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Recently I was blessed to go on a road trip with my youngest daughter. Just the two of us. For...

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Reset and Renew With God

Reset and Renew With God

Have you ever had a computer you were trying to accomplish work on and it was moving sooooo slow? Like it was having to crawl through thick mud? Or worse, it completely froze and won’t do anything? I’m sure if you’ve been around computers much you have experienced this. You know the answer to this problem is to reset the computer through a restart.

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Let’s Connect

Let’s Connect

In a world where we are constantly “connected” to everyone all the time, we are beginning to see...

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Almost 19 years ago I discovered a surprise I never wanted! It’s so hard to say I didn’t want what was coming, but it wasn’t in my plans. That wasn’t how it was supposed to happen! This was the end of everything that had been so good. Fortunately, God works all things together for good for those who love the Lord.

My life was finally going right. I loved my job, well at least the people I worked with. It was fun going to work. When I wasn’t at work I got to spend my time perfecting what I’ve always been most passionate about – baking. Not only was I learning how to bake at one of the best pastry schools in the country, but I got to do it alongside my fiancé every single day. We had only met 9 months prior, but I knew he was the perfect guy for me. Life was perfect!

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If there is any excellence

If there is any excellence

We’ve been focusing on one word from Philippians 4:8 each month since September of 2021. We only have one month left. Is there a scripture or topic that is weighing on your mind? If you have something you’d like to see us focus on, email Melinda at [email protected].

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.< br/>

Philippians 4:8

I’m gonna be honest, this month’s focus is incredibly difficult for me. Hence the reason it is posting so late. I am a perfectionist and struggle to see anything as excellent. I am currently trying to re-program my own brain and my parenting so that I can help my children see there is more to life than being perfect.

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Whatever is Honorable

Whatever is Honorable

I don’t know about you, but I struggle to keep my thoughts on these things: true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise things. Yet that is what God calls us to do through Paul’s letter to the Phillippians. I have discovered (over and over and over again) that if I’ll just do things God’s way, things turn out better. Paul shares in Romans that he struggles to always do what is right. We are not alone in this.

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree with the law, that it is good. So now it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.

Romans 5:17-20

God is a just God (more on that in November), he requires justice for our sins, the times we don’t do things his way. Fortunately, he is also a merciful God and sent His son to save us from ourselves. Jesus Christ was sacrificed to justify you and me. (justified = Just as If I’d never sinned)

Join me in focusing on “honorable” this month.

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How to reframe when plans fall through

How to reframe when plans fall through

How many times have you made plans only for them to fall through? How do you handle your plans falling apart?

James 4:13-15 encourages us to not take tomorrow for granted as tomorrow is not promised. Instead, we should say “if the Lord wills…”

We are currently on vacation. A vacation that has gone “wrong” at every turn. We started out leaving late from Pennsylvania and just before we made it to our first stop in North Carolina our car started overheating.

Because we left late, we missed dinner with friends. We had car problems which led to us being in North Carolina for three extra nights. Our poor friends were amazing hosts to unplanned guests, and there were 7 of us at that point.

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Hello, is anyone there?

Hello, is anyone there?

In a world where we are constantly “connected” to everyone all the time, we are beginning to see we aren’t really connected to very many of those people.

Where are the meaningful connections?

I love Sundays because they are full of connections for me. Yesterday I was blessed by a much needed connection with a fellow momma. Sometimes connecting with mommas of older children is just the wisdom and encouragement we need.

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Quality Time

Quality Time

There is a bad stigma around middle children - always ignored, never get any one:one time,...

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Meet Melinda!

Melinda is a Christian, a wife, and a mom of 6. She has a blended family. She's a recovering perfectionist who is far from perfect, but it makes her that much more grateful for God's grace and mercy in her life.


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