5 Ways to be One Blessed Momma
It’s Christmas week which means it’s almost the end of the year. This time of the year things slow down and it gives me the time to stop, pause, reflect, and make some changes where need be. I assess what I have started that I want to continue like my sourdough starter, this blog, and my devotional book with my husband. Then I think about what habits I have fallen into and want to change like staying up late because my daughter wakes up every 2-3 hours, not cleaning up the kitchen before going to bed, and wearing my PJ’s all day.
Come along with me as I assess 5 blessings and remind myself of where I can make changes to strive to be One Blessed Momma with the blessings God has given me.

1. Family
First, my CHILDREN are a blessing. One of which is currently squeezing my arm, snuggling up while I type this post. To have the opportunity to teach, mold, guide, and protect my girls is something I am very grateful for, and try not to take this responsibility lightly. Additionally, we have the grace to make mistakes and learn from them. This of which I am currently VERY thankful for. We are in the testing of limits, not believing anything Mom says, 4 going on 14 stages. I have to personally assess my triggers and what makes my frustration bubble because how I react will be how she reacts. She’s also only been on this earth for four years and I have been on it for 33. I should have a much better understanding and handle on what irks me.
“Being a parent reminds me that when I do react in a way I am not proud of I am the one who is the example of how to correct them and make the changes.”
Secondly, my HUSBAND. He has always been there by my side. He’s my support and strength. I am very blessed to have such a hard working husband who I can grow closer to the Lord with. With this blessing I strive to be a blessing by praying for my husband with his work and his daily choices. Things as simple as making him a lunch, getting him his favorite snacks, making him a treat when he gets home. Letting him know he is loved and appreciated for all his efforts.
Thirdly, my extended FAMILY. My grandmother, parents, in-laws, siblings and their spouses, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. These people have been through many of life’s adventures with me and I am thankful to go through life knowing they will always be there for me. As life gets busy I don’t always remember to send a video singing Happy Birthday or a quick Hello, but they know every time we talk that they are appreciated and loved.

2. Home
My messy HOME. Currently there are blankets and pillows on the floor from a fort, dishes on the table from lunch, and toys in the hallway from play time. One very wise woman would state this quote at our ladies bible study that states, “my house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy”. We are blessed to have so many toys that the question each year isn’t “do my children have enough toys” it’s “which ones can we donate and get rid of”. I am very blessed to have a roof over my head and have clothes to wear.
When trying to make my home a blessing for my family I start by trying to have a place for all of our “stuff”. Clutter is something that affects the way I function during the day. If my counters and floors are cluttered my mind struggles to focus and process information like it is also very cluttered. For myself, it is helpful to see open floors and clear tabletops. Please don’t finish reading this blog post thinking I always have open floor and tabletops because that is far from it, but it is something I want to be more consistent with.
When COVID is “over” I hope to have more get togethers and open our home up for get quality time with others. Building those relationships God calls us to have with one another.
3. Money
With our MONEY. When my husband and I first got married we did not budget, nor knew how to truly create a budget. 5 years into our marriage we joined a DAVE RAMSEY Financial Peace class in person. We are so thankful for this class because it helped us to get on the same page and to understand each other. If you had a class around you to attend I would definitely recommend it. If not, here’s the book he wrote: Total Money Makeover. Click on the link to view. It’s currently on sale too!
We still aren’t perfect with our budget but we will be trying to get back into good budgeting in January. I will attach the calendar we use to track our expenses, bills, grocery, activities, and meal planning.

This is an example of what my calendar will look like for January. This is not your typical Dave Ramsey Papers, but this is visual works for me. You can budget by week, bi-weekly, or monthly. Let me know in the comments if you will be joining me!

4. Health
Make HEALTHY choices with the food we eat and make. Along with healthy choices of what we feed our eyes and ears from the TV, News, and our Phone. One thing I have found very beneficial is when I leave my phone in the kitchen after a certain time at night. Or take the weekend off. If I find myself on an app too often I end up deleting it for a couple of weeks. More importantly, it’s making sure my spiritual health is on target. Man, do I need more growth in that. I like to think we all have room to grow especially when it comes to our relationship with Christ. When we settle and become stagnant is when we start to let our guards down and Satan quickly sneaks in, slow and consistent to make us comfortable with where we are and what we are doing. When we can take care of our minds, body, and spirit we can be in the best shape to worship God with all of our being and be a blessing to those around us.
5. Blessings
Use our BLESSINGS. My daughter loves to hear the story of the Good Samaritan. So we talk about helping others often. There are many struggling right now. This has been a rough year. This may be physically, mentally, emotionally or even all of the above. We need to make sure we are checking in on our friends and family and asking the hard/deep questions. Going a little above and beyond to let them know they are cared for. Melinda did just that and talks about how she helped my family when we were in need and we were forever grateful. Read about it here. Doing something for someone when they are so overwhelmed by life, can really leave a lasting impact and give someone that boost they need to keep going. Thanks Melinda!
Ultimately our greatest Blessing is God, creator over all. Who gave us Jesus, who was perfect in every way. Who left his safe, comfortable home in heaven to be a sacrifice for OUR sins.
A lot of people will stop and think about Jesus this time of the year. His miraculously birth, perfect life, tragic death and triumphant arise. May we all take a moment to reflect of his life, share His goodness, love and message to all around us. I pray you get to have cherished time with those you love and make the most of every opportunity for those who may be searching for something bigger in this life.
May God Bless you all! Merry Christmas.
Thanks for stopping by, One Blessed Momma.
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January 2021 Blank Calendar

Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.