My Mother, Maker of the Home

My Mother.
She, to me is the epitome of what kind of mother I want to be to my children. She is patient, firm, understanding, kind, considerate, and knows the importance of quality time.
A great listener, gives sound and godly advice.
Also, she is honest, modest, makes healthy meals (without spending much money), and creates a comfortable and welcoming home while working in the home and outside the home at our family business while, always displaying what it looks like to put God first.
She loves Big, prays Big, and makes food Big. I believe it was because she loves Jesus Big
If I had to pick one character my mother possesses that I want to instill in to my motherhood it would probably be the feeling she provided for our home as a whole. Because of her love for Jesus it was a comforting, loving, welcoming, a safe haven, the obvious presence of God, encouraging, everything you would think it would be like being around Jesus.
When I asked my brothers’ “what characteristics stands out the most about our Mother”, they said hardworking, consistency in being present and being that calming voice. I love that all her children see the same thing in her, even though we all have different temperaments, she was the same.

We have so many great memories as kids and most of them are of the times we spent together as a family at home. The times my Mother stopped what she was doing to sit down beside me and play babies with me, draw pictures with me, or build a fort with me. When we would go on walks down our road, have picnics outside in our yard, or play ball. Our Mother took the time to invest in our relationship by being present and taking interest in our lives as we were little up to now, as adults.
Our birthday parties weren’t over the top or at the most poplar location but it was time spent with family and friends, a homemade cake big enough for all to have a slice. Activities weren’t chosen by joining all of the sports and local events but it was time spent with the church family.
Watching my Mother become a Grandmother to my two girls and hold them for the first time was the most
It was the day I knew they both would get to feel the love of a special woman who is such a blessing to her family and to
those around her.
I am so incredibly thankful for the role my Mother played in our family and the example she set for her children. I pray I
love Jesus BIG, like her so everything else can fall into its place and eventually set an example for my girls as well.
Phil. 1:3 “I thank my God everytime I remember you.”
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Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.