ok. Our babies don’t care about perfect plans, they just want to spend time with their perfect person – mom.

At the end of the day, no matter how it might have gone, I get sweet little bedtime cuddles and know that my son had the best day.


Rheanna is a homemaker with a speech therapist background.   She has the cute little boy in the photos above and shares all of her ideas on how she continues his growth and development on her website: & her Instagram: @alittle.and.alatte.

Thanks, Rheanna for stopping by and sharing your insights with us!

One Blessed Mommas