Enjoy the little things
Maybe it’s a first world problem, it almost definitely is. We have so many distractions. So many things that don’t matter in the long run. However, we spend our days and nights worrying about those things. How can we simplify and get back to the basics of little things?
1. Be Intentional
It is so easy to go through life thinking about the next thing.
We’ve gotta get here…
We gotta do this…
How are we gonna pay for…
What opportunities can we give our children?
I spent the first four years of my oldest son’s life working in a bakery. I call these years my zombie years. There is not much I remember about those years other than being tired. In 2008, just days before my son’s 4th birthday, the bakery I was working in burned down. My boss decided not to rebuild, so this meant my life was changing. The question I had to answer was how?
I found ways to work from home so I could spend more time with my son. I was living in a house, and had been for the previous 2.5 years, with 4 apple trees, a plum tree, and a lilac bush in the yard. The fragrances and beauty of the blooms were so obvious to me now. I hadn’t noticed them before. I had to walk directly under the plum tree every time I walked into the yard, yet I had never noticed them in the previous two springs/summers.
This was confirmation in my head that I had done the right thing. I had made being more present in the little things (which add up to the big things) a priority.
Be intentional, look for the little things God puts in your life. Is it the spontaneous grin from your child? Maybe it’s catching a rabbit hopping across the yard? Witnessing a hug between two children that are usually fighting? Look for these little things.

A silly grin from this kid always brightens my day.

A beautiful sunset painted by God in a picture captured by my firstborn.

They were pretending to be musk ox huddled together to stay warm, all agreeing on something is a win!

A silly selfie with my littles.

She brought her “daughter” to church with her and sat with her arm wrapped around her and sang like a momma.

The moon rising, another beautiful painting by God.
2. Acknowledge the little things
I find myself glossing over these little things. Don’t be like me. Tell your kids wen you find joy in them. Praise them for the kind things they do. Snap a picture with that phone in your pocket (or in your hands). I have started snapping pictures so in those moments when I’m “done” I can bring the pictures up and be reminded of the hope and joy I have.

This is a picture from “one of those days”. I had to capture this moment of them getting along, after a day of arguing and fighting over everything.
3. Thank God in the moment
We are told to pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 takes it a step further and tells us to rejoice and be thankful in those prayers.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
When you see the little things, take time right then to thank God for blessing you with that little bit of joy. If you find it difficult to see the little things, or joy, ask God to help you. I know through prayer and intentionality you will notice more and you will find more enjoyment. (I’m talking to myself here too!)
It is far too easy to allow the distractions of this world to get in the way of our joy. Be intentional, look for those little things. Acknowledge the little things, pause and make sure you really pay attention. Snap a picture. say it out loud. Give praise to God for the little things and if you can’t see the joy in the little things, go to our loving Heavenly Father in prayer I know he will meet you where you are.

Meet Melinda!
Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.