Look Up, Not Around
Look up…
Are you one of those people who can’t help but smile whenever Facebook or Google sends you a memory from your past? I do. It’s usually a post with pictures, but occasionally it’s a detailed experience from my life. This week, a memory popped up of a scenario that I had with my two daughters in 2014. The memory from my past reminded me to-look up, not around.
Memory Lane
It popped up on my phone as I was listening to my 12 year old have an emotional meltdown. This was a pre-teen meltdown in which I have been warned about from other parents. My 12 year old was feeling EVERY. SINGLE. emotion possible. I couldn’t even distinguish the correct way to respond to her. It was (according to her) “the worst day of her life!” I just kept looking at the time on my phone thinking- oh my goodness, is this roller coaster of feelings ever going to end? Should I be contemplating boarding school? Have I failed her as a mother? Fortunately, out of the blue, a memory popped up.

Why Me?
The memory took place in November, eight years ago. My girls and I were driving home from the E.N.T (Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist). I was feeling sorry for myself and angry with God. My husband and I already went through a long and difficult journey to even be able to become parents- but now our girls who were then 4yrs old and 2yrs old were keeping me up all night with horrible ear infections- BOTH of them. I was looking around thinking ‘why me’, ‘why my girls’? I was feeling EVERY. SINGLE. emotion. Right then, my 4yr old who was looking up outside the car window, interrupted my thoughts and asked me- “Mom, are we still on erff (Earth)?”…….”Are we ever going to leave erff?”
The Lord’s Provision
This was the moment my 4 year old daughter reminded me to stop looking around, but to look up. I prayed that night and I felt at peace. I knew my girls were in God’s hands and I wasn’t alone. Within the next few weeks, the Holy Father blessed our family with doctors who could end our daughter’s pain, relieve my stress, and take away my sleepless nights.

It Will Be Ok
After reading this memory. I looked over at my 12yr old daughter who was still consumed by her emotions. I sighed and thought about her being 4 yrs old and saying ‘errf’ instead of Earth. I reflected how it felt when I was drowning with fear, stress, sadness, self doubt, and anger. I then placed my phone on top of her dresser and sat down beside her while tears continued to stream down her face. I then disrupted her thoughts of ‘why me?’ and I said, “you need to look up- not around you’’.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding.

Meet Melissa!
Hi! I was born and raised in Southwest Colorado. I married my high school sweetheart in 2007. My husband and I are blessed with two amazing daughters who are now 10 and 12.
We love to go camping, 4-wheeling, and boating together. I have always loved being around animals and children. They seem to always bring out the best in me-so it was no surprise that my path led me into teaching.
I am currently a 2nd grade teacher at Hope Community Christian Academy. I love working with the staff and families to provide a loving, Godly, and positive learning experience for kiddos. I especially love that I get to see my girls in the hallway and take part in their education.
Recently, I keep referring back to the verse Mathew 6:25-27
“….Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”
Maybe it’s my age, the stress of the holidays, being a mom, or having the responsibilities as a teacher-but the pressure to have it “all together” can be overwhelming. Thank goodness our Heavenly Father provides us the insight to his everlasting and abundant love for each of us.