The Best Ways to Ask your Child Questions about School
It is the first month of school and when you’re children come home you just want to connect with them and see how their day is, but the only response you get is, “I don’t know”.
They just spent 6ish hours away from home with a lot of new information thrown at them. Their brains are probably needing time to process everything they did that day.
They need time to decompress and process everything that happened. Also, it is hard to go back all the way to the start of the day and remember everything that happened. So, the best way to help your child share about their day is to ask specific questions to open up the conversation and possibly help them remember other things about their day they want to share.
If you need some ideas, feel free to use some of the ones below:

Who did you sit with on the bus?
Who did you sit by at lunch?
Who did you play with at recess?
What book did your teacher read today?
What was something funny that happened today?
What was the best part about today?
What did you do in PE, Music, Art, Library today?
Did you bring home any books?
Did people listen to your words?
Was everyone safe today?
Did you use crayons or markers today?
What was the hardest part about today?
Did you like your lunch?
Did you drink your water?

There are a couple of ways to help your child adjust to being home and connecting with you about their day. A few ways are with snacks, activities or going outside.
Do it over a yummy snack, something nutritious and fun, or a fun drink.
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Choose a fun craft, activity or game. You could play a board game, card game, do play dough, color or make dinner together. After getting in to a groove, making connections, laughing and having fun then you can ask some questions about their day.
While connecting outside. More than likely they’ve been inside learning and they need to take a moment outside and reconnect or let out some pent up energy or emotions. It’s great to do an activity together like passing a ball back and forth, encouraging them and asking a question here or there.
Do you have any ideas that have worked for you in your home? Please share in the comments below!
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Meet Julia!
Julia is a wife to her high-school sweetheart, a mother to two beautiful girls and a follower of Christ. She loves crafting, teaching and is forever grateful for a God who is in control of all unknowns and thankful we can have a peace that surpasses all understanding.